Older Generations Are Sharing How They Had Fun Before The Internet, And It Really Shows How Creative People Used To Be

Older Generations Are Sharing How They Had Fun Before The Internet, And It Really Shows How Creative People Used To Be

Members of the BuzzFeed Community shared how they passed the time before the internet, and the response was overwhelming and VERY nostalgic. Here are some of the best replies:

1."Our group of friends would meet up in a coffee shop and just hang out for hours. I remember being busted for being out when I was supposed to be at a friend's place. My mom tracked me down at the 24-hour donut shop and was shocked to find me sitting there with 10 other kids drinking coffee and eating day-old donuts. She assumed that I was out drinking and doing drugs. The good news was my curfew was lifted after that."

Young kids in a coffee shop
Maskot / Getty Images/Maskot

2."Listening to cassette tapes (and wearing them out — Prince's Purple Rain, I'm talking about you!). When I wasn't doing that, I was with my best friends, driving around the neighboring towns looking for all the cute boys, while playing the radio or cassettes in my car. So much fun!"

Two friends lie on grass sharing music with a cassette player and tapes, embodying 1980s leisure culture
Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images

3."I spent hours just hanging out at the mall with my friends, buying hardly anything, just walking around and going in stores, drinking sodas or eating hot pretzels, and bumping into other kids we knew from school. There was a movie theater nearby, so sometimes we'd check out a movie, sometimes we even managed to buy a ticket to a rated R movie, but sometimes the ticket taker would card us and we were denied (we were crushed that we couldn't get in to see The Serpent and the Rainbow!)."

Interior of a multi-level shopping mall with stores, palm trees, and shoppers

4."I made collages with my leftover magazines. I did it on a bulletin board that was over my stereo so I could keep changing the collage when I got bored with it."

Woman pondering over a book with a cluttered bulletin board behind her
Image Source / Getty Images/Image Source

5."I worked from age 14 on, so at least three nights a week, I was bussing tables, but my sister and our best friend also worked at the same restaurant, so it was usually pretty fun. And the hard work was totally worth it when I was able to buy my first car and have my freedom!"

Woman in apron using a cash register in a cafe setting
Me 3645 Studio / Getty Images

6."I’m in my late 30s, so I grew up with dial-up internet. My childhood memories were filled with sleepovers at the neighbors' playing video games until the sun came up. They're filled with walks to the nearest neighborhood store to get the latest comics. They're filled with playing badminton with the neighbor next door using the fence as the ‘net.'"

Two characters from a TV show in a bedroom, one comforting the other, with emotional expressions and whimsical decor
Evgeniyshkolenko / Getty Images

7."If I was in my room, I was either reading, talking on the phone, or performing my parents’ comedy albums in front of a mirror. I must have listened to Steve Martin’s Let’s Get Small 50 times."

Steve Martin with balloon hat in a promotional black and white photo
Michael Ochs Archives / Getty Images

8."I’m more bored now than I was then. As a teen, I used to read entire book series (I sometimes finished a 300-page book over a weekend), rollerblade, practice, music (I was a singer), and write in journals. As a younger kid, I played outside, had sleepovers, played board games, and did puzzles and Legos."

Two people smiling at a birthday party with a cake and gifts, having a joyful time
Jena Ardell / Getty Images

9."In the '70s and early '80s, it was all about the rollerskating. It was a mostly socially acceptable way for a peculiar boy like me to be graceful."

Person putting on roller skates in a park setting
Ceciangiocchi / Getty Images/RooM RF

10."Sometimes my friends and I would get together and go downtown to visit museums on free days, or we'd head out to the mall and wander around for hours. I don't ever remember being bored, to be honest. There was always something to do."

Woman in cheerleader outfit making a playful pose with hands on head in a parking lot
Jena Ardell / Getty Images

11."We had one TV, one phone line, and much later, one computer. I was 'grounded' a lot as a kid, so I read in my room a ton. The Scholastic Book Fair was my Disney World. I got so many free personal pan pizzas as a kid. I started writing as a teenager, too."

