15 Photos That'll Make You Take A Deep Breath And Say, "What Kind Of World Are We Living In?"
Leave it to the people of Reddit to show us some of the wildest, weirdest things happening out there. Here are 15 photos that stopped me in my tracks:
1.The person who thought this poop knife was a cherished item to be passed down generation after generation:
2.The people who put real fish inside keychains and decided to sell them:
3.The designer who made this scary, long walkway just to get to the toilet:
4.And the person who decided a clear toilet was an acceptable way to go number two:
5.The creepy person who is sending out these letters in Oregon District:
6.The people who thought this was an appropriate Halloween display for trick or treaters:
7.The company that thought it was a great idea to sell Coca-Cola with your own cigarette:
8.And the person who thought an ashtray cake sounded appetizing:
9.The engineer who let this happen:
10.The couple who thinks feet-holding is better than hand-holding:
11.The inventor who thought these toe Crocs were a good idea:
12.The grandma who tweaked this Ninja Turtle plushie for her grandchild:
13.And the company who packaged this realistic cat plushie:
14.The business that posted this creepy sign in their bathroom:
15.And, finally, the unknown person who keeps stealing garbage: