3 Zodiac Signs Lucky in Love This Autumn

This Autumn is full of astrologically-charged events that bring synergy. However, three zodiac signs will catch most of the romantic blessings in store. Read on to see which star signs are developing crushes, falling in love, deepening commitments, or finding success in dating.

Related: 3 Zodiac Signs Having a Lucky Fall

Which Zodiacs Attract Love this Fall or Autumn 2024?

Read for your zodiac sign. If you know your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs, check for your "big three."


On November 15, 2024, a Taurus Full Moon illuminates our night skies—full moons present full-circle moments where we reap the rewards of past efforts. From there, we release outdated beliefs and circumstances that no longer serve. The Moon is exalted, or dignified, in the realm of reliable Taurus.

As the Taurus full moon peaks in Scorpio's relationship sector, this zodiac can expect romantic blessings. They feel capable and confident in partnerships. Singles are ready to meet a lover who matches their values and long-term goals, while couples reach milestones that showcase commitment. From mid- to late November, this star sign feels confident about the direction of their love life.

Related: The Most Magnetic, Mysterious Zodiac Signs


On October 17, lover Venus enters Sagittarius. The planet of attraction finds excitement, adventure, and pleasure in intellectual pursuits in this Fire sign. The key to successful dates, whether with a new or established lover, involves witty humor, playful banter, and stimulating conversation. Sagittarius will notice blessings uplifting their romantic life as Venus transits their sign.

Lovers can bond over experiences that get them out of their comfort zone. Traveling may be in the works. Under this transit, Sagittarius will notice they're naturally attracting flirty attention, opening up their dating options. Others will be drawn to their magnetic, Venusian aura. Therefore, they should use this time to intentionally implement relationship-oriented activities and goals or aims, deliberately working with this lucky energy.

Related: 2 Zodiac Signs Have the Luckiest October


Venus enters Capricorn on November 11, opening Capricorn's love life up to fantastic opportunities. The planet of love and allure finds structure, stability, and long-term relationship growth in this Earth sign. Therefore, they'll notice increased attraction from outsiders. They may make warm connections with crushes who share similar careers, goals, or aims for their future.

This transit will attract lovers with serious intentions, hoping to build something natural or sustainable for the long haul. Venus in Capricorn urges lovers to dedicate themselves to the best tangible steps to secure a reliable partnership. Therefore, Capricorn will notice that others admire their maturity, wisdom, and dedicated approach to their loved ones. Trust is built, and promises are made in love.

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