17 People Who Made An Assumption And Turned Out To Be So Incredibly, Hilariously Wrong

1. This person who assumed someone had a little crush on them:

Twitter: @blythlie

2.This person who assumed they ordered a carton of cigarettes off the internet when in reality, it was a book:

A book titled "The Cigarette: A Political History" by Sarah Milov lies in an open cardboard box
u/throwawaystranger69 / Via reddit.com

3.This person who assumed their backpack was waterproof, only to pull out their laptop and realize they were wrong:

A laptop screen with a damaged display showing a partially visible document and the edge of the keyboard
u/Limp-Regular-2589 / Via reddit.com

4. This person who (understandably) assumed that someone they met at the bar was interested in them:

Twitter: @cfree94


5. This person who assumed viral tweets would lead to money:

Twitter: @breefrmtx

6. This person who assumed how someone's name was pronounced:

Twitter: @Aliv504

7.This person who assumed this soy sauce carton was actually syrup:

A plate with French toast soaked in syrup next to a large spilled bottle of syrup on a marble countertop. A phone and flowers are in the background
u/sirfluffyington / Via reddit.com

8.This person who assumed they were drinking a normal glass of tap water in the middle of the night...until they turned the lights on:

A hand holding a dirty drinking glass above a kitchen sink with water droplets and food residue
u/LazyLaserShark / Via reddit.com

9. This person who assumed that people still take the SATs on a physical scantron:

Twitter: @AnniemuMary


10. This person who assumed they were part of the LGTBQIA community:

Twitter: @gracecamille_

11.This person who assumed one of the light bulbs in their backyard burned out but discovered this:

Large wasp nest built under eaves next to a house wall and drainpipe. Trees with green leaves are visible in the background
u/XROOR / Via reddit.com

12. This person who assumed they were showing a bouncer their vaccine card:

Twitter: @deejay_gray


13. This person who assumed there was a dress code for jury duty:

Twitter: @JessMarieGarcia

14.This person who assumed their coworker's dog was house-trained before they agreed to dog sit:

A gray couch with visible liquid stains and a pink fringed pillow, along with a white blanket, in a living room setting
u/erkaderk / Via reddit.com

15. This person who assumed someone was throwing avocados into their yard:

Twitter: @MavenofHonor

16.This person who assumed they were texting a bot:

Text conversation with curbside pickup instructions and parking spot updates. Messages include arrival instructions, order status updates, and a confirmation reply
u/cecusanele / Via reddit.com

17.And lastly, this person who assumed the odor they smelled from the back seat was just their dog farting:

A grey pit bull with a green harness stands in the backseat of a car. The backseat is covered with a quilted protective mat
u/mascoot_scootma / Via reddit.com