20 People Who Woke Up One Morning Last Week And Promptly Destroyed Their Entire Lives

1.The person who learned a valuable lesson about electronics and karting:

A scratched smartphone camera lens with a go-kart seat and steering wheel visible in the background
u/killerwhale / Via reddit.com

2.The person whose desk decided to desk no more:

Broken desk with scattered debris, an overturned chair, and a fallen monitor on the floor. Reddit post from r/mildlyinfuriating

3.The person whose potluck will now be taking place inside their Nissan Altima:

A pot of queso dip spilled in a car
u/bagpipesfrombarnum / Via reddit.com

4.The person whose candle went absolutely nuclear:

TV with wax splattered from a candle, affecting the screen display. The text above reads, "Candle exploded for some reason. Ruined my TV. Thanks, Target."

5.The person whose kids know the world is their canvas:

Hand holding a gaming device covered in black paint, obscuring screen and controls

6.The person who created a monster inside their garbage can:

Overflowing trash bin with dough-like substance spilling out onto the ground in an industrial-looking area
u/schruef / Via reddit.com

7.The person who will never be careless with those burners again:

Stovetop fire with two pots nearby; one filled with pasta. Flames engulf paper or plastic on burner. Warning sign for kitchen safety
u/viminock / Via reddit.com

8.The person whose dinner is looking absolutely scrumptious:

Image of a melted TV remote in an oven with a caption: "Preheated the oven to make sourdough, husband put the remote he was hiding from my son in the oven... oops."

9.The person who will picking up quinoa until the cows come home:

Rice scattered across a kitchen floor near cabinets and appliances
u/klaven84 / Via reddit.com

10.The person whose candle fell with the force of a thousand suns:

A broken bathroom sink with shattered pieces on the floor below
u/maximum-law9015 / Via reddit.com

11.The person whose phone no longer belongs to them:

Alligators in water resting on rocks, a smartphone is submerged nearby
u/johciee / Via reddit.com

12.The person who met a new friend inside a strawberry:

Sliced strawberry with a worm inside, resting on a white surface
u/toothpaste_sensei / Via reddit.com

13.The person who might just want to call it today:

Warehouse scene with a forklift tipped over, surrounded by spilled liquid and scattered debris. Stacked boxes line the aisles

14.The person who let their car take a quick little dip:

A car in a pond

15.The person whose coworker wrote a message to them in Simlish:

intelligible note
u/lobsterbib / Via reddit.com

16.The person whose biscuits will have to be put on hold:

Biscuits on a tray above an open oven with blue melted plastic on the rack

17.The person whose stairs just got a visit from the ghost of Jackson Pollock:

Paint spilled on stairs
u/kittypr0nz / Via reddit.com

18.The person who banished their chicken to the seventh circle of hell:

Before and after of a raw chicken in a pan and then charred to dust and bones

19.The person who found the elusive green orange:

An orange in a bag covered in green mold
u/therealpepsi / Via reddit.com

20.And Todd:

Text conversation mix-up where a person misidentifies another as "Robert," receives a negative reply, and then reacts with hostility toward "Todd."
u/nkarkas / Via reddit.com