1. Nudge the Scale

Studies have shown shedding even 4 kilograms can significantly slash your risk. Even extremely overweight people were 70% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes when they lost just 5% of their weight—even if they didn’t exercise. If you weigh 78 kilograms, that’s a little less than 4 kilograms to lose! Use our Daily Kilojoule Calculator to see how many kilojoules you need—and how many you need to shave off your diet—if you want to lighten up...

…Or see the first issue of Prevention, on sale now, to start the Flat Belly Diet. Designed specifically by and for Prevention, it has been shown to relieve factors which contribute to development of type 2 Diabetes—such as insulin sensitivity, and high levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

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