60 People Who Woke Up One Morning Last Month And Promptly Destroyed Their Entire Lives
1.The person whose kids know the world is their canvas:
2.The person whose phone no longer belongs to them:
3.The person who might just want to call it today:
4.The person who learned a valuable lesson about electronics and karting:
5.The person whose desk decided to desk no more:
6.The person who is being haunted by some sort of corn ghost:
7.The person whose potluck will now be taking place inside their Nissan Altima:
8.The person who watched their car sail away:
9.The person who woke up to THIS inside their garbage can:
10.The person whose candle went absolutely nuclear:
11.The person who will never be careless with those burners again:
12.The person whose dinner is looking absolutely scrumptious:
13.The person who will picking up quinoa until the cows come home:
14.The person who let their car take a quick little dip:
15.The person whose coworker wrote a message to them in Simlish:
16.The person who banished their chicken to the seventh circle of hell:
17.The person who loves their children very much, I'm sure:
18.The person who learned a valuable lesson about cleanliness that day:
19.The person who might want to throw their laptop in some rice:
20.The person who will be secreting mayo out of every pore:
21.The person who just came up with a very unique pizza giveaway:
22.The person who had the unthinkable happen to them:
23.The person whose car got a fresh new coat of paint:
24.The person who got a nice mid-day pick me up from an avian friend:
25.The person who was kind enough to share their chicken with a fly:
26.The person who might want to watch their sodium intake:
27.The person who goes to the gym with some real animals:
28.The person who will never wear white on a date again:
29.The person who is going to cause a nationwide Skittle shortage:
30.The person who let the Sasquatch borrow their heels:
31.The person who will always remember the time they got this sunburn:
32.The person who just met their new roommates:
33.The person who added a very delicious, controversial spice to their dinner:
34.The person who oil companies absolutely love:
35.The person who got the pleasure of looking at this dude's big ol' noggin the entire show:
36.The person who was kind enough to provide a bat with some shelter:
37.The person who just scored a free pair of pliers:
38.The person who got a little prize at the bottom of their beverage:
39.The person who learned a valuable lesson about q-tips today:
40.The person who loves their roommate like a brother, I'm sure:
41.The person who found out a really interesting fact about their body:
42.The person who isn't going anywhere anytime soon:
43.The person who took a shortcut to the living room:
44.The person who made pillow soup in their washer:
45.The person with the spiciest boot in all of the land:
46.The person who ran head on into a pack of lettuce:
47.The person whose basement looks like a picture straight out of that one scene in Titanic:
48.The person whose nephew might just have a future in this art thing:
49.The person whose DVD collection just got a whole lot saucier:
50.The person whose landlord really, REALLY does not care at all:
51.The person who experienced the classic ham-salad switcheroo:
52.The person who got a little extra surprise in their pastry:
53.The person who got a little extra crunch in their jerky:
54.The person who will be forever trapped by a kitchen utensil:
55.The person who is going to have a long, hard convo with their neighbor Robin Hood:
56.The person who was so close, yet so far:
57.The person who was kind enough to share their toothbrush with a friendly little guy:
58.The person who had a bona fide cheesecake tragedy happen to them:
59.The person whose headphones are nice and moisturized:
60.And this fly: