Pisces: Six Month Horoscope

PISCES February 19 - March 20

The Piscean journey is filled with tornadoes. You plan, work hard, attend to the details, and poof! - there you are swept up by unforeseen circumstances. This sense of "destiny's hand" has been even more pronounced lately as Mars, planet of conflict, swooshed through your House of Work, stirring up a whirlwind. You've been sucked into other people's agendas and encountered dizzying changes in your career. But you've also become more independent, been true to a long-term commitment, and ended a toxic relationship (whether in work or personal life). All signs point to a grand project that a year ago may have felt risk-laden. Now it's the most natural direction to take. A business friendship and a group you've already been introduced to are your access to a public role in which you'll deliver an unusual message - perhaps a way of selling a product or service, or the shaping of an old idea into something new. You're an original; your unorthodox viewpoint is the key to success. Also,
you have a practical way of caring about others - bringing useful advice to an audience - and your star quality will translate into financial reward! LOVE AND SEX
Whether you've begun, ended or changed a romantic alliance, been through a crisis of the heart or made a profound decision, you're in a cycle of metamorphosis. Having come through a "death" process (and lived to tell the tale), you're going through a new dawn. You've shed the role of enabler, which was a pattern of refusing to see what you didn't want to see. During the next six months, Jupiter, planet of wisdom and joy, is lighting up Pisces. This is a crash course in finding your power and enjoying life. You'll tumble headlong into an uninhibited, free-spirited relationship in which you express your eroticism. But this is not just sex without strings. As you become more impetuous, up-front and far less cautious, you'll discover you have a life-changing impact on your lover. Together you'll make a daring love commitment. As an extra bonus, you'll take old anger you may be carrying with you and channel it into an ambition that you as a couple can achieve. You'll travel and make investments that not long ago seemed unthinkable. On a deeper level, you, who have always yearned for completion, will find that missing part to you.