15 Disgusting "Nice Guys" On Dating Apps Who 100% Deserve To Be Swiped Left By Women

Warning: This post contains topics of verbal abuse and LGBTQ+ hate. Please proceed with caution.

1.This guy, who body-shamed a woman and most likely made her feel truly horrible in the process:

"I felt the ground shake did u just sit down"

2.This guy, who attempted to "be funny" in his dating profile, when in reality, he was pretty freaking violent:

"Fine, I'll take you hiking...but if you're a Trump supporter, it's to bury you out there"

3.This guy, who was weirdly offended when a woman he just matched with on Hinge didn't respond to him right away (like...she owed him NOTHING):

Man upset that a woman didn't respond to him right away
Man upset that a woman didn't respond to him right away

4.This guy, who put super offensive and rude "romantic" interests in his dating profile, thinking they were actually valid???:

"Swipe if you're a single mother, if you're a feminist/liberal, if you have male friends, if you have no ass"

5.This guy, who matched with a woman and MADE A PASS AT THEIR FRIENDS instead of her:

"Who's your friend" "What about the friend behind you in the white dress"

6.This guy, who told a woman to "fuck off" because her looks "didn't meet his valid standards:"

"Please like people within your means"

7.This guy, who was disgustingly stubborn and wouldn't take "no" for an answer:

"Kinda drunk but I have an 8-inch cock and I'd fuck your brains out"
"I would fuck your brains out"

8.This guy, who dangerously claimed he'd "be the most known serial killer," targeting women specifically (who the hell would swipe right on him?!):

"One day, I will be the most known serial killer of all time, will primarily focus on women in their 20s and 30s"

9.This guy, who's first message was bold AF, and immediately unmatched the woman when he didn't "get the response he wanted:"

"What are your thoughts on tall, forward, tattooed, well-hung adventurous dudes?"

10.This guy, who came up with the most insulting pickup line, thinking it'd actually work:

"Big tits for a slim girl"

11.This guy, who gruesomely turned the tables on a woman when she was using an innocent and hilarious pickup line on him:

"Do you have a bush in between your legs?"

12.This guy, who totally disregarded a woman who MISCARRIED a baby and still wanted a blowjob from her:

"Free today to suck me off?

13.This guy, who was entitled as heck and felt "betrayed" when a woman didn't respond to his billion messages right away:

Entitled guy upset that a woman didn't respond to his messages right away
Entitled guy upset that a woman didn't respond to his messages right away
Entitled guy upset that a woman didn't respond to his messages right away
Entitled guy upset that a woman didn't respond to his messages right away

14.This guy, who took things too far too fast when he introduced himself on Bumble:

"I would give you an orgasm while eating you..."

15.And this guy, who took to his dating profile to slut-shame women who upload pictures of themselves on Instagram:

Man shaming women in his dating profile who upload Instagram pictures of themselves

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