48 Absolutely Fascinating Photos Of Injuries, Conditions, And Disorders That Prove Humans Are Freaking Metal

1.This is how wrinkled your fingers can get in the bath.

Close-up of a wrinkled hand, possibly pruney from water exposure, against a background with indiscernible objects
u/neeto85 / Via reddit.com

2.Did you know you can just cut off a tattoo rather than getting it laser removed? I mean, I wouldn't do it, but this person felt it was cheaper and easier.

Close-up of an ear with a bandage showing a heart design and a small, healed wound nearby
u/neontacos / Via reddit.com

3.Ever wondered what an MRI of someone talking looks like? Now you know!

MRI scan showing a side view of a human head and throat, demonstrating the movement of the tongue and throat during swallowing
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

4.People with hyperdontia have extra teeth — often in the roof of their mouth.

Close-up of an open mouth with braces and a bite plate, showing detailed dental work and orthodontic devices
u/mindputtee / Via reddit.com

5.You can also have a bone mass on the roof of your mouth.

Open mouth showing teeth, tongue, and uvula, with a close-up view of the throat
u/galactica216 / Via reddit.com

6.This is what it looks like when blood pools in your eye.

Close-up of an eye with a visible broken blood vessel in the sclera

Called hyphema, this usually happens when an injury causes a tear in an eye's iris or pupil.

u/enigmaurora / Via reddit.com

7.Similarly, here's how an eye stung by a wasp looks!

Close-up of a human eye with a red-colored eye condition affecting the white part of the eye
u/sydnee_horsealot / Via reddit.com

8.The way our bodies can adapt and heal is incredible to me. Here's a healed skin graft.

A close-up of a forearm with a large, textured scar resembling fish scales
u/iamNebula / Via reddit.com

9.You can also graft gum tissue!

Close-up of a mouth showing blue stitches on the lower gum after dental surgery
u/mrpooney / Via reddit.com

10.Here's another photo that demonstrates how well the body can heal — this is after ten weeks of recovery from tendon reconstructive surgery.

Side-by-side comparison of a hand before and after cleaning, showing a dramatic improvement in cleanliness
u/azambella11 / Via reddit.com

11.Conjoined fingers have always been fascinating to me.

An open hand with fingers spread on a table, showing the palm. The person is wearing a long-sleeved garment
u/TheBluntRapper / Via reddit.com

12.They're even cooler when they're only partially conjoined.

Person's hand open on a desk next to a lined notebook and a pair of headphones
u/NTOOOO / Via reddit.com

13.You've probably heard that pneumonia means you get fluid in your lungs. Ever wonder what that fluid looks like? Here it is after being drained.

Medical drainage container and test tube on a wooden table near window blinds
u/SniffMyCoke / Via reddit.com

14.Turns out you don't need to go to a body museum or med school to see the cross-section of a finger!

A close-up of a hand holding a slice of cucumber, showing its seeds and texture
u/theflava / Via reddit.com

15.Don't try this at home, kids.

Close-up of a hand with a cluster of small, raised growths on the palm
u/khaotickk / Via reddit.com

16.This makes me uncomfy!!!

Close-up of a person's bent knee with visible hair. Background shows part of another person standing
u/Leaf_on_thewind / Via reddit.com

17.I don't even know what's going on here, but it's fascinating.

Hand resting on papers with a calculator nearby
u/OstrichBakedGhoul / Via reddit.com

18.I don't know what's going on here, either, but I can't look away.

Close-up of a person's foot with a large bunion on the big toe, showing the natural curve and skin texture in a home setting
u/Clobbering77 / Via reddit.com

19.I have this!!! I basically get zombie fingers when I'm cold.

Close-up of a hand showing one finger significantly paler than the others, possibly indicating poor circulation or a medical condition
u/ScrewGravity42 / Via reddit.com

20.Ever wondered what frostbite looks like?

Person with large blisters on two fingers, resting their hand on their lap while seated
u/roberttadina / Via reddit.com

21.A three-second exposure to liquid propane looks similar.

Hand with an unusually swollen, translucent area possibly caused by a burn, in a kitchen setting
u/xben_german / Via reddit.com

22.Here's what it looks like on an X-Ray to be wildly, wildly constipated.

Medical scan image showing abdominal cross-section with visible internal organs and structures
u/Pulvercity / Via reddit.com

23.Your body does a really good job at naturally working stuff out of your skin...but it also means things can get lost in there for a bit.

