XL Bully attack – latest: Woman killed by two dogs in Hornchurch pictured as neighbours feared for children

A woman killed by her XL Bully dogs at her house in east London has been named locally as Angeline Mahal.

Ms Mahal, believed to be in her 50s, was attacked by her two dogs at the semi-detached home in Cornwall Close in Hornchurch just after 1pm on Monday.

Armed police attended the scene and told neighbours in the cul-de-sac to stay indoors before the area was evacuated shortly after 4pm.

Despite London Ambulance Service sending paramedics and a helicopter, the woman was pronounced dead at the scene.

On Tuesday afternoon, Ms Mahal was named locally, as His Majesty’s Coroners East London confirmed they had been made aware of her death.

Both dogs were registered as exempt from the government’s ban on XL Bully dogs, which came in on 1 February.

Under the agreement for having a dog exempt, owners must have had the animal neutered, have it microchipped and keep it muzzled and on a lead in public.

But one neighbour, Sejal Solanki, said she had warned her child about going near the dogs.

She said: “I said ‘Don’t ever touch those dogs. They’re dangerous’.”

Have you been affected by this? Email alexander.ross@independent.co.uk

Key Points

Dogs were contained in a room before officers arrived, police say

Tuesday 21 May 2024 07:32 , Andy Gregory

The dogs had been contained in a room before police arrived at the property in Hornchurch, the Metropolitan Police said.

A spokesperson said: “Due to the threat posed, armed officers attended. After assessing the situation, officers were able to safely seize two dogs.

“These were registered XL Bully dogs and prior to officers’ arrival had been contained inside a room in the house. They did not leave the house at any time during the incident.

“The family of the woman, who was the owner of the dogs, are being supported by officers.”

Latest fatal attack is 16th in UK since November 2021, campaigners warn

Tuesday 21 May 2024 07:36 , Andy Gregory

The death of a woman in her 50s in east London marks the 16th person to be killed by an XL Bully or XL Bully cross in the UK since November 2021, accordig to the campaign group Bully Watch, which compiles evidence of attacks by the dogs.

“Since we launched our campaign in July 2023, out of the 5 subsequent fatalities to dogs, 4 were caused by XL Bullies,” the group wrote on X/Twitter.

Fatal dog attacks have surged to a record high - and why?

Tuesday 21 May 2024 08:09 , Alex Ross

There were 16 deaths by dog bites recorded in 2023, more than double the six fatalities in 2022. Between 1991 and 2021, the number never went above five, according to data from the Office for National Statistics.

The increase has been blamed on a rise in dog ownership sparked by Covid – 11 million in 2023 compared to 9.6 million in 2021, according to charity PDSA – with puppies bred and smuggled from abroad with little care for their welfare.

The overall number of dog attacks has also soared. Figures obtained by The Independent from police forces in England and Wales show there has been an almost 60 per cent rise in the last five years.

More here:

Deadly attacks by dogs in Britain soar to record high

Dogs were two of 55,000 XL Bully dogs registered after ban

Tuesday 21 May 2024 08:20 , Alex Ross

To keep an XL Bully dog after 1 February, owners had to register them with Defra.

By registering the dogs, owners compley with rules including having them microchipped, kept on a lead and muzzled when in public and, to ensure these dogs cannot continue breeding, they must also be neutered.

In February, Environment Secretary Steve Barclay said: “The ban on XL Bullies is now in place meaning it is illegal to own one of these dogs unless it has been registered.

“We have delivered our pledge to bring in this important measure to protect public safety, and we expect all XL Bully owners to comply with the strict conditions.”

Breeds banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act

Tuesday 21 May 2024 08:30 , Alex Ross

Rishi Sunak brought forward a ban on XL Bullys after a series of high profile attacks.

The breed joined four others that are banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act. They are American pitbull terriers, Japanese tosas, dogo Argentinos and fila Brasileiros.

Critics say legislation should not target the breed, but the owners.

