Your stress sweet spot

Here’s a statement you never hear: “I’m so stressed out – it’s awesome!” But the fact is, certain pressure-filled situations – say, the occasional public-speaking gig or when you’re frantically cramming for an exam – can be good for your health. Here, how to use those stressful situations to your advantage.

“There are good and bad types of stress. The bad kind of stress is chronic and uncontrollable, like tension caused by an unhappy marriage or a sick relative,” says Dr Edward Calabrese, a toxicologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, US. “But there are positives associated with short bursts of stress that ease up quickly,” such as being stuck in traffic or sweating through a work presentation.

In fact, it even has its own name: eustress. “This is a term coined by endocrinologist Dr Hans Selye, and means stress that is healthy or that gives you a feeling of fulfillment or other positive feelings,” says WH stress less expert, psychologist Dr Suzy Green.

In a recent study by Ohio State University, US, mice that experienced brief but intense stress better resisted the flu. And a smattering of research has linked acute short-term stress to a reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s.

The reason? Stress jolts you into repair mode. It works like this: when you injure yourself, your body snaps to attention and starts to fix itself – healing your injury and revving your immune system to protect against infection. Short-term stress works the same way. Initially, it produces free radicals and hormones, such as cortisol, that wreak havoc on your tissues. But then, when your body senses the damage, it calls in the clean-up crew. If the stress is short-lived, you can heal quickly and still have enough energy left over to repair everyday wear and tear, like a scratch or a bruise. (It’s like when you decide to tidy up a room for 10 minutes and end up doing a full-on spring clean – your body goes into a kind of self-repair overdrive.)

Some researchers who study ageing even go so far as to suggest that low-intensity stress could actually help extend your life. The concept makes sense: as you age, your body can’t mend as easily, says physiologist Dr Edward Masoro. If mild stress ramps up your body’s natural recovery process, “it stands to reason that it would slow down ageing,” he says.

There is research to back up the theory. When scientists periodically stress out flies and worms by exposing them to heat, they live longer. Human cells grown in the lab survive longer after being exposed to taxing conditions. Other studies suggest that mild mental tension in intellectual and social challenges, such as doing a crossword puzzle or attending a party where you don’t know anyone, can help people fare better in their senior years.

The right stuff

But stress on its own won’t help you – you’ve got to relax afterwards. Your body can’t begin repairing itself until the tension has stopped, so “if stress is too severe or prolonged, you’ll have no chance to recover,” says Dr Mark Mattson, a neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging, US. Not all R&R is created equal, though. Experts say you should avoid activities that, though they seem relaxing, actually tax you further: knocking back three margaritas after work or inhaling a pile of nachos. It might be better to rest on the lounge with a good book or head to the park with your dog.

The other key to reaping the benefits of tension is finding the balance between too much and too little, says Debbie Mandel, a stress-management specialist and author of Addicted to Stress: A Woman’s 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life. While feeling frazzled occasionally can be good for you, 87 per cent of Australians say they’re stressed, with four in 10 reporting “unhealthy” stress levels, according to a poll by Lifeline Australia. And women are more likely to feel stressed than men. On the flip side, legions of surfies and Jack Johnson fans may not face the strain of daily deadlines or scheduling nightmares (good), but that means that their normal wear and tear has a greater chance to accumulate (not so good). With this in mind, we asked Dr Green for five ways to help you find your stress sweet spot.

1. Keep a stress calendar You know when you’re tense, but it’s hard to remember how long you’ve been knotted up. Your tension levels vary over time, so every day, rate your stress on a scale from 1 to 10. “Keep track of what level you feel is your optimum, ie, your stress sweet spot, identify what you’re doing for this to occur – and do more of it!” says Dr Green. If you write down a 5 or above for more than two days in a row, try some relief tactics. Dr Green suggests reviewing your to-do list and “delegating, ditching or doing”, doing a guided relaxation or practising yoga.

2. Stretch yourself “Most people stay in their comfort zones. Try to push yourself outside of yours more often,” says Dr Green. Mental, physical or psychological challenges where you have a good degree of control and chance of success generate the good kind of stress. So sign up for something you’ve always wanted to do but have been afraid to try: rock-climbing, Mandarin classes, trapeze lessons... But switch things around periodically; once an activity becomes routine, it no longer stimulates you.

3. Focus on your strengths and accomplishments When it comes to your tension levels, some weeks are doozies and there’s nothing you can do about it. One way to turn prolonged stress into beneficial stress is to have both a to-do list and a “look what I did today” list. Recognising what you’ve accomplished sends a signal to your brain that it’s OK to relax; this helps you restore your balance.

4. Learn to ride the wave of fear “If you learn some strategies for managing fears and anxieties, it will ultimately reduce the level of stress you feel, as you’ll learn not to be fearful of fear,” explains Dr Green. “This might include some calming self-talk and abdominal breathing techniques to counteract the fight-or-flight response.”

5. Work up a sweat Exercise provides the same health perks as a shot of stress, and can help relieve extra anxiety. “Exercise helps to dissipate any oversupply of adrenaline in your body caused by too much stress,” says Dr Green. “It also releases endorphins, the natural feel-good chemicals in our brains.” Bring it on.


Brick it

Play Tetris, reduce stress. Really
Tetris has been around since 1984, but it wasn’t until this year that scientists realised it could help combat stress. In an Oxford University, UK, study, researchers found people who had recently been through a traumatic event and then played Tetris were less likely to have stress-related memory flashbacks. Try it at We’re hooked.