6. Clear Away Clutter

Disorganised heaps of paper in your office space or on the kitchen counter can make you anxious.

For some, “clutter is a reminder of things that should be getting done but aren’t,” says Elaine Aron, PhD, psychologist and author of The Highly Sensitive Person (from US$10.93; amazon.com). “It can make you feel like a failure.” For a quick fix, straighten up a few surfaces in your office or in the areas of the house where you spend the most time. “It’s when every bit of space is messy that it’s most disturbing,” says Aron. Don’t bother to organise unless you have a chunk of time. Instead, arrange papers, books, and other detritus of daily living in neat piles or store them in baskets. “Just the illusion of order is enough to ease the mind,” she says.

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