35 Things Basically Everyone On Earth Did 20 Years Ago That Are Extremely Embarrassing Now In 2024

1.Convince people the iPhone was worth the money by showing them that one app where it looks like you're drinking a beer:

Man using a smartphone app that simulates drinking a beer with a photo of the beer pouring on the screen

2.And that one app where it looked like you had a lighter:

A hand holding a smartphone displaying an image of a lit lighter with a yin-yang symbol

3.Just post the most boring stuff on Facebook:

A Facebook memory from 11 years ago "Lunch:)" and "eating an orange:)" from September 16, 2010

4.Or the most weirdly intense:

Tweet by user ari aster's (@m0mimp) saying, "remember when we used to post on facebook like 'fuck everything. </3 don’t text.'"

5.Think Chuck Norris jokes were the be-all and end-all of comedy:

Chuck Norris giving a thumbs-up. Text beside him reads: "Chuck Norris can tie his shoes with his feet."

6.Watch full-length movies that cost tens of millions of dollars to make on an iPod with a 2-inch screen:

A person is watching a movie on an iPod Nano while riding an Amtrak train

7.Think that typing like this meant you were creative:

Natalie (@snnat17) tweets, "<<*~*UsEd To TyPe AlL tHe TiTlEs Of My MySpACE pOsTs LiKe ThIs*~*>>" with a photo of herself in sunglasses

8.Or this:

Anthony tweets humorously about being annoyed with teenagers, remembering he also typed like them at that age

9.Or just add Z's to every word for no reason:

Facebook post by Megan from Nov 3, 2009, saying, "Why iz my internetz not working?"

10.Take weird pictures of your feet or hands because you all had matching bracelets or shoes:

six feet in a circle all wearing converse

11.Argue passionately over whether pirates could beat ninjas in a fight:

Poster with the text “Pirates vs. Ninjas” and a graphic of a skull with crossbones and crossed ninja swords

12.Harass everyone on Facebook with like 14 "LOST PHONE, NEED NUMBERS" groups:

List of groups titled "Lost phone need numbers" with varying member counts; options to join each group are available

13.And like 17 FarmVille requests:

FarmVille game requests: asking for a brick, sending a brick as a thank you gift, and requesting a nail

14.Fake people out with your voicemail message:

Tweet by Helen Rodriguez (@PeachyHelen_cx): "Hello? Hold on I can’t hear you...hello? Seriously I can’t hear you...hello? Jk leave a message after the beep."

15.Celebrate National Talk Like a Pirate Day:

Marissa Hudgins and Julia Sheer on Facebook post from September 19, 2010, celebrating National Talk Like a Pirate Day with a pirate-themed message

16.Take dramatic photos of Converse:

Close-up photo of a pair of sneakers with doodles on the toes next to a red rose

17.Or draw a bunch of random stuff on them:

Orange kitten resting by a pair of black Converse sneakers decorated with cartoonish alien drawings on the toes

18.Think 3D movie theater glasses were a fashion statement:

tweet reading y'all used to take 3d movie theater glasses and pop the lenses out for the aesthetic i aint forget

19.Get obsessed with Doppelgänger Week on Facebook:

Facebook profile page of Mark Zuckerberg featuring posts about a trip to India, friends' wedding, and privacy settings. Profile pictures include Mark Zuckerberg and Michael Cera

20.Take pictures with that one awful Photo Booth filter:

Andy Warhol-style pop art image of two people smiling together, repeated in four color variations: red, green, black, and blue. Names unknown

21.Own that one white MacBook that got dirty after like a week:

A white MacBook laptop with a garden image as its wallpaper. The garden features a variety of flowers in full bloom. The laptop is on a lace-covered table

22.Take weird pictures of your feet or hands because you all had matching bracelets or shoes:

Six hands with yellow wristbands join together in a circle

23.Insist that BlackBerry was way better than iPhone because of Brick Breaker and BBM:

A classic BlackBerry smartphone showing a game on its screen with scores and lives displayed on the right side

24.Change your age to 99 years old on Myspace:

Profile of a male, 99 years old from Washington DC, online now. Last login: July 13, 2007. No profile photo. Links to view pics and videos

25.Watch movies on portable DVD players, god rest their soul:

A portable Samsung DVD player displaying a group of elephants walking on a dirt path

26.Constantly quote that one Bill O'Reilly video where he swears:

A man on a television set appears frustrated, yelling with the overlay text: "F*CK IT, WE'LL DO IT LIVE."

27.Take selfies with a big-ass digital camera:

Person taking a selfie with a digital camera, wearing white shutter sunglasses and a beaded necklace. Person's name not known

28.Upload 400 pictures to Facebook at once in an album with a title from a Dave Matthews Band song:

Tweet by Emy (@EmilieErika) reminiscing about making Facebook albums during pre-teen years, taking simple photos with friends, and editing them with quirky captions

29.Have an opinion about a man named Don Vito:

Two images: the first shows a man in sunglasses asking, "You want the soup of the day or the soupe du jour?". Below, a second image features a person on an unusual vehicle wrapped in plastic, implying the responses are identical

30.Spend money on ringback tones. Sweet, sweet ringback tones:

Twitter: @Rachel__Camp

31.Change your profile pic to something like this:

Spongebob with diamond grillz and a huge chain

32.Wear shoes big enough to house a family of five:

Close-up of skateboard shoes with unique yellow laces and patterns on a skateboard. The image emphasizes the design of the footwear

33.Update Facebook from a tiny lil' phone:

An old Motorola flip phone with an open screen displaying a Facebook text message prompt reading: "Confirmed! Text a name to FBOOK (32665) to get profile info."

34.Publicly put friends on blast:

tweet reading myspace really made us publicly rank our friends 1-8

35.Think adding a "xXx" to a screen name made them a force to be reckoned with:

meme about feeling cool after adding x's to a screen name