13 Hilarious Internet Fails From Last Week That'll Make You Laugh So Hard You Can Consider It A Workout

Well, well, well. What have we here, another week? Honestly, how dare time continue to pass when I haven't even accepted that it's already December yet? Rude. At least we have these 13 hilarious fails from last week to keep us laughing through it:

1. What if I don't want to, though?

Twitter: @nickhexum311

2. Group projects should be illegal.

Twitter: @Hughierowlan_


3. Please. I just need to print a document.

Twitter: @voluntary_ben

4. This is the Tootsie Pop owl, but for ZzzQuil.

Twitter: @Tbone7219

5. Enchiladas are honestly a true gift.

Twitter: @HenpeckedHal


6. May the best antihistamine win.

Twitter: @the_tweedy

7. He should have been impeached for this monstrosity.

Twitter: @ChekhovsGnu


8. You know what? I get it.

Twitter: @LizerReal

9. It'll have to be dangled from the ceiling, I think.

Twitter: @tokyosunbather


10. At least Groucho would have loved this.

Twitter: @redsofahead

11. Time to hop into your get-along basket.

Twitter: @me_im_chloe

12. But who corrects the autocorrect?

Twitter: @SupaCLUCK

13. And finally, just hand over the money, machine. No questions.

Twitter: @pagan_hoetry

If you enjoyed these laughs, go follow the creators! And for more fails, check out our most recent posts:

15 Hilarious Internet Fails From Last Week That Made Me Laugh So Hard I Cried A Little Bit

These 18 Dangerously Hilarious Internet Fails Made Me Laugh So Hard My Side Literally Split

These 19 Internet Fails From Last Week Made Me Laugh So Hard I Shed A Single, Solitary Tear