34 Times Men Opened Their Mouths On Dates, And Utter Garbage Spilled Out
We asked women of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the worst thing a man has ever said to them on a date. Hundreds of women came forward to share their nightmare date stories, so we had to do a part two! Here's what they revealed:
1."I had been talking to a guy for a few weeks and we decided to meet for dinner. He lived in another city, so he traveled to me so we could go out. I got to the restaurant about 10 minutes before we said we would meet and waited for him to show up. Ten minutes went by, then 20 minutes, then 30 minutes. Most people would have just been done then, but I liked him and decided to wait. He finally showed up and we sat down at our table. I sort of called him out a little for being late, and he said, 'Don't be such a bitch about it.' Yeah, nice. This was the day after Valentine's Day. While my brother was off proposing to his now-wife, I was getting called a bitch. Delightful."
2."We went on a first date to a movie. During the movie, he started French kissing me while I had popcorn in my mouth. After the date, he asked if I would be his girlfriend. When I said I didn't think we were a good fit, he asked me to pay him back for the popcorn and drink!"
3."I was out on a date with a guy and it was going well. We had been talking about various things and vibing together. He wanted to take me to a few well-known spots/trails for an evening walk to see the city skyline. When we got to our destination, we walked around the area, laughing and having a good time. He took me to a well-known memorial in the city with a beautiful view of the skyline and city lights. He stood behind me with his arms wrapped around me, holding me as we enjoyed the evening. Then, out of nowhere, he whispered into my ear, 'It's just too bad I'm gonna have to ghost you.' I turned around and said, 'WHAT!?!' His response? 'Oh no, that was bad of me. I shouldn't have said that. Just calm down and let's try to enjoy the night.' That was that. The 'date' ended then and there."
4."He was an attorney and it was our first date. We were at a decent restaurant and I felt hopeful he would be nice. During the first course, he reached over and grabbed my hand and said, 'If you don't give oral sex, I won't see you again!' I threw my wine on him and took a cab home."
5."I was on a first date with a guy I met at work. The instant we met up, the first words out of his mouth (and said with a lascivious grin) were: 'So, are you gonna sleep with me tonight?'"
6."I went on a date with a friend of a friend. As we sat down at the table, he looked at me and said: 'I’m sticking my gum under the table right now.' I noped right out. Later, I found out he had a girlfriend. He called me later to ask what went wrong, and I told him directly."
7."Second date. I was 32 years old at the time. He asked, 'If you had one wish, what would it be?' Saddled with law school debt and trying to show I was fiscally responsible, I answered, 'To have my school debt paid off.' He replied, 'So if you were pregnant right now, that wouldn't be a miracle?' Wait, what? After emphatically telling him I wasn't living to be a babymaker, we stumbled through the rest of the date. He asked me out again. I said yes, but I kept getting madder as I drove home. The next day, I sent a text declining a further date."
"This was the response: 'I am sorry to hear that. We indeed want different things. I want Illyrian Viking offspring. You are unhappy because you go against your nature. It took 2 million years for humanity to be what it is, and in this long journey, biology/evolution decided that 36 would be the cut-off age for women to have healthy children; hence, at a certain age, you should achieve certain things. You have eyes, but you don't see. You have been outside the States, and this experience has not enriched you. You have senses, but you don't use them. You want a man to share his feelings. Good luck finding him. You walk about life as a lost soul wandering into the mist, carrying a heavy burden, always unhappy and struggling when your life should be sunshine and sex. Even though I don't like your choice, I respect it. I wish you all the best. PS: You should smile more. You have an amazing smile."
8."'If I guess your bra size correctly, do I get to motorboat you later?'"
9."I went on a blind date. When he first saw me, he said, 'Wow, you're so hot! You're like an 8, which is cool because I don't date 10s!'"
10."I had a guy leave our FIRST (and only) date early because he wasn't feeling well. The next day, he texted me that he left because I was 'too sexually promiscuous' and 'morally astray' because I defended his ex-girlfriend for not being a virgin/having a threesome before he HAD EVEN MET HER."
11."I went on a date with a colleague who was not at the executive level like me, and he asked me, 'Who did you have to sleep with to get where you are?' He was a TV editor, and I was the vice president of a TV production company. I walked out of the restaurant right then and there."
