I Might Be A Bad Person For Laughing At These 47 Hilariously Unfortunate Photos...So Please Make Me Feel Better By Laughing At Them Too
Hannah Marder
·5-min read
1.I'm going to hell for laughing at this.
Health fair with informational booth for Alzheimer's with no one at it captioned "Guess who forgot to show up for the health show?!"
2.I'd feel bad for laughing at this, too, but the dog doesn't even look upset.
cat playing with a dog's testicles
3.It's always good to be prepared for anything.
Calendar page showing "Dad's funeral, 9am Resurrection" handwritten on the 24th captioned "My Grandpa's funeral is tomorrow and this is my parent's calendar. Resurrection is the name of the church"
4.Not Big Bird!!! MY SHAYLA!!!
Grocery store shelf with several rotisserie chickens under a sign labeled "Big Bird" priced at $7.99 captioned "sad day on sesame street"
5.Listen, if I were dying, I'd want my daughter to find some kind of humor in it, too.
Hospital equipment with the text: "What should I unplug to charge my phone?" Caption explains a friend is looking after her dying mother and still has a sense of humor about it
6.Looks like someone at the arts and crafts store has my sense of humor.
Two wooden artist mannequins stand over another lying partly in a box, resembling a funeral, captioned "Someone at the arts and crafts store has a warped sense of humor"
7.I relate, vending machine. I relate.
Sign on a vending machine reads: "The light inside has broken but I still work," reflecting in the glass
8.This server just called it like it was.
Two cups, with one labeled: "Coke Zero - Have a great day! You are beautiful, worthy, & loved!" and the other labeled: "Coke - Have a great day!" Caption:" Our waitress left kind messages on our drinks. I feel like mine's missing something"
9.Maybe he understands it perfectly!
Child sitting at a desk wearing a shirt that says "I just don't give a fuck," captioned "My brother teaches English in Vietnam. I don't think this young student or his parents understood what his T-shirt meant"
10.Uh...maybe just stick with the beef with broccoli. Better yet, a vegetarian option.
Restaurant menu featuring various pork, chicken, and vegetarian dishes. Notably includes “Human Pork” listed accidentally. Caption: "Found this while ordering Chinese takeout online. Should I be worried?"
11.Midnight snacks are a serious, dangerous business. He knew the risks.
A person lying facedown on a kitchen floor, surrounded by a cake plate and food mess, captioned, "My brother decided to sneak some cheesecake late last night. I heard a crash and came out to this"
12.Uh...yeah, totally! Her painting is terrible!
poorly painted birdhouse captioned "When you work on painting a birdhouse as a 36M with your 5-year-old and your wife says we need to work on her painting (referring to the part you painted)..."
13.Taking a photo of your sibling's misfortune before helping them is perfectly acceptable sibling behavior, and I will not feel bad for laughing at it.
Person's leg dangling from a hole in the ceiling captioned, "My brother and I were cleaning out the attic. I heard an 'OH SH*T!!!' following a loud crash and saw THIS above me. I chose to take a photo before asking questions"
14.Someone probablyyyy should've double-checked this billboard placement.
Billboard for diapers featuring a baby next to a billboard for the Hitman movie featuring a man with a gun that makes it look like the man is shooting the baby
15.I can so easily picture this as a sitcom scene.
Broken glass and burned matchstick on a floor captioned with story about trying to light a candle while on the toilet but dropping the match and knocking over the candle, setting their underwear on fire
16.This made me crack up...and then quickly sober up when I realized mine is about the same.
Net worth estimate of $583.61 captioned "good to know, I guess"
17.I sure hope that's what they meant!
Sign for MetCenter Disc Golf Course; mentions it's for tenant use only and warns "trespassers will be violated." Caption: "I'm assuming they meant 'prosecuted'"
18.Sometimes, you just have to laugh. And if this person can laugh at their situation, I certainly can.
Person about to have their leg amputated who wrote on the leg: "Not this leg! For proper leg pressure and fractures, the right..." Also, a T-shirt covering the other leg reading, "I found this humerus"
19.Sorry about your prostate and all, but this is objectively hilarious.
Sticker with a cat image and text reading "I was brave!" captioned "So I had my prostate examined (by a doctor) and at the end of the appointment he hands me this. (I am 31 years old)"
20.This is a diabolical prank cooked up by an evil genius...I love it.
Fake skeleton bones arranged on gravel inside a wooden-bordered square area captioned, "I laid a concrete foundation for a shed today and left a surprise for any future homeowners who decide to tear it up"
21.Same with this prank.
A mannequin head peeks from a floor hatch in a closet. The caption reads: "I'm moving out of my house. I left something in the crawlspace for when the new residents start to snoop"
22.This is a horrifying thought. And yet...also hilarious?
Cat resting its head on a woman's butt captioned, "Our cat fell asleep like this. I wonder what would happen if my girlfriend farted"
23.I'm sorry, but slipping and falling is almost always funny. Sue me!
