3 Zodiac Signs Reveal Life-Altering Secrets as Mercury Enters Aquarius

On January 28, 2025, Mercury enters Aquarius—the planet of mental, cerebral matters, communication, and learning transits detached, objective Aquarius energy. The collective seeks a bird's eye view of their understanding of the world.

However, this Aquarius Mercury transit involves Pluto, the planet of death-rebirth. Intensity is the keyword. We are hit with sudden realizations, breakthroughs, and perspective shifts. As many change their mind at the drop of a dime, they're called to implement meaningful change and alter their course of action.

Which three zodiac signs stumble into eye-opening realizations during the Aquarius Mercury transit? Astrologers spill who's most impacted.

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Which Zodiac Signs Are Most Impacted By Aquarius Mercury Transit 2025?

Read on for your zodiac sign. To dive deeper, consider your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.


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Leo: Love Me, Love Me Not

Mercury transits Aquarius, impacting Leo's relationship sphere. As the planet of communication crosses paths with destructive Pluto, Leo must confront dead-ended thought patterns in their partnerships. This zodiac sign must communicate openly, embrace dialogue, and examine their actual, innermost soul's needs to find interpersonal peace.

Leo is presented with a fork in the road: to try to continue navigating life as they have, continually craving more, or to take calculated risks and expand. Love is more than a feeling. To find the level of connection you crave, it is essential embrace endings. Whether you decide you're outgrowing a partner or need to alter dynamics to heal your connection, its time for Leo to trust it's okay to begin again.

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Scorpio: Wheels Are Turning

As Scorpio navigates the Aquarius Mercury transit, their planetary ruler, Pluto, takes charge. Their psychological sector is hit, disrupting their peace of mind temporarily. The universe wants them to take note of what no longer is sitting right with their spirit. What has been overduely been left unaddressed must be confronted to proceed.


Their domestic life shifts, welcoming bittersweet innovation. Pherhaps Scorpio discovers its time to reinovate their space, relocate homes, or altner family relationships. A primal urge and need to destroy what no longer fits to discover what does becomes their soul's calling. Life welcomes this zodiac to heal generational wounds by choosing what they truly emotionally need rather than the path of least resistance.

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Aquarius: Endings to Beginnings

Aquarius is naturally most impacted by Mercury entering their sign. Their life path sphere activates, requires their undivided attention. Main character energy urges this zodiac to innovate alternative routes for their future, reaching to educate themselves with the information, skills, or perspectives they need to evolve.

With intense Pluto involved in this Aquarius Mercury transit, there's a need to come to terms with the discomfort of transitions and change. Bittersweet goodbyes or endings are in order for their long-term betterment. While the pain of closing doors isn't easy, Aquarius is left with more freedom to discover who they are and who they want to become.

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