Conservative MP Sir Christopher Chope said the ban on XL Bullys was one of the worst pieces of legislation brought forward by the government, describing it as a knee-jerk reaction to newspaper headlines.

‘You never think a dog will do that'

Tuesday 21 May 2024 08:40 , Alex Ross

The fatal dog attack took place in Cornwall Close, near Essex Gardens where residents brought out cups of tea and coffee to police officers who attended following the attack on Monday

One told the Mirror: “The dogs weren’t killed, they’ve taken them away.

“There’s been vans back and forth non-stop since lunchtime and we saw the helicopter come over and you assume the worst. Campion [a nearby school and sixth form college] isn’t far from here so you panic it’s kids or something. You never think a dog’s going to do that. It’s awful.”

Where the attack took place

Tuesday 21 May 2024 08:50 , Alex Ross

Cornwall Close is in Havering, in Hornchurch. It is located next to the A127 on the outskirts of the borough.

Scene this morning

Tuesday 21 May 2024 09:00 , Alex Ross

Pictures from the scene this morning show the woman’s semi-detached home taped off with a blue forensic tent set up at the front porch.

Meanwhile, people in local social media groups have paying their respects.

One person wrote: “Thinking of the family and how they must be in such a state of shock.”

Ambulance service issues statement

Tuesday 21 May 2024 09:10 , Alex Ross

A London Ambulance Service spokesman said: “We sent resources to the scene including ambulance crews, an incident response officer and London’s air ambulance.

“We treated a person but sadly, despite our efforts, they were pronounced dead at the scene.”

More reaction from neighbours

Tuesday 21 May 2024 09:30 , Alex Ross

Neighbours have been speaking to reporters at the scene this morning.

One walking her dogs told LBC: “I don’t understand where these dogs came from, I’ve never seen them. I go every day with my dogs but I’ve never seen these ones. I’d notice these dogs because I’d avoid them.

“It’s horrible… so close to home. It’s a horrible, horrible, thing to happen.

Another told the outlet that she saw the dogs in the garden and that they would bark late into the night.

Other XL Bully dog attack cases in the news this week

Tuesday 21 May 2024 09:55 , Alex Ross

On Thursday, a man will be sentenced at Birmingham Crown Court after his XL Bully dog attacked an 11-year-old girl and two men.

Farhat Ajaz, 61, pleaded guilty to three charges of owning a dog which caused injury while dangerously out of control following an incident in Bordesley Green, Birmingham on 9 September last year.

The attack by the dog, named Tyson, resulted in shoulder and arm injuries for the girl.

And earlier this month, a 39-year-old arrested on connection with the death of grandmother Esther Martin, who was killed by XL Bully dogs in Clacton-on-Sea in Essex, had his bail extended as investigations continue.

Essex Police will not say if the dogs were registered.

Paramedics administered CPR to the victim

Tuesday 21 May 2024 10:13 , Alex Ross

Neighbours have described seeing paramedics administer CPR to the victim in her front garden.

A woman who has asked to remain anonymous said: “I came out of the house and looked to see what had happened. We hadn’t heard anything but saw a helicopter overhead and loads of police.

“I stood by the road and saw a paramedic administering CPR. That poor woman. It’s shocking.”

One person heard barking during the incident

Tuesday 21 May 2024 10:22 , Alex Ross

One woman said she heard barking during the incident and had previously warned her child about going near the XL bully dogs.

She told the PA news agency: “I said ‘don’t ever touch those dogs. They’re dangerous’.

“I didn’t see anything but I heard a lot of of barking and saw a lot of people outside.”

Road was evacuated

Tuesday 21 May 2024 11:05 , Alex Ross

Neighbours say they were told to stay indoors “out of respect” before being evacuated by the police.

One man, who has asked to remain anonymous, said: “I was sat in the garden when it happened. I didn’t hear anything but I saw a helicopter overhead.

