101 Science Trivia Questions and Answers To Test Your Knowledge

Science is everywhere you look, from tiny subatomic particles to the vast reaches of the universe. It helps us understand the world and uncover its mysteries. Many of us find joy in learning science through bite-sized tidbits of knowledge—this makes complex concepts accessible and engaging. And what better way to challenge your knowledge than through 101 science trivia questions and answers?

So, how many facts do you know and remember from the classroom? Get ready to find out, by diving into the world of science trivia—including themes like space, nature, the body and more. The trivia ranges from easy to hard and there are questions for kids and adults alike!

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101 Best Science Trivia Questions

1. Question: At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal?
Answer: -40 degrees.

2. Question: Roughly how long does it take for the sun’s light to reach Earth?
Answer: 8 minutes.

3. Question: What are the four states of matter? 
Answer: Solid, liquid, gas, and plasma

4. Question: What is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature? 
Answer: Mercury

5. Question: What does a Geiger counter measure? 
Answer: Radiation

6. Question: What’s the largest desert on Earth? 
Answer: Antarctica

7. Question: Who was the first human to travel into space? 
Answer: Yuri Gagarin

8. Question: Bronze is an alloy made of which two elements?
Answer: Copper and Tin

9. Question: What is the tallest type of grass?
Answer: Bamboo

10. Question: How many bones do sharks have?
Answer: Zero

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Easy Science Trivia Questions

11. Question: What is the largest mammal in the world?
Answer: Blue whale

12. Question: What is the largest ocean on Earth?
Answer: Pacific Ocean

13. Question: How many continents are there on Earth?
Answer: Seven

14. Question: Which scientist is famous for the equation E=MC2?
Answer: Albert Einstein

15. Question: How many legs does a spider have?
Answer: Eight

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16. Question: Which fruit is associated with Isaac Newton and gravity?
Answer: Apple

17. Question: What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?
Answer: Diamond

18. Question: What gas do plants absorb from the air?
Answer: Carbon dioxide

19. Question: What is the process of a liquid turning into a gas called?
Answer: Evaporation

20. Question: What is the study of living things called?
Answer: Biology

21. Question: What is the center of an atom called?
Answer: Nucleus

22. Question: What is the largest land animal?
Answer: African elephant

23. Question: What do you call a baby frog?
Answer: Tadpole

24. Question: What do bees collect from flowers?
Answer: Nectar

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Hard Science Trivia

25. Question: What is the name of the process where a substance goes directly from a solid to a gas without becoming a liquid?
Answer: Sublimation

26. Question: Which enzyme is responsible for unwinding the DNA double helix during replication?
Answer: Helicase

27. Question: What is the name for the amount ofenergy it takes to increase the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius?
Answer: A calorie

28. Question: What’s the name of the protein in blood that carries oxygen?
Answer: Hemoglobin

29. Question: In genetics, what does the acronym SNP stand for?
Answer: Single Nucleotide Polymorphism

30. Question: What is the chemical name for rust?
Answer: Iron oxide

31. Question: What is the most electronegative element on the periodic table?
Answer: Fluorine

32. Question: What’s the name of the theory that explains how the continents move across the Earth's surface?
Answer: Plate tectonics

33. Question: What’s the name of the process in which plants lose water through tiny pores in their leaves?
Answer: Transpiration

34. Question: A, C, and T, are three of the letters used to represent parts of DNA. What's the fourth one?
Answer: G

35. Question: What’s the name of the phenomenon where light changes direction when it passes from one medium to another?
Answer: Refraction

36. Question: What is the term for the energy stored in chemical bonds?
Answer: Chemical potential energy

37. Question: What is the name of the nucleic acid that acts as a messenger in protein synthesis?
Answer: Messenger RNA (mRNA)

38. Question: What’s the name of the process by which rocks are broken down by chemical reactions?
Answer: Chemical weathering

39. Question: What’s the term for the energy required to remove an electron from an atom in its gaseous state?
Answer: Ionization energy

40. Question: What is the name of the type of chemical bond formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms?
Answer: Covalent bond

41. Question: What is the name of the process by which some organisms convert atmospheric nitrogen into biologically usable forms?
Answer: Nitrogen fixation

42. Question: What is the term for the measure of disorder or randomness in a system?
Answer: Entropy

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Science Trivia About Nature and Animals

