7 Year Itch Now The 3 Year Itch
In what may be a sign of the times, a new study has revealed that the 7 year itch is now more like the 3 year itch.
British researchers studied 2,000 adults in long-term relationships and found that the three year mark is when couples start looking for "personal" space. This is also reportedly the time when stress levels peak and couples begin taking each other for granted.
"Longer working hours combined with money worries are clearly taking their toll on modern relationships and we are seeing an increasing trend for solo holidays and weekends away from marriages and relationships in order to revive the romantic spark," said survey leader Judi James.
The survey also found that those in newer partnerships can expect to be complimented by their partners at least thrice weekly, compared to once a week for those in relationships of three years or more.
In addition, the survey revealed that 67 percent of all of those surveyed said that small irritations which are seemingly harmless and often endearing during the first few years often expand into "major irritations" around 36 months.
The top ten passion killers are:
1. Weight gain/lack of exercise
2. Money and spend thriftiness
3. Anti-social working hours
4. Hygiene issues
5. In-Laws/extended family
6. Lack of romance
7. Alcohol - drinking too much
8. Snoring and anti-social bedtime habits
9. Lapsed fashion-Same old underwear/clothes
10. Bathroom habits - Stray nail cuttings etc.
Do you agree with the results of this survey?