“I looked out and saw two or three ambulances and eight or nine police cars. We asked police what had happened, they said there’d been ‘an unfortunate incident’.

“At around 4.15pm we were told to evacuate. We were out for around half an hour while police blocked off the road.”

‘Really sad’ - local dog trainer

Tuesday 21 May 2024 11:09 , Alex Ross

The BBC has spoken to a dog trainer who lives local to the house where the woman died.

Michaela Scott, who specialises in working with XL Bully dogs, said: “It’s really sad for the person, the neighbours, for the local community.”

She claimed they’d been a rise in people wanting help in training their dogs since new rules came into play after the ban in February.

She added: “Owners want to do what’s right for their dog....they want to know how to keep their dog safe as well as everyone else safe.”

Other recent attacks

Tuesday 21 May 2024 11:39 , Alex Ross

The attack in Hornchurch comes after mother and son Amanda Young, 49, and Lewis Young, 30, were jailed last week after an eight-year-old boy was injured in a “savage and sustained attack” by their XL bully.

The boy suffered extensive injuries to his scalp, face and hands in the attack in the communal area of a block of flats in Wadham Road, Bootle, Merseyside, on February 10.

In March, Farhat Ajaz, 61, admitted being the owner of a dangerously out of control XL bully that injured an 11-year-old girl and two men in Birmingham.

And in the same month four men were hurt by a dog suspected to be the banned breed in Battersea, south west London, after which the animal was shot by police.

On February 3, just after the ban came into force, grandmother Esther Martin, 68, suffered unsurvivable wounds in a dog attack at a house in Jaywick in Essex, while visiting her grandson.

She had reportedly tried to break up a fight between two puppies before she was attacked.

Attack could be the first fatal attack by registered XL Bully under new laws

Tuesday 21 May 2024 11:55 , Alex Ross

The two XL Bully dogs that killed the woman in her home in Hornchurch were registered, police have said.

They are among more than 55,000 registered with an exemption certificate to ban introduced on the breed on 1 February.

Shortly after the ban, grandmother Esther Martin was killed by two XL Bully dogs in Clacton-on-Sea in Essex - but the force will not say if they were registered.

Under rules attached to exemption certificates, anyone who owns one of the dogs must have had the animal neutered, have it microchipped and keep it muzzled and on a lead in public, among other restrictions.

Tragic sign spotted outside home where woman was killed

Tuesday 21 May 2024 12:07 , Alex Ross

A sticker on the front door of a home where a woman was killed in an attack by her two XL Bully dogs warned “never mind the dogs”.

Underneath the opening text, the message jokingly added: “Beware of the kids”.

Tragic sign outside home where woman was mauled to death by her own XL bullies

Woman named as Angeline Mahal

Tuesday 21 May 2024 12:35 , Alex Ross

The woman killed in the dog attack has been named locally as Angeline Mahal.

His Majesty’s Coroners East London have been referred notice of the woman’s death and a hearing to open her inquest will take place in the future.

Relatives of woman killed ‘begged her to get rid of them'

Tuesday 21 May 2024 12:51 , Alex Ross

As more details emerge about the victim, named locally as Angeline Mahal, we’re seeing a relative of the mother quoted in The Sun.

Describing her as “loved by everyone”, the relative, who did not want to be named, said he had asked her to get rid of the animals before the tragedy.

They added: “The bond with owners and their dogs is too strong.”

‘Poor woman’ - neighbour

Tuesday 21 May 2024 13:15 , Alex Ross

One woman living nearby the incident in the cul-de-sac, who asked to remain anonymous, expressed her shock at the attack.

She told PA: “I came out of the house and looked to see what had happened.

“We hadn’t heard anything but saw a helicopter overhead and loads of police.

“I stood by the road and saw a paramedic administering CPR. That poor woman. It’s shocking.”

What is the law on XL Bully dogs

Tuesday 21 May 2024 13:40 , Alex Ross

From February 1, it became a criminal offence to own the XL bully breed in England and Wales without an exemption certificate.

