27 Women Who Had The Best Possible Response To Creepy Messages From Men

1.If I had a comeback this good, I think I'd frame it on my wall.

Text conversation. Person 1: Flirty message. Person 2: Responds with a sharp comeback about cremation after finding the opener offensive
u/TheTerriblePlace / Via reddit.com

2.I hope this man appreciated this informative response.

Text message exchange about wanting to talk, followed by a detailed explanation of sexual intercourse
u/Zanger_Ranger / Via reddit.com

3.If you've never seen it before, behold: the fake auto-message might be the most clever reply to an unsolicited dick pic of all time.

Image showing a text message exchange where an automated reply warns about sending unsolicited explicit images, mentioning police investigation
u/Secret_Design1521 / Via reddit.com

4.This reply is also a good option, especially if it's some predator and you're underage.

A conversation featuring a mix of playful and confused messages, with one user asking about seeking advice from their mom

5.That was an absolute kill shot.

A conversation shows a person responding to an inappropriate message with a humorous and sarcastic comeback
u/effervescent_galaxy / Via reddit.com

6.As was this.

Text exchange with one person rejecting another's flirtation, using humor and sarcasm
u/somethingtaylor / Via reddit.com


Text exchange discussing an unfinished phrase, with a sarcastic and humorous response suggesting a true crime documentary
u/lunatoons291 / Via reddit.com

8.BAM! Uno reverse card.

Two text messages discussing a hypothetical situation involving explicit actions
u/MajaLamb / Via reddit.com

9.Another Uno reverse!!!!

Screenshot of a text conversation with playful bear icons, where both parties express desire and confusion
u/deficientcurfew / Via reddit.com

10.This person just did exactly as requested.

Text exchange above shows a question about knitting. Below, a chicken wears a hand-knitted sweater
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

11.Sometimes, the best comeback isn't a word but a photo.

Text message about a confusing scenario followed by a girl's skeptical expression meme
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

12.Other times, it's a GIF.

Text conversation showing explicit messages followed by a GIF of someone using a hot dog slicer
u/toastyghostie / Via reddit.com

13.Or even an emoji.

Text message reads: "I've got a snake I need you to look at" with a smirking emoji
u/mynameisntlucy / Via reddit.com

14.Good news, everyone! Fucking off is, in fact, free.

Text exchange: First message asks if someone would perform an act for $200. Second message responds with a dismissive question
OnlyKindaMadHatter / Via reddit.com

15.Child support, however, is not.

Two dialogue boxes: "Pst, wanna make babies?" and "Pst, wanna pay child support."
u/PM_ME_AMAZON_GC / Via reddit.com

16.Neither is asking this woman inappropriate questions.

Text exchange with emojis: First says, "can i see your boobs please." The reply says, "Can I see all of your banking information?"
u/Adorable-Novel8295 / Via reddit.com

17."What? I thought he was trying to play 'complete the sentence!'"

A text exchange where one person says, "My dick is so hard" and the other replies, "to find."
u/Anuspilot / Via reddit.com

18.I don't get why this man is angry. All this woman did was turn his words into a well-written story.

Text conversation with one person accusing another of being fake and a stalker, while the accused person denies it
u/nineteensickhorses / Via reddit.com

19.And this woman was just expertly playing along with the poem format.

Text message exchange: Person 1 shares a romantic poem. Person 2 responds, finding it creepy and rejecting the sentiment
u/borderline-good / Via reddit.com

20.Not to kink-shame, but I'm a little scared this guy may be into that.

Screenshot of a text conversation with suggestive and humorous messages about sitting on someone's face
u/asianpetitekitty / Via reddit.com

21.You gotta love it when men think their terrible online actions will have zero consequences...and then meet Lady Justice.

Text conversation about eyes, including a meme with "Not an eye," followed by humorous exchanges about harassment accusations and Venmo information
u/AlwaysSirsAlwaysHer / Via reddit.com

22.I fear the cleverness of this answer was lost on this Neanderthal.

A dating app conversation where one person suggests a threesome, then a twosome, and the other prefers something more wholesome
u/slaveforfood / Via reddit.com

23.The quiet disappointment of "do better" is worse than any insult.

Text exchange: A message says "Wanna bang" with a clown emoji. Response: "Yes. I want to bang my head against a wall after receiving that message. Do better."
missmisery_88 / Via reddit.com

24.This woman went all Amelia Bedelia on a creepy guy, who definitely deserved it for coming right out of the gate with that question.

Dating app exchange with the question "How's ur head?" and the response "Proportional to my body I think."
u/CrustyButts132 / Via reddit.com

25.This woman did the same.

Text exchange: "I know this is random but Dom or sub." "I guess Domino's. I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd compare them."
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

26.Fish on dating apps? In 2025???

Dating app conversation with someone named Nick about physical attributes, replied with a comment about holding fish in profile pictures
u/YouGuysNeed2SeeThis / Via reddit.com

27.And finally..."Go on and finish up your homework before mommy heats up your Kid Cuisine" belongs in the Sick Burns Hall of Fame.

Screenshot of a dating app conversation where one person stops contacting another after discussing age differences and maturity
u/sourest_of_grapes / Via reddit.com