29 Photos Of People Doing Trashy Things That Made Me Go "NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!"
More often than we like, we come across people who can best be described as "real pieces of work" (and believe me, that is the NICEST thing we can call them).
Here are some photos of "pieces" out in the world — courtesy of the people over at r/trashy — and they're guaranteed to raise your blood pressure:
Note: This post contains strong language, sexual content, and people generally behaving in incredibly offensive ways. Don't say we didn't warn you!
1.First, this insensitive person is selling a 9/11 "play set," complete with toy planes to fly into the towers:
2.This dude is someone I do NOT want to shake hands with, like, ever:
3.And this person boasted on social media about how they're going to enjoy "a bit of raspberry cheesecake and heroin":
4.This dude thought THAT T-shirt was perfectly appropriate to wear to a children's playground:
5.This big tipper negated all the goodwill that grand earned him by being a total freaking creep:
6.And the people selling this ridiculously sexist sweatshirt are really something:
7.This selfish jerk stole a defibrillator, seemingly not caring that it could cost someone their life:
8.This dad found a way to make matching father/son shirts offensive and not cute:
9.And these charmers got off a party bus to pee right on the street:
10.This guy stole a woman's phone as she was PRAYING:
11.This dolt bragged about adding something totally reckless and dangerous to his truck:
12.And this other dolt drove THIS truck into an elementary school parking lot:
13.This "winner" wore his gross sweatshirt to a pet store in the middle of the day:
14.This Oregon man makes me want to gag just reading this:
15.And this person managed to make the charming, grandma-friendly activity of embroidery absolutely disgusting:
16.This person drives a vagina mobile:
17.This women joined the "decided to wear a totally inappropriate sweatshirt in public" club:
18.And this woman — yet ANOTHER member of the club — thought this "CANCEL ME FUCK YOU" T-shirt was perfect for wearing to the airport:
19.This adulterer and his mistress who both seem like real gems:
20.This driver asking to be choked like Ted Bundy and ate like Jeffrey Dahmer:
21.And this slob having a free snack at Target:
22.This Bumble user came on more than a little strong (but not in the grammar department):
23.This person announced her relationship on Facebook and made everyone feel really, really uncomfortable:
24.And — blerg — this person is selling a "workout ball" (mom, can you come pick me up? I want to go home):
25.This owner of a Confederate flag/truck/boat eyesore:
26.This company advertising window tints like this:
27.And this OnlyFans model advertising in the classiest way possible...by using a marker on a baby changing table in a gas station bathroom:
28.This person I do NOT want to get stuck talking to at a party:
29.And finally...this a-hole taking up not one but two disabled parking spots:
I'm guessing you look a little like this after going through all of those, huh? (I know I do!)