3 Zodiacs That Glow Up Under Their Saturn Return, According to Astrologers

According to astrologers, our initial Saturn return is both a challenging and rewarding time, providing our first significant push into maturity and adulthood. What does it mean? The term "Saturn return" is quite simple: Saturn returns to the same position it occupied at the time of your birth, usually when aligning at about 28 to 32 years of age. To find your specific Saturn return timeline, use this free online calculator.

When the "Lord of Karma" returns, we're pushed to take on responsibilities we never had before. It may feel painful to recognize the parts of our lives that weren't as sturdy as we hoped. Confronting our necessary growth needs pushes us to align with our true purpose, even if that involves bittersweet transitions and endings.

While the Saturn return can be turbulent, a select few star signs find it a more luckier time than others. Their Saturn return years allow them to break chains that held them down, find newfound confidence, and discover liberating paths. Read for your zodiac sign to learn if you're among the luckiest star signs under your Saturn return transit.

The Zodiac Signs That Get Luckiest Under Their First Saturn Return

Read on for your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.


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Cancer finds luck under Saturn's return. Sure, we all have our downtimes during this tricky transit and tearful moments when our faith is tested. However, Cancer takes the cake in the partnership sector. Saturn's return allows them to break long-held patterns of disappointment in their love and social lives. Even their professional connections gradually become more manageable, collaborative, and easier to secure.

The formative years of Cancer's life and early adulthood challenge their notion of relating to others. With high standards of commitment, loyalty, and devotion, they often get disappointed as they run into people who can't seem to match their maturity or desire to dive deep. Under their Saturn return, a karmic block is released. This sentimental star sign begins to put the puzzle pieces together in their relationships. The wheel of fortune spins in their favor, improving existing connections or attracting new individuals who boost their lives. Overall, long-term romance, friendship, family, and practical dynamics ground. Finding where they belong brings their sensitive spirit peace.

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Under their Saturn return, Capricorn is capable of making progress. Being ruled by Saturn, the planet of restriction, makes them an old soul. From early childhood, they often take on roles or perspectives that we can typically expect of adults. Finding simple solutions, peaceful routines, or steady happiness can be challenging for them. Life throws them one karmic challenge after another, making them wise yet somber and tired.


When Saturn returns to the same position as it was at their birth, the pieces fall into place. What once confused them about themselves begins to settle. Many blocks, barriers, or walls that pushed them to work harder begin to fall. Capricorn starts to see the bigger picture outside of the grind. With a final push, they're able to complete cycles that once seemed to be neverending. In place, they walk away with more acceptance, healing, and opportunities to develop more lighthearted aims.

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In modern astrology, we know Aquarius to be ruled by Uranus. However, traditional astrologers, who still follow the rules of the ancients, consider Aquarius ruled by Saturn. Therefore, Aquarius finds deep resonance within their being under their Saturn return. Fresh individuality forms, giving them structured action plans and paths toward taking their needs seriously.

Earlier in their life, this Air sign can struggle with self-worth issues. They find their power in helping others, connecting to a bigger cause, and focusing on building a better future for those who will follow. However, these abstract notions and feelings don't always lead to fulfillment in their personal decisions or lives. As their Saturn return occurs and completes, Aquarius finds new meaning in their values and stays true to them. In turn, they learn to decline circumstances that hinder their integrity, boosting happiness, confidence, and self-assurance.

Related: Here’s How to Glow Up During Your Saturn Return