Banner for a Scholastic Book Fair displayed on a fence, with cartoon characters and a message about benefiting the school
Ucg / UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

12."When I was in elementary school, I used to build model warships. Then when I was in the seventh grade, I took those ships, placed them in our pool with some lighter fluid and a firecracker or two, and had an instant WW2 naval battle! My parents were not amused."

Two children playing with a paper boat by a pool
Blue Images / Getty Images

13."Man, we used to ride bikes everywhere, all the time. It was freedom. You'd have lunch at a buddy's house or maybe they'd have lunch at yours, and then you'd be gone exploring until it got dark."

A young boy smiling next to his bicycle
Pbnj Productions / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

14."I used to take my Barbie with long hair and practice hairstyles that I wanted to learn that my mom didn't know how to do, such as a French braid. I also bought fabric scraps from a fair and made Barbie clothes with them, which helped improve my sewing skills. I would also use my dolls to help me write stories by having them in certain jobs or positions, which helped me with my creative writing class."

Child in tiara plays with dolls by a window, looking outside
Robyn Breen Shinn / Getty Images/Image Source

15."I grew up in NYC, so no driving around or malls, but going to bookstores and sitting around looking at magazines, walking up and down the street and looking at people, getting drunk or high in parks…that’s what my friends and I did without the internet!"

Person sleeping on a subway car seat with head resting against window
Thom Lang / Getty Images

16."We would go to Denny’s and order coffee and smoke cigarettes and talk all night. Inside the restaurant. No one ever kicked us out. Good times."

Exterior of a Denny's restaurant at night with illuminated signage and visible indoor diners
Jeff Greenberg / Jeffrey Greenberg/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

17."As a mall teen in the early '90s, my friends and I would go to Windsor Fashions (tres chic) and try on the fancy dresses. I’m sure the sales associates hated us, but we were too young and dumb to care."

Two people shopping, one holding a striped shirt up, smiling, in a boutique setting
Joos Mind / Getty Images

18."I used to embroider, or do beadwork, or draw while I listened to records or watched reruns of sitcoms on TV. And I would write letters. In the old days, you had to write words on paper and mail them to your friends who lived far away to stay in touch with them."

Woman in a casual pink outfit sitting at a desk with a computer, phone to ear, looking thoughtful
Dex Images / Getty Images

19."I grew up in a small town in the '90s. I lived on a street packed with kids, so we were always outside doing something. We had a patch of woods at the end of our street, and built us an awesome fort. We walked around or biked around town with no shoes. A friend had a creek in their backyard, and their house was the place to go. We could go swimming, make s’mores by it, etc. Ahh memories."

Two children play with bubbles outdoors
Fatcamera / Getty Images

20."I once coated our bathroom floor in Vaseline so I could pretend to ice skate like Michelle Kwan!"

Michelle Kwan figure skating
Focus On Sport / Getty Images

21."Magazines. So many magazines, reading them while playing my cassettes. Shopping even if we were broke. We'd try a load of stuff on, try all the testers we could, and maybe buy some chips to share if we pooled our cash."

A variety of international entertainment magazines spread out, featuring celebrity news and pop culture
Todd Gipstein / Getty Images

22."One of my friends was given a video camera by our school’s football coach to film games. She often took it home, and my friends and I filmed ourselves doing little dances, talking, and just generally being silly. It was a little like TikTok before TikTok!

Two individuals dancing outdoors at night by a house and trees
Jena Ardell / Getty Images

23."Gas was way cheaper, so we would play the left/right game and see where we'd end up driving to. I also loved to mess with my clothes, so I spent time cutting, sewing, and redesigning some shirts."

Two people smiling in a red convertible, one adjusting sunglasses, evoking a sense of carefree nostalgia
Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images

How did you pass the time as a teen pre-internet? Let us know in the comments!