I Have A Morbid Fascination With Weird Photos Of The Human Body, So Here Are 36 Of The Wildest Ones I Could Find Of The Human Eye
1.I hate to be the one to tell you this, but...it is possible for your eyeball itself to become swollen.
2.Hey, want me to ruin your day? Turns out it's also possible for eyes to get tumors! This person has ocular melanoma.
3.Wondering what melanoma looks like before surgery?
4.Here, you can see a malignant tumor being removed from the eye.
5.It's also possible to have freckles on your eye — in fact, I have one!
6.Did you know that your eye color can change? This usually occurs with infants, though it can happen in adults. If the change is significant, it could be a sign of a medical issue or cause glaucoma.
7.Your eye color can also change as a result of an injury.
8.Sometimes, people need to get their cornea replaced. Here's what it looks like to have an artificial cornea.
9.And this is what stitches in your eye look like after a corneal transplant surgery.
10.Ever wonder what your eye looks like after crying? Now you know!
11.While your eyes may feel stationary while looking out a window, it turns out they're not.
12.In case you want to feel jealous today, it actually is possible to have purple eyes (most examples are in people with albinism).
13.It's also possible to have gray eyes.
14.You're probably aware of heterochromia, when people have two different colored eyes, but did you know it's possible to have partial heterochromia and have multiple colors within the same eye?
15.You can also have a white crescent in your eye, like so.
16.No, this isn't a blue-eyed man with a dilated pupil — his eyes are brown, and the pupil is the smaller blot in the middle. He just has a blue ring around his iris.
17.Here's how realistic a fake eye looks.
18.Along with another example.
19.Here, you can see how detailed one is up close.
20.If you have rheumatoid arthritis, watch out — you could end up with Scleromalacia perforans, which looks like this.
21.One of the coolest-looking eye disorders to me is asteroid hyalosis, where you have these little glittery things floating around in your eye. It's usually harmless, but it looks awesome!
22.It's literally like there's a galaxy in your eye.
23.Genetics are truly wild to me — I had to do a quick Punnett square in my mind to remember that two brown-eyed parents (top) can have blue and green-eyed children (bottom).
24.Here's what a buildup of scar tissue looks like in the eye.
25.It is possible for your eye to pop out of its socket — and it's also possible for doctors to pop it back in as long as nothing's been damaged! Sometimes it just happens, sometimes it's because of an injury, and some people can actually easily do it to themselves — but please don't. It can cause vision loss.
26.Have you ever heard of punctual plugs? They're put in dry-eyed people's tear ducts to block tears from draining from the eye and keep their eyes moist.
27.Did you know eye doctors sometimes use this glow-in-the-dark dye to locate scratches on your eye?
28.Here's what it looks like to have a coloboma, which is a missing area of tissue in your eye, making your pupil look something like this.
29.You can also see a similar thing happen with an injury — this person ran a nail through their eye.
30.This person had a similar issue after being shot with an airsoft gun.
31.Here's an example of polycoria, where eyes have multiple pupils.
32.Here's another example of polycoria.
33.And this is what it looks like to have THREE pupils in each eye (Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome).
34.Allow me to ruin your day one more time with this photo of a staphyloma, where your eye tissue basically protrudes from your eye. Sorry in advance.
35.Let's do a palette cleanser. Here's what an eye looks like in a super close-up and high-definition.
36.Finally, this isn't technically a photo of a human eye, but I still think it's really interesting – these caps are put on corpses' eyes to keep them closed during viewings.