Top Ten Walking FAQs

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Learn about the basics of walking, from dodging blisters to replacing your shoes.

Q: What's the best time of day to walk?
A: Any time of day is perfect; it varies from one person to the next. In summer, it's nice to walk in the mornings, when it's cooler. In winter, lunch hours work well; it's the warmest part of the day, the fresh air revitalises you for the afternoon and you get a healthy dose of vitamin D from the sun. The real question is: when are you most willing and able to walk? That's the best time for you.

Q: Should I eat before I walk?
A: Again, it's different for everyone. If you're planning a brisk walk or interval training, it's best to just eat something small and simple, such as a piece of fruit or some low-fat or fat-free yoghurt. The human body doesn't like digesting food while exercising hard.

That said, a leisurely stroll after a large meal can assist digestion and burn a few extra kilojoules. But walking before a meal works just as well, as long as you don't have any problems with your blood sugar. If you're walking first thing in the morning, drink a large glass of water before you head out. Your body may be slightly dehydrated after a night's sleep.

Q: What's the simplest way to determine how fast I'm walking?
A: The easiest way to gauge your speed without using a pedometer is to count how many steps you take per minute. The experts use this number to calculate pace, based on an average stride length of just over half a metre. (Stride length is the distance from the heel of one foot to the heel of the other foot when you're taking a step.)

  • 70 steps per minute equals about 20 minutes per kilometre, or 3 km/h.

  • 105 steps per minute equals about 12 minutes per kilometre, or 5 km/h.

  • 140 steps per minute equals about 10 minutes per kilometre, or 6 km/h.

If you pay attention to your steps, you'll soon be able to estimate your pace fairly accurately without bothering to count. You'll just know what a 20-minute kilometre or a 15-minute kilometre feels like.

Q: How many kilojoules do I burn by walking 1 km?
A: The average 68-kg woman burns from 200 to 250 kJ (about 50 to 60 cal) per kilometre. However, it depends on a number of factors, including height, weight, fitness level, terrain, clothing and outside temperature. Use our Walking Calculator to find out how many kilojoules you burn while walking.
If your goal is to lose weight, forget about the numbers. Instead, develop a healthy eating plan you can live with, and incorporate as much physical activity into your daily routine as possible. Try to walk for at least half an hour every day.


Q: When should I buy new shoes?
A: Replace your walking shoes every 6 months or every 1,000 km, whichever comes first. It doesn't matter if the shoes still look great; they've lost a lot of their cushioning by that time.


Q: How can I evaluate my fitness level as a walker?
A: To assess your fitness, try this formula developed by US-based Dr James Rippe: find a flat 1-km loop; warm up for 5 minutes, stretching your calves and hamstrings; then walk the loop as fast as you can. Compare your time with the benchmark for your age group:

Under 30 If you can walk a kilometre in 8 minutes, you're in great shape.
30 to 39 Doing a 9-minute kilometre puts you in the 'great shape' category.
40 to 49 Cover a kilometre in less than 9 and a half minutes, and you're at the top level of fitness for your age group.
50 to 69 Doing a 9-and-a-half-minute kilometre is excellent.
70 or over If you can walk a kilometre in 11 minutes, you're very fit for your age.

If you exceed the ideal time for your age group by 3 to 6 minutes, you're not in the best shape aerobically. But don't worry, just keep walking—regular exercise can lower your time.


Q: My hands swell when I walk. Is this a problem?
A: Swelling in your hands is normal; when you swing your arms, the blood rushes down into your fingers. It isn't dangerous, but it can be uncomfortable (especially if you wear rings). It's a good idea to remove your rings before you go for a walk.

If swelling bothers you, try squeezing your hands into fists from time to time while you walk. This helps push blood back from the fingers. If swelling is a real problem for you, try carrying small rubber balls to squeeze.

Q: Help! I'm having pain in the front of my lower legs. What is it?
A: It sounds like shin splints, a common problem that happens when you push your body too hard too soon. Your shin and calf muscles cramp from overuse and you notice a burning pain in your shins.

To avoid shin splints, gradually increase your pace and walking distance, and always take time to warm up properly. If you've already overdone it, try slowing your pace. If you're still in pain, try stretching your calf muscles: stand facing the nearest wall or tree, then lean forwards, putting your palms against the wall or tree and keeping your heels flat on the ground. Or sit on a bench with your legs straight out in front of you and flex your feet towards you. Still in pain? Try icing your shins for 15 minutes at a time. Make sure you wrap the ice in a towel to protect your skin.

Q: I have heel pain. What should I do?
A: Heel pain often results from a condition called plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the plantar fascia, a sheath of connective tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot. This tissue can become overstretched and inflamed, producing sharp pain, especially first thing in the morning. The pain eases as you walk around, but it can return, particularly if you sit for long periods.

As you get older, your body's tissues become less pliable—that's why stretching is so important. Stretch your calf muscles to alleviate heel pain. If that doesn't work, book an appointment with a podiatrist. You may need better walking shoes or orthotics to keep your ankles from rolling inwards.

Whatever the source of your pain, it needs time to heal. Be patient.

Q: How can I avoid blisters?
A: If you've just started a walking program, a bad case of blisters can knock you right off your feet. More experienced walkers who step up their workouts can also run into problems. Here's how to keep your feet blister-free:

  • When you feel a 'hot spot' on your foot, do something about it straightaway. Remove your shoe and cover the affected area with an adhesive bandage.

  • Make sure your shoes fit both feet. Many people have one foot that's larger than the other. The friction created by wearing the wrong-size shoe—whether it's too small or too large—can cause blisters.

  • Wear socks made from high-tech fabric that wicks away moisture from the skin.

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