Anyone who owns one of the dogs must have had the animal neutered, have it microchipped and keep it muzzled and on a lead in public, among other restrictions.

More than 55,000 dogs were registered as excempt, according to Defra.

Why the ban was brought in

Tuesday 21 May 2024 14:00 , Alex Ross

The Government move to ban XL bullies followed a series of high-profile attacks.

According to the Office for National Statistics, there were 16 deaths due to dog attacks in 2023, a sharp rise from preceding years where the number had been in single figures.

The overall number of dog attacks also soared. Figures obtained by The Independent from police forces in England and Wales showed there has been an almost 60 per cent rise in the last five years.

But many campaigners, including the RSPCA, have aruged that breed-focused legislation is not the answer to the issue.

‘Pleasant woman, very lovely'

Tuesday 21 May 2024 14:26 , Alex Ross

Tributes have this afternoon paid tribute to the woman killed by her two XL Bully dogs, who has been named locally as Angeline Mahal.

A neighbour who knew her affectionately as Angel, said: “She was a pleasant woman, very lovely. You could hear the dogs barking, but I never saw them. I knew her as Angel.”

‘Ms Mahal’s two sons discovered her on the floor‘

Tuesday 21 May 2024 15:35 , Alex Ross

A relative of Ms Mahal has said that the woman was found in her hallway by her two sons, who both tried CPR while calling an ambulance.

The family member, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: “Angeline always kept dogs, she had done for years. Her two most recent dogs were XL bullies. She’d had them since they were puppies and had cages for them. They were properly registered.

“We don’t know the full details yet but I think only one of them attacked her. Her two sons found her in the hallway. They tried to give her CPR but she had already gone. The police and paramedics turned up a little while later.”

Relative warns over XL Bully dog owners

Tuesday 21 May 2024 16:14 , Alex Ross

The relative of Angeline Mahal has spoken more to reporters about the mother who was killed by her two registered XL Bully dogs.

She issued a direct warning to any other owner of the breed.

She said: “There’s something I want to make clear and it’s that anyone who has an XL Bully-type dog needs to do the right thing if they spot their pets becoming aggressive and give them up.

“I know it’s hard because people have such an attachment - but we wouldn’t want any other family to go through this. We miss Angeline. She was a sincere person with such a kind heart.”

Pictures from the scene

Tuesday 21 May 2024 17:15 , Alex Ross

Police have remained at the house after the death of Angeline Mahal yesterday. Here are some pictures from the scene:

A blue forensic tent outside the entrance to the home (William Warnes/PA Wire)
A blue forensic tent outside the entrance to the home (William Warnes/PA Wire)
A black car parked on the driveway as a police officer guards the scene (William Warnes/PA Wire)
A black car parked on the driveway as a police officer guards the scene (William Warnes/PA Wire)
Residents were evacuated from Cornwall Close following the attack (William Warnes/PA Wire)
Residents were evacuated from Cornwall Close following the attack (William Warnes/PA Wire)

Fatal XL Bully attacks over past year

Tuesday 21 May 2024 18:14 , Alex Ross

20 May, 2024 - Angeline Mahal kileld by her two XL Bully dogs at her home in Hornchurch

3 February, 2024 - Grandmother Esther Martin, killed while looking after her grandson in Essex.

October, 2023 - Ian Langley suffered fatal neck injuries in dog attack in Sunderland

Ian Price died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham after being attacked by an XL Bully ((Staffordshire Police/PA))
Ian Price died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham after being attacked by an XL Bully ((Staffordshire Police/PA))

September, 2023 - Ian Price killed while protecing his mother in Stonnall in Staffordshire

May, 2023 - Jonathan Hogg attacked by dog in Leigh in Greater Manchester

Relatives say they begged Angeline Mahal to get rid of the dogs

Tuesday 21 May 2024 18:56 , Barney Davis

A relative feared Angeline - known as Angel to friends - had been dead for many hours before she was discovered.

