I Feel Guilty For Laughing At These 41 Unfortunate Souls, But I Can't Help It
1.I think I would have to resign if I sent this to my boss.
2.And I would move to Malta if I sent this to my dad.
3.This kid is going places. Maybe not art school, but places.
4.This kid, on the other hand, is definitely going to art school.
5.Someone call the Warrens; there's a new Annabelle in town.
6.Let this be a lesson to never keep your door closed if you have pets.
7.I mean, this feels like a fair trade.
8.I mean, he did what you asked...
9.*Record scratch/freeze frame* "Yup, that's me. I bet you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation."
10.This poor kitty — but I'm sorry, its expression is priceless.
11.Speaking of baths...
12.At least you have plenty of sauce!
13.I fail to see the problem here!
14.Or here.
15.Though I can see that this isn't *quite* what they ordered.
16.What a kind card!!!
17.This shirt designer HAD to know what they were doing.
18.As did this one. (Did they mean fist bump???)
19.Not to kink-shame, but...wtf is this???
20.I'm sorry for laughing, but the irony...
21.I can't stop cracking up at this image, though I hope someone eventually brought this Giant Inflatable Beach Ball to justice.
22.Just what you asked for!
23.This is the first time I've heard of this actually happening.
24.Why does this product even exist???
25.Womp, womp...
26.Womp x 3.
27.Does anyone remember none pizza with left beef? This is giving that.
28.The image of this poor husband a mile away is sending me. He's trying his best!
29.What does this even mean???
30.This is *perfect* for an IBS-themed party!
31.Speaking of poop...
32.Grab a spoon!!!
33.I don't know; peeing your pants and STILL showing up at the interview shows real perseverance.
34.At this point, you may just have to shave it and start over.
35.Kid is ZOOTED.
36.This person accidentally created a chair for Drummer Slenderman.
37.And *this* is why I'd like to own my own home one day.
38.Oh, you haven't heard of this brand?
39.I, too, hope Savage is enjoying themselves.
40.I may be a 14-year-old boy for laughing at this.
41.And finally, we'll end with one more cat photo because these delightful idiots are constantly defining "fuck around and find out."