These 75 Chemistry Pick Up Lines Will Definitely Spark a Reaction

Starting a conversation with your crush can feel like you’re trying to mix up the perfect chemical formula—there are countless ways to do it, but one wrong move can result in a disaster. One common approach is to use a funny pick up line, which, though often cheesy, can be a great way to show off your playful nature and get a few laughs. And chemistry pick up lines, in particular, have the ability to show off quite a bit of rizz.

The right pick up line can not only break the ice and show that you have a sense of humor, but it can also make your crush feel at ease in an organic way. The trick is to avoid lines that are too bold or that can make a situation awkward. Instead, you should aim for something that’s cute and makes your feelings clear to someone without overwhelming them.

So, to do that, why not embrace a cute, science-inspired rizz line? Chemistry is all about creating reactions and forging connections, after all, so it makes perfect sense to apply that same method (or element) to your dating life. Using a clever chemistry-themed phrase is a fantastic way to blend creativity and flirtation, while capturing your crush’s attention. Even if you’re not a science enthusiast, don’t let that stop you from using a periodic table line on someone you’re interested in getting to know more or someone you’re already in a relationship with.

If you’re not sure which chemistry pick up line will spark the best reaction, don’t worry—we’ve enlisted 75 that are sure to get a great response. From bold and daring, to clever and delightfully silly, you’ll be sure to find one that matches your style and helps you make a memorable impression. So go ahead, experiment with these lines and watch the chemistry unfold!

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Best Chemistry Pick Up Lines

1. “Are you made of neon? Because you’re glowing with beauty!”

2. “My name? It's Bond. Covalent Bond.”

3. “I must be a transition metal, because I’m feeling a strong bond with you.”

4. “Scientists recently discovered a rare new element called Beautium and it looks like you’re made out of it.”

5. “Hey, I’ve got my ion you!”

6. “You must be a compound of barium and beryllium, because you’re a total BaBe.”

7. “Excuse me, have you lost an electron? Because you are positively attractive!”

8. “Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you.”

9. “Forget hydrogen, you’re my number one element.”

10. “Even the Kelvin scale couldn’t measure how hot you are.”

11. “How about we go back to my place and form a covalent bond?”

12. “Are you a rare earth metal? Because you’re the only one I’m attracted to.”

13. “Are you magnesium? Because you’re the element of my dreams.”

14. “Is your symbol Au? Because you’re a real treasure!"

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Periodic Table Chemistry Pick Up Lines

15. “Do you have a periodic table? Because I’d like to know how you’re elementally perfect.”

16. “If you were an element, you’d be francium because you’re the most attractive.”

17. “You must be made of beryllium, gold and titanium because you’re BeAuTi-ful.”

18. “Are you a compound of magnesium and oxygen? Because you’re making me feel so ‘MgO’ (magical)!”

19. “Do you have 11 protons? Cause you’re sodium fine.”

20. “I wish I was adenine so I could get paired with U.”

21. “Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you’re CuTe.”

22. “Are you made of carbon? Because it feels like my world revolves around you.”

23. “Do you know what’s in my periodic table? You, me, and a lot of chemistry.”

24. “Are you barium? Because you’re making me feel so light.”

25. “My favorite element is uranium because I love U.”

26. “Are you a noble gas? Because you’re making me feel all helium.”

27. “Are you a halogen? Because you’re electrifying.”

28. “Are you gold? Because you’re Au-some!”

29. “Are you lithium? Because you make me feel like a positive charge.”

30. “Is your name Rhodium? Because you make my heart race.”

31. “You must be an element from group 18, because you’re too noble to be true.”

32. “Are you made of copper? Because I can Cu in a relationship with me.”

33. “Are you made of uranium and iodine? Because all I can see is U and I together.”

34. “You are the HCl to my NaOH. With our sweet love, we could make an ocean together.”

35. “My heart is made of gallium. It melts when you’re close to me.”

36. “You’re made of oxygen and neon, right? Because you’re definitely the ONe.”


37. “Are you a radon? Because you’ve got me feeling all ‘radioactive’ and excited.”

38. “If you were an element, you’d be neodymium because you’re rare and attractive!”

39. “Are you an element from the periodic table? Because you’ve got all the right properties to make my heart react.”

40. “Are you a compound of iron and sulfur? Because you’re Fe-S-tive!”

41. “Are you magnesium? Because you’re making me feel all ‘Mg-nificent’!”

42. “Are you a periodic table? Because I’m trying to get my elements right by asking you out."

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Chemical Reaction Pick Up Lines

43. “You must be a chemical reaction, because my heart is exploding with joy.”

44. “You’re like an exothermic reaction: You spread hotness everywhere.”

45. “I think we have great chemistry, like hydrogen and oxygen in H2O.”


46. “Are you the acid to my litmus paper? Because every time I meet you I turn bright red.”

47. “Hey, want to swap oxidation numbers?”

48. “You’re so hot you would make a nuclear reactor melt down.”

49. “Do you have any fluorine in you? Because you’re electrifying!”

50. “I must be magnesium and you must be oxygen, because I light up when I’m with you.”

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Atomic and Molecular Chemistry Pick Up Lines

51. “If I were a molecule, I’d be water, because you’re making my heart flow.”

52. “I wish your name was Avogadro because then I would already know your number.”

53. “Are you an anion? Because I’m positive we’re meant to be together.”

54. “You’re a pretty perfect arrangement of atoms.”

55. “I’m so strongly attracted to you that scientists will have to discover a fifth fundamental force.”


56. “We must have an ionic bond, because it’s difficult to break.”

57. “Are you a carbon-based molecule? Because you’re the basis of all my dreams.”

58. “Are you a triple bond? Because you look like alkynes of fun.”

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Funny Chemistry Pick Up Lines

59. “Do you have any sodium? Because I feel NaNaNaNaNa.”

60. “Are you made of fluorine, iodine and neon? Because you’re F-I-Ne.”

61. “Are you made of nitrogen? Because you make me feel all ‘N’credible!”

62. “If you were a molecule, you’d be caffeine because you’re keeping me energized.”

63. “Are you a valence electron? Because you make my bond feel complete.”


64. “Do you have a pH of 14? Because you’re making me feel all basic.”

65. “Are you a solution? Because I can’t stop dissolving into your eyes.”

66. “Are you made of lead? Because you’re making my heart weigh a ton.”

67. “Are you into science? Because I LAB you!”

68. “If we were elements, we’d be a perfect compound—always bonding together!”

69. “You’re hotter than sulfuric acid and sugar, and you smell twice as sweet.”

70. “I might be a chemistry major, but I’d never Bohr you.”

71. “Are you an isotope? Because you’re just my type!”

72. “Are you made of bromine? Because you’re the missing element in my life.”

73. “Do you have a PhD in chemistry? Because you’re making my heart ‘react’ in all the right ways.”

74. “Do you have any platinum in you? Because you’re absolutely priceless!”

75. “Are you made of potassium? Because you’re K-razy cute!”

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