He told The Sun: “We miss her, she was sincere and loved by everyone.

“We asked her to get rid of the dogs. The bond with owners and their dogs is too strong.”

He said: “She had two dogs from when they were puppies. They were registered. It was more likely to have been one of them attacked her.

“We are just shocked. You hear about these attacks in a paper but you never expect this to happen to your own family.”

He added: “There’s something I want to make clear and it’s that anyone who has XL Bully-type dog needs to do the right thing if they spot their pets becoming aggressive and give them up.

“I know it’s hard because people have such an attachment - but we wouldn’t want any other family to go through this. We miss Angeline. She was a sincere person with such a kind heart.”

Angeline Mahal was attacked by a dog at her home in Cornwall Close (Supplied)
Angeline Mahal was attacked by a dog at her home in Cornwall Close (Supplied)

Dogs ‘kept in cages'

Tuesday 21 May 2024 19:15 , Alex Ross

Angeline Mahal’s dogs were registered as exempt from the ban on XL Bully dogs, which came into force on 1 February.

Tonight, a close family member of Angeline, known to friends as Angel, said they asked her to get rid fo the dogs, but the bond between them was too strong.

He told The Sun: “She had two dogs from when they were puppies. They were registered. It was more likely to have been one of them attacked her.

“We are just shocked. You hear about these attacks in a paper but you never expect this to happen to your own family.”

He added: “She’s had many dogs over the years. It’s hard to pay attention to them. The dogs took up a lot of her time, they took away her freedom.

“She kept them in cages in one of the rooms. The whole family is distraught from this, her sons are devastated. Angeline was loved by everyone.”

‘It was strange, because there were no noises’

Tuesday 21 May 2024 20:15 , Alex Ross

While some based nearby have reported hearing barking during the incident, others heard nothing.

One man working on a house a few doors away from the victim’s told The Sun the first he knew about it was armed officers turning up.

He said: “The armed response officers were here immediately. We thought it was a stabbing or a shooting or something.

“We saw someone get pulled out of the house on a bed getting CPR. I couldn’t see her because there was too many people around her.

“It was strange, because there were no noises... That’s the weird bit about it.”

‘It’s knocked us all for six’ - saddened councillor

Tuesday 21 May 2024 21:01 , Alex Ross

Councillor David Godwin, of the Havering Residents Association, told The Independent he was keen to allow the police to do their work during the live investigation.

But he added: “We are saddened this had happened in our community, it’s knocked us all for six.

“We fell very sorry for the family. It’s something you never think will happen in your area.”

Two sons found mother dead after attack

Tuesday 21 May 2024 21:44 , Barney Davis

Another neighbour told The Evening Standard: “Two of her boys returned home and she had been attacked.

“It was too late for her… imagine coming home to that. It’s a tragedy, they were too late.

“She was a really nice lady and it’s tragic. I called her Ange - she was a gentle person who was quiet and humble. We are all reeling from this. It’s just so sad.”

 (William Warnes/PA Wire)
(William Warnes/PA Wire)

A summary of events after beautician killed by pet dogs

Tuesday 21 May 2024 21:51 , Barney Davis

  • Angeline Mahal, believed to be in her fifties, was attacked by her two dogs at the semi-detached home in Cornwall Close in Hornchurch just after 1pm on Monday.

  • Her two sons found her in the floor of her hallway before they alerted emergency services and attempted CPR, it is feared she may have been dead for hours.

  • The Metropolitan Police confirmed Mahal had been pronounced dead at the scene.

  • Officers later seized the two dogs without harming them.

‘I was scared stiff'

Tuesday 21 May 2024 22:00 , Alex Ross

More people living and working close to Monday’s dog fatal attack have given their reaction to the tragic death of Angeline Mahal this afternoon.

The street was evacuated hours after armed police were called to the scene.

Speaking to The Mirror, one elderly neighbour, who has lived on the street for 40 years, said: “I was scared stiff, there were four or five armed officers who all came round and we were evacuated from our houses.

“There were cars and ambulances and a dozen officers. I said to the police, ‘Is it safe?’, because we were worried there might be a gunman or someone with a sword, it was terrifying.

“We had no idea it was a dog attack.”

Family begged mother to get rid of XL Bullies

Tuesday 21 May 2024 23:30 , Barney Davis

A relative, who wished to remain anonymous, feared Angeline - known as Angel to friends - had been dead for many hours before she was discovered.

He told The Sun: “We miss her, she was sincere and loved by everyone.

“We asked her to get rid of the dogs. The bond with owners and their dogs is too strong.”

He said: “She had two dogs from when they were puppies. They were registered. It was more likely to have been one of them attacked her.

“We are just shocked. You hear about these attacks in a paper but you never expect this to happen to your own family.”

He added: “There’s something I want to make clear and it’s that anyone who has XL Bully-type dog needs to do the right thing if they spot their pets becoming aggressive and give them up.

“I know it’s hard because people have such an attachment - but we wouldn’t want any other family to go through this. We miss Angeline. She was a sincere person with such a kind heart.”

Neigbours tell of horror as son’s watch their mother get first aid following dog attack

Wednesday 22 May 2024 01:20 , Barney Davis

One neighbour told MailOnline, the sons were seen outside the home as emergency services fought to save Mahal’s life. The unnamed neighbour said: “The medics were working on her on the front driveway by the front door.

“One of the sons was in tears but you could see they were both devastated. The woman lives on her own with the dogs but her sons come round and visit her regularly.

“I’ve never seen the dogs being walked. I’ve not really seen them in the garden either. I hear them quite a bit in the house, they sometimes bark at night. The woman who died has been renting the house for about two to three years.”

Angeline Mahal was attacked by a dog at her home in Cornwall Close (Supplied)
Angeline Mahal was attacked by a dog at her home in Cornwall Close (Supplied)

400 XL Bullies put down since ban

Wednesday 22 May 2024 03:00 , Barney Davis

Figures show 400 XL bully dogs have been euthanised since the breed type was banned.

A Freedom of Information request shows that 400 compensation claims have been made for the euthanasia of XL bully dogs in England and Wales since the ban on 1 February.

In total, £76,500 has been paid to owners who opted to have their pets put down.

Figures also show 57,277 exemption certificates have been issued to owners who want to keep their pet, on the condition it is neutered, microchipped and kept on a muzzle and lead when in public.

The data shows that previous estimates of the number of XL bullies in the UK have been too low. The government said there were thought to be 10,000, a figure increased to about 50,000 earlier this year.

The Government move to ban XL bullies followed a series of attacks on people (Jacob King/PA) (PA Archive)
The Government move to ban XL bullies followed a series of attacks on people (Jacob King/PA) (PA Archive)

Woman mauled by XL Bully dogs in Edinburgh last week, report claims

Wednesday 22 May 2024 04:30 , Barney Davis

Monday’s attack reportedly comes just days after a woman was reportedly mauled by two XL Bully dogs at her home in Leith, Edinburgh.

The dogs were euthanised and the woman in her 20s left seriously injured after the dogs attacked her at a property on Leith’s Academy Street last Thursday, The Scottish Sun reported.

Charities argue bans won’t stop dog attacks

Wednesday 22 May 2024 06:40 , Barney Davis

Animal welfare charities have argued banning breeds does not work and other measures are needed to stop fatal dog attacks.

“We were saddened to hear about yesterday’s incident, and our thoughts are with the family of the lady who died,” said a spokesperson for the Dogs Trust.

“Dogs Trust has been calling on government to overhaul the Dangerous Dogs Act as it is ineffective and does little to protect members of the public. We urgently need effective legislation that allows for early intervention, with a focus on the prevention of dog bite incidents across all types of dogs

They added that better monitoring of puppy breeding and selling was needed, as well as mandatory licensing for dog sales.

