Target Employees Are Sharing The Things They Absolutely Hate That Customers Do And I'm Embarrassed To Say I've Done Some Of These

1.Target employees hate when you order a TON of things right at the crack of dawn:

order at 7:03 am of 98 items

2.Target employees hate when you can't connect the dots when it comes to the weather:

Meme with Pikachu's surprised face, text: "Guests: *comes in while it rains* Also guests: WOW wtf the carts are WET."
u/scootsnb / Via

3.Target employees hate when you try to return the un-returnable:

A disassembled swing set is placed on a pallet. A caption reads: "Someone returned this swing set without a box today. Said they just had all the pieces in the trunk of their car."
u/yanderedan / Via

4.Target employees hate when you think your tiny car can fit the biggest TV on planet Earth:

people trying to fit a tv in a car

5.Target employees hate when you go survival mode just to go to the store:

man with snow all over him
Getty / Via

6.Or when you demand to be let in before opening:

A meme showing a cartoon fish opening a door inside a building. Top text: "Any store: *Opens at 8:00am*" Bottom text: "Old people at 6:35am:"
u/omnikey / Via

7.Target employees hate when you leave stuff from other aisles in places they shouldn't be:

frappe in a section it shouldnt be in

8.Or when you leave refrigerated food in a cart so now it has to be thrown out:

Shopping cart filled with various groceries, including frozen breakfast sandwiches, ground beef, eggs, bread, pineapples, and snacks, inside a store

9.Or when you EAT BREAKFAST in the aisles???

open box of cereal and open carton of milk with a bowl and spilled ingredients on a shelf

10.Or leave a FISH on a shelf?

A clear plastic bag filled with water and an orange object inside, placed on a perforated white metal surface

11.Target employees hate when you beckon them over like they're a trained animal:

hand beckoning
Getty / Via

12.Target employees hate when you interrupt them while they're pushing this exact cart around:

cart with go-back items

13.Target employees hate when you act like you get to decide the hours the store is open:

person complaining target was closed

14.Target employees hate when you show up and stare at them like they're in a zoo:

woman gawking

15.Target employees hate when you don't give them juuuust one second:

A meme of a cat standing on hind legs, holding a scratching post and looking back, captioned: "When you're already doing 5 things and a customer asks you for help ???."
u/royal_tumbleweed_910 / Via

16.Target employees hate when you stop in the middle of an aisle and act like you're the only person in the store:

Meme of two people talking in an aisle with the text, OMG i haven't seen you in forever! Let's stand in everyone's fucking way and talk about our annoying kids
Getty / Via

17.Target employees hate when you tell them your whole life story during rushes:

SpongeBob looking up with horror and the words, "When you're 10 dangs, 20 yups, 6 wows, and 8 man that's crazy's, and they still won't stop talking"

18.Target employees hate when you act like the entire world revolves around the order you placed 12 minutes ago:

meme about mobile orders

19.And they also hate when you ignore their existence when it's convenient to you:

exchange about a customer ignoring a person
Zoe Jade Davis / Facebook

20.Target employees hate when you refuse to use self-checkout:

Meme about boomers complaining that younger generations don't want to work and then using self-checkout

21.Target employees hate when you act like the entire company will go under because you won't buy a shirt:

Meme of Loki responding to an angry customer with, Yes, very sad—anyway"

22.Target employees hate when you make them put back hundreds of dollars of clothes:

target employee upset about someone trying on a ton of clothes and not buying any

23.Target employees hate when you completely demolish their hard work:

meme about kids destroying a setup

24.Target employees hate when you don't put your carts back:

shopping carts

25.Target employees hate when collectors come in and inevitably cause a big scene over a Funko Pop or some baseball cards:

meme about being haunted by a funko pop pereson

26.Target employees hate when you blame them for your procrastination:

meme about someone getting mad about there not being easter candy

27.Target employees hate when you get mad at them for things beyond their control:

meme about someone getting mad that a target employee doesnt work in a specific department

28.Target employees hate when you throw a fuss about being IDed:

meme about a person getting mad about getting ided

29.Target employees hate when you don't hand them the money like a human being:

meme about throwing change on a table

30.Target employees hate when you forget how a store works:

meme about someone sarcastically saying they should've thought of something obvious

31.Target employees hate when you treat the store like a big garbage can:

A store aisle with numerous scattered cans and bottles on the floor from a fallen shelf display. Various product types are visible on surrounding shelves
u/truthbounded / Via

32.Target employees hate when you don't recognize the difference between in-store and online:

meme about someone being upset something available online is not available in stores

33.And Target employees hate when you forget how their weekend works:

memes about someone saying have a nice weekend to someone working

Come on, now.