43. Question: Which type of cloud is associated with thunderstorms?
Answer: Cumulonimbus

44. Question: What is the boundary between two tectonic plates called?
Answer: Fault line

45. Question: Which animal has the longest gestation period?
Answer: African elephant

46. Question: What’s the largest species of bear?
Answer: Polar bear

47. Question: What is a group of parrots called?
Answer: A pandemonium

48. Question: How many legs do lobsters have?
Answer: 10

49. Question: What color is a polar bear’s skin?
Answer: Black

50. Question: What’s the only big cat that doesn’t roar?
Answer: Cheetah

51. Question: Which mammal has the thickest fur?
Answer: Sea otter

52. Question: What’s the fastest bird?
Answer: Peregrine falcon

53. Question: What animal lays the largest egg?
Answer: Ostrich

54. Question: Which type of tree doesn’t lose its leaves in winter?
Answer: Evergreen

55. Question: What is the process by which rocks are broken down by wind, water, or ice?
Answer: Erosion

56. Question: What’s the name of the deepest place in the ocean?
Answer: Mariana Trench

57. Question: What is the term for a group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring?
Answer: Species

58. Question: What is the term for an organism that lives in close association with another organism of a different species?
Answer: Symbiont

59. Question: Mycology is the scientific study of what?
Answer: Fungi

60. Question: How many bones are in a giraffe’s neck?
Answer: Seven

61. Question: What’s the smallest mammal in the world?
Answer: Bumblebee bat

62. Question: What mammal has the most powerful bite?
Answer: Hippopotamus

63. Question: What’s the deadliest animal to humans?
Answer: Mosquitoes

64. Question: What animal’s tongue can be as long as its body?
Answer: Chameleon

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Science Trivia About the Body

65. Question: What is the rarest blood type?
Answer: AB-

66. Question: What is the medical term for bad breath?
Answer: Halitosis

67. Question: How many bones are there in the adult human body?
Answer: 206

68. Question: Which organ is responsible for producing insulin?
Answer: Pancreas

69. Question: How many pairs of ribs does the human body typically have?
Answer: 12 pairs

70. Question: Which part of the human body contains the smallest bones?
Answer: The ear

71. Question: What’s the name of the process by which cells divide to create identical cells?
Answer: Mitosis

72. Question: What’s the largest artery in the human body?
Answer: Aorta

73. Question: What is the term for the process by which the body converts food into energy?
Answer: Metabolism

74. Question: What substance are hair and nails made of?
Answer: Keratin

75. Question: What is the name of the iron-containing protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen?
Answer: Hemoglobin

76. Question: How many taste buds does the average human tongue have?
Answer: Around 10,000

77. Question: How many vertebrae are there in the human spine?
Answer: 33

78. Question: What part of the brain is responsible for memory and learning?
Answer: Hippocampus

79. Question: What is the largest muscle in the human body?
Answer: Gluteus maximus

80. Question: How many teeth does an adult have?
Answer: 32

81. Question: What type of cell is responsible for carrying electrical impulses in the nervous system?
Answer: Neuron

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Science Trivia About Space

82. Question: What’s the sun primarily made of?
Answer: Hydrogen

83. Question: What makes the moon shine?
Answer: Reflection from the sunlight

84. Question: Which planet rotates on its side, with its axis tilted at over 90 degrees?
Answer: Uranus

85. Question: What’s the nearest star system to our solar system?
Answer: Alpha Centauri

86. Question: What are planets outside our solar system called?
Answer: Exoplanets

87. Question: What is the name of the largest asteroid in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter?
Answer: Ceres

88. Question: Which space probe was the first to leave the solar system?
Answer: Voyager 1

89. Question: What is the term for two stars that orbit around a common center of mass?
Answer: Binary star system

90. Question: What is the name of the first spacecraft to visit Pluto?
Answer: New Horizons

91. Question: Who was the second man to walk on the moon?
Answer: Buzz Aldrin

92. Question: What are the names of the two moons of Mars?
Answer: Phobos and Deimos

93. Question: Which planet in our solar system has the highest surface temperature?
Answer: Venus

94. Question: Which planet has the shortest day, of about 10 hours?
Answer: Jupiter

95. Question: Which planet has the longest year, of about 165 Earth years?
Answer: Neptune

96. Question: What is the name of the first woman to travel into space?
Answer: Valentina Tereshkova

97. Question: What’s the largest moon in the solar system?
Answer: Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons 

98. Question: How many space shuttles have there been, and what are their names?
Answer: Six: Challenger, Enterprise, Columbia, Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavour.

99. Question: Which planet is also known as the "Evening Star"?
Answer: Venus

100. Question: What is the most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere?
Answer: Nitrogen

101. Question: Which constellation contains Polaris, the North Star?
Answer: Ursa Minor, or the Little Dipper

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