Get Your Glow On

Photo: Getty Images

If I look through all the celebrity beauty inspiration pics I have, and believe me I have more than I care to admit, they all have one major thing in common. It’s not an amazing outfit – seriously for some I wonder why they don’t sack their stylist – and it’s not the newest ‘It’ bag – although I jealously have to say most of them do have that – it’s glowing skin.

There’s nothing more confidence boosting than a smooth, glowing complexion. It can make you feel healthy and will give any makeup look the perfect flawless canvass to work on. Most celebrities obviously have their bank of makeup artists and facialists to fall back on. But there are some great things you can do yourself to get help put your best face forward.


The first step is getting a healthy, balanced lifestyle and pairing it with a great skincare regime that nourishes, hydrates and promotes cell renewal for your best glow.


This is the most important step. Your cleanser is the gateway to great skin. In one go you can remove makeup, neutralize toxins, wash away skin aggressors, remove buildup and keep skin clean and nourished. Gone are the days of harsh, abrasive cleansers that strip away all the good with the bad. If your skin feels tight and dry after you cleanse, your skin is not going to glow. It’s all about getting a hydrated, moisturised base. Especially in winter, look for hydrating cleansers that do more than just clean. If you’re washing your face at the end of the day, it’s always good to do a double cleanse – one to remove makeup and one to give your skin a good clean and let the ingredients really get into your pores to make you glow from within. Look for specially marked cleansers that state hydrating properties as these will ensure that you’re never left with that tight feeling, and just moisturised, glowing skin.



An extension of the cleansing step, your skin simply can’t be radiant if your old dead and dull skin cells are sitting on top of your new plump and glowing ones. So you need to remove these to encourage skin cell turnover. Look for cleansers that include exfoliating particles to slough away the dead cells – use one to two times a week to get serious glow factor. But most importantly make sure you’re looking for hydrating products that immediately moisturise that new skin.


A deep treatment for your skin, masks can have many functions. Look for hydrating and nourishing masks in winter to combat dryness, and clarifying and tightening masks to clear your skin. Use at least once a week to give your skin a radiance boost.


Lock in all of that base moisturisation from your cleanser through to your final skincare steps. Especially at night when your skin is in repair mode and all the glow-producing work is done.