A person's hand with a splinter embedded near the base of the fingers
u/jemlau / Via reddit.com

24.Your body can even push out bullets over time.

A discolored, broken tooth resting on a person's palm, showing signs of damage or decay
u/Legendary331 / Via reddit.com

25.If you've had an ingrown toenail, you know it can be a massive pain. But hopefully, you haven't had to deal with the Forbidden Chopsticks.

Toe undergoing medical procedure with wooden skewers and bandage; a person in medical attire assists
u/Clayman2198 / Via reddit.com

26.TIL the iris can essentially come out of your eye during surgery or due to injury!

Close-up of a human eye with a small insect trapped on the lower eyelid
u/youngnews / Via reddit.com

27.Here's how swollen your uvula can get.

Close-up of a person with their mouth open wide, showing teeth and tongue
u/Gar1986 / Via reddit.com

28.I bet you've never had a case of strep THIS bad.

Close-up of a throat showing inflamed tonsils and white patches, potentially indicating an infection
u/TSFunk / Via reddit.com

29.Of course, if your tonsils are too big or swell too often, you can get them removed. Here's how big this person's were.

Hand holding a medical specimen jar containing two tissue samples, viewed from below against a ceiling background
u/Cslamford / Via reddit.com

30.The recovery is pretty gnarly, though. They scab up, and you have to wait for them to fall off while your whole throat gets swollen.

Close-up of an inflamed throat showing swollen tonsils with white patches, indicating a possible infection
u/marqoqo / Via reddit.com

31.And they can actually later grow back.

Close-up image of a human throat, showing details of the tonsils and surrounding area
u/nykkalynn / Via reddit.com

32.At least you're free of tonsil stones until they do, though!

A small grape-like object resting on a person's palm outdoors
u/Taddles / Via reddit.com

33.Some people are born missing a finger.

A hand resting on a textured fabric surface, showing relaxed fingers and natural nails
u/fm369 / Via reddit.com

34.And some people have an extra one!

A close-up of a left hand with blurred background showing part of a wooden desk and a person's leg
u/Storiedmuffin76 / Via reddit.com

35.These extras are usually fully functional, by the way.

hand with six fingers, crossing two
u/Dlatrex / Via reddit.com

36.Some people have their full five fingers but no thumb.

A person's hand resting on a wooden surface, showing details of fingers and skin texture
u/netperiod / Via reddit.com

37.And some people have extra long fingers.

A hand giving a thumbs-up gesture against a plain background
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

38.Or fingers with strange joints.

Hand with a hyperextended thumb pressing against a dark surface
u/TheEpikUpvoter / Via reddit.com

39.Or extra-big fingers.

A hand with an enlarged finger rests on a table, partially covering printed medical information about type 2 diabetes
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

40.Snake bites are no joke, y'all.

Close-up of two injured fingers with visible bruises and damage. A TV is on in the background, and the person appears to be resting on a bed
u/Mc580x / Via reddit.com

41.Or horsefly bites, apparently.

A person standing in a kitchen holds their forearm up, revealing a round suction-cup-like object
u/smiley_culture / Via reddit.com

42.It's still so wild to me that we put actual SCREWS in people's bodies.

X-ray image of a spine showing metal screws and rods used for stabilization
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

43.Don't get caustic soda in your eye, kids.

Close-up of an eye with a cloudy, opaque cornea indicating a severe eye condition or infection
u/Photek89 / Via reddit.com

44.Modern medicine is wild. This person has a graft placed in their EYE to help it drain fluid that's stuck due to scarring.

Extreme close-up of an eye, showing eyelashes and part of the sclera
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

45.Did you know it's possible for your retina to detach?

Close-up of an eye with an inverted eyelid, showing visible blood vessels and inner eyelid
u/cloudsbyname / Via reddit.com

46.If you're someone who spends a lot of time in the sun, be careful. You might end up with a pterygium.

Close-up of a human eye showing detail of the iris and sclera, with visible veins and texture
u/breeogie / Via reddit.com

47.Ever seen webbed hands before?

Two hands with splayed fingers are placed on a wooden surface, seen from above
u/VincePwnsNubs / Via reddit.com

48.And finally, if you stabbed yourself with a pencil back in elementary school and still see a mark on your hand...yes, there's probably still graphite in your body.

A hand on a dark surface with green light shining on the tip of one finger, highlighting the shape
u/TheBromaro / Via reddit.com

H/T: r/WTF