A summary of events after beautician killed by pet dogs

Wednesday 22 May 2024 08:18 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

  • Angeline Mahal, believed to be in her fifties, was attacked by her two dogs at the semi-detached home in Cornwall Close in Hornchurch just after 1pm on Monday.

  • Her two sons found her in the floor of her hallway before they alerted emergency services and attempted CPR, it is feared she may have been dead for hours.

  • The Metropolitan Police confirmed Mahal had been pronounced dead at the scene.

  • Officers later seized the two dogs without harming them.

Angeline Mahal was attacked by a dog at her home in Cornwall Close (Supplied)
Angeline Mahal was attacked by a dog at her home in Cornwall Close (Supplied)

Relative warns over XL Bully dog owners

Wednesday 22 May 2024 09:18 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The relative of Angeline Mahal spoke to reporters about the mother who was killed by her two registered XL Bully dogs.

She issued a direct warning to any other owner of the breed.

She said: “There’s something I want to make clear and it’s that anyone who has an XL Bully-type dog needs to do the right thing if they spot their pets becoming aggressive and give them up.

“I know it’s hard because people have such an attachment - but we wouldn’t want any other family to go through this. We miss Angeline. She was a sincere person with such a kind heart.”

‘It’s knocked us all for six’ - saddened councillor

Wednesday 22 May 2024 10:38 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Councillor David Godwin, of the Havering Residents Association, told The Independent he was keen to allow the police to do their work during the live investigation.

But he added: “We are saddened this had happened in our community, it’s knocked us all for six.

“We fell very sorry for the family. It’s something you never think will happen in your area.”

400 XL Bullies put down since ban

Wednesday 22 May 2024 11:26 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Figures show 400 XL bully dogs have been euthanised since the breed type was banned.

A Freedom of Information request shows that 400 compensation claims have been made for the euthanasia of XL bully dogs in England and Wales since the ban on 1 February.

In total, £76,500 has been paid to owners who opted to have their pets put down.

Figures also show 57,277 exemption certificates have been issued to owners who want to keep their pet, on the condition it is neutered, microchipped and kept on a muzzle and lead when in public.

The data shows that previous estimates of the number of XL bullies in the UK have been too low. The government said there were thought to be 10,000, a figure increased to about 50,000 earlier this year.

 (PA Archive)
(PA Archive)

Dogs ‘kept in cages’

Wednesday 22 May 2024 12:30 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Angeline Mahal’s dogs were registered as exempt from the ban on XL Bully dogs, which came into force on 1 February.

Tonight, a close family member of Angeline, known to friends as Angel, said they asked her to get rid of the dogs, but the bond between them was too strong.

He told The Sun: “She had two dogs from when they were puppies. They were registered. It was more likely to have been one of them attacked her.

“We are just shocked. You hear about these attacks in a paper but you never expect this to happen to your own family.”

He added: “She’s had many dogs over the years. It’s hard to pay attention to them. The dogs took up a lot of her time, they took away her freedom.

“She kept them in cages in one of the rooms. The whole family is distraught from this, her sons are devastated. Angeline was loved by everyone.”

‘Nevermind the dogs’: Tragic sign outside home where woman was mauled to death by her own XL bullies

Wednesday 22 May 2024 13:30 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

A sticker on the front door of a home where a woman was killed in an attack by her two XL Bully dogs warned “never mind the dogs”.

Underneath the opening text, the message jokingly added: “Beware of the kids”.

The tragic sticker was spotted at the semi-detached home in Cornwall Close, in Hornchurch, east London, where a woman was mauled to death by her two registered XL Bully dogs shortly after 1pm on Monday. Armed police were called to the incident, with a cordon remaining outside the home with a blue forensic tent on Tuesday morning.

Tragic sign outside home where woman was mauled to death by her own XL bullies

Wednesday 22 May 2024 14:13 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

We are now pausing updates on this liveblog. Thank you for tuning in.