17 Discontinued Fast Food Items We Desperately Want Back On The Menu
Recently, Reddit user u/JKP7X asked, "Which discontinued fast food item do you want to come back?" Here are some of the top-voted, nostagically YUMMY responses:
1."McDonald's old school apple pies. The ones that were molten hot lava and gave mouths third-degree burns. Totally worth it!"
2."The Double Decker from Taco Bell."
3."The buffet option at Pizza Hut."
4."KFC's potato wedges. I like their french fries a lot, but damn those wedges were fire!"
5."Chicken Selects from McDonald's."*
6."Does Arby’s 5 for $5 count? Cause those are the before times I want."
7."Taco Bell's Caramel Apple Empanadas."
8."The original Chicken Littles from KFC."
9."Burger King's Cini-Minis. Breakfast was never the same after they left. Just tiny cinnamon rolls, Burger King — that’s all we want!"
10."The Quesarito from Taco Bell. I miss it dearly."
11."McDonald’s fries cooked in actual beef tallow."
12."Wendy’s Chicken Caesar Pita."
13."McSalad Shakers from McDonald's."
14."KFC's Twister."*
15."Taco Bell’s Volcano menu. I would drink the Volcano sauce."
16."McPizza from McDonald's. Man, I miss McPizza. The fact that they only removed it because it took too long to cook means that it would work fine now, as everything takes a long time to cook at McDonald's."
17.And finally, "Actual dollar menus."
What other discontinued fast food items do you wish they would bring back? Let us know in the comments!
Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.