Person slips and falls in the snow
24.I'd keep up this ruse and find some way to surprise this family friend five years later, pretending I have no recollection of them or my former life.
Sympathy card captioned "Someone thought I'd died because I quit Facebook and sent my family a sympathy card"
25.Remember, y'all...you don't matter! Give up!
Two signs together read: "You matter. Don't give up," but appears to read "you don't matter, give up" if you read it left to right
26.This is also important to remember.
Text about first aid humorously states: "Remember the 'ABC' rule: A (nothing), B - Bone, C - Coming out through the skin is very bad"
27.Uh...I hope this is a typo.
Child's drawing of a chef with a tall hat (that looks like genitalia) labeled "dad" saying, "My dad is the best cock ever!" captioned, "Err. I think the kid meant 'cook'"
28.I feel like being abandoned by the tooth fairy could cause lasting trauma, but this passive-aggressive note is so funny it's worth it.
A handwritten letter from a child expressing anger at the tooth fairy not picking up their teeth. The child says they'll keep their own teeth from now on and not to bother writing back.
29.Let's all take a moment to thank this woman for her service in providing this glowing review.
A person sliding down a rocky incline attached to a review about the leggings' durability during a hike
30.Well, naps have health benefits too. Right? RIGHT????
Man asleep on floor captioned "My dad was gonna go for a run. He laid down to stretch his back. Found him asleep 30 minutes later"
31.Sometimes, you just need a harsh reality check. For who can you rely on to tell you the truth, if not Panda Express?
Person holds a fortune cookie slip reading, "You are as intelligent as you are good looking"
32.I guess you could also rely on other Chinese restaurants to keep it real with you.
Fortune cookie message reads: "You will go on a date with a beautiful woman. She could do so much better"
33.This is the kind of parent I aspire to be.
A small hand reaches under a closed door, near a large kitchen knife on the floor, looking like a crime scene, captioned, "our two-year-old daughter fell asleep like this. We added the knife for dramatic effect"
34.Time to rock a buzz cut — sorry, buddy.
Person with patch of shaved hair on the top of their head captioned "After fixing my hair trimmer, I forgot to put the depth thing on"
35.This gingerbread man stands as a reminder to all other gingerbread men of what happens when you step one well-baked toe out of line at Walmart.
gingerbread man balloon hanging from the ceiling at Walmart captioned "Was walking through Walmart and saw this depressing sight"
36.I like it better this way, though I feel like a 14-year-old boy for laughing.
Tall structure remains standing amidst rubble, with "COCK" spelled vertically in bricks. Caption: "They're tearing down the Babcock Dairy building in Toledo, OH and this is all that's left at this point"
37.I mean...this friend isn't wrong.
Person sitting with visible tan lines on arm and leg next to a popsicle stick that's darker where the popsicle was captioned "My friend told me that I look like a popsicle stick"
38.Poor guy. We've all been there.
Sticky notes in a car read: "Don't look at her Instagram," "Don't message her," and "Just go home." Caption: "bro going thru it"
39.Technology is really impressive these days.
air filter with air quality listed as "very poor" captioned "My partner farted and made the air quality level 'Very Poor'"
40.This is dark, but it's pretty much how I'm feeling with the current state of the world.
Empty bookstore shelves labeled "Inspiration"
41.I hope this child's parents save this drawing and show the kid as an adult.
Child's drawing with a heart and text that appears to read "pis cum bag" captioned, "A child in my wife's first grade classroom made a picture of a heart with a sad face. The text SHOULD read as 'please come back'"
42.What's a word for gallows humor, but like...for loneliness? Because that's my jam.
Stick figures drawn on a bed, then drawn leaving. Caption reads: "Being so bored you make ur own friends. Aw man they left"
43.And you know what? She was right!
Person relaxing on a couch, wearing a prosthetic leg adorned with small LED lights captioned "My sister thought my leg could use more holiday spirit"
44.This poor guy's imprint on the snow is making me crack up. At least he walked away!
Outline of squirrel then animal tracks in the snow leading off a wooden deck
45.This van should maybe consider changing out one aspect of their car.
Back of a van with "STOP FOR CHILDREN" and "CAUTION WATCH FOR CHILDREN" signs, decorated with cartoon stickers, and something on the engine that reads "predator blood"
46.This reminds me of my $0.05 residuals I still get from having one line in a Fox show when I was 18. Just you wait — in a hundred years, we'll both be rich!
Check for $0.08 captioned "First paycheck from YouTube, goodbye poverty"
47.And finally, I saw the feet at first, but now I can't unsee this as a crotch.
Close-up of heel blisters where the feet almost look like a crotch with a portion that sticks up in the middle, captioned "Posted a picture to Facebook of the cuts in my ankles from my new running shoes. Unfortunately, all anyone saw was my giant penis"
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