12."On the first (and only) date with this guy, he told me I reminded him of his twin sister. He said we looked the same and shared the same name. It kind of creeped me out, honestly, but then he also told me that she died and that it was his fault because he fell asleep at the wheel while driving them both somewhere. This info seemed personal, and I was confused about why he told me this only 10 minutes into our date. After dinner at a restaurant, he said he made me dessert and asked if I'd return to his apartment. His roommates were home, so I agreed and was hoping to end the date as soon as I was done eating. He refused to eat any dessert and said I needed to eat it all because I was too skinny. I said it was time to go home and left soon after. I honestly think he was harmless; he just didn't know how to come off as a non-serial killer."
13."'I'm not currently in a relationship. I just have this woman I have sex with regularly. But it's not a relationship. We are just using each other for sex.'"
14."At the end of our dinner date, he pulled out his phone and showed me a photo of a woman wondering if I thought she was attractive. It was her dating profile. He said he was meeting her next and wasn't sure if she was pretty enough. Yep."
15."He said his worst fear was that I would be fatter than in my photos. He also said he wanted kids, so I asked him what he thought happened to a woman's body during and after childbirth."
16."This comment came out of the blue on a date: 'You're not as pretty as I thought you were.' My reply: 'You're not as tall as I thought you were.' One and done with this loser."
17."Back in 2003 or 2004, I lived in Seattle, WA, and was internet dating a bit. I had been talking to this guy who lived in a town three hours away for months. We had gotten pretty close and had even sent gifts to each other. We made a date for me to meet him in person. He booked me my own hotel room so I wouldn't feel uncomfortable, which I thought was nice. First red flag: I thought it was a joke when I peeped out the hotel door's peephole when he came to pick me up. He looked NOTHING like the photos I had seen. I wanted to cry and run away, but I was trapped with him right outside my door."
"Second red flag: When we walked to his vehicle, he pointed to a house overlooking the hotel parking lot and told me it was his ex-wife's house. It was so close I could see in the windows. Third red flag: When we went to dinner, he told everyone (people he didn't even know) that I was his girlfriend, forcing me to say, 'I am not his girlfriend.' It was so awkward. Final red flag: After dinner, he wanted to take me to Walmart and walk me around so everyone could see us together. It was all so creepy and weird. I had him drop me off at the hotel and told him I'd meet him after freshening up. I got out of there as fast as I could."
18."I still can't believe this happened. I was in college and went out with a friend who wanted more. He touched my fingertips with his, leaned in, and said, 'You've got pretty fingernails. I'd like to rip them all off.' I couldn't get out fast enough."
19."The whole evening, I could barely get a word in edgewise because he was too busy telling me about all the female students who wanted to sleep with him. There were detailed physical descriptions and phrases like 'sexually, she was dynamite.' I excused myself to the restroom and walked out the back door. I blocked him immediately."
20."A potential date and I were texting back and forth about what to do for our upcoming first date, and he wrote something along the lines of, 'Or you could just come over and stand naked in my living room.' I did not go out with him."
21."'I need to have sex five times per day. I expect you to quit your job or work from home so I can have sex in the morning, come home three times during the workday, and then again at night. If you aren't able to do that, it's not going to work out.'"
22."After a date that went well, I decided to go home with him and we slept together. During the act, he called me his sister's name. I don't look like his sister, and just…ew!"
23."At dinner, he asked how old I was. When I told him, he said, 'That is good news. If you have not ballooned up by now, then you likely won’t.'"
24."'I have a condom with your name on it.'"
25."I was widowed young (45), and several years after my husband's death, a friend set me up on a blind date. She didn't know him well but thought he seemed nice. Halfway through our lunch, he said it seemed like I was doing well (my boys were in college) and asked me how much money I got when my husband died."
26."I am taller than average and was often set up by well-meaning friends whose only criteria seemed to be that the male be single, taller than me, and breathing. Occasionally, I'd meet the guy and regret the choice. The last one took one look at me and critiqued my haircut as we were waiting for the movie to start. We'd talked on the phone before the date, and he chose the date to tell me he 'didn't like his women to be too educated.' I was stunned. Needless to say, I didn't see him again."
27."I went out with a guy who called me 'macho' because I was taller and weighed a little more than him. We had the same circle of friends and had gone to high school together, so it was no secret to him what I looked like when we went on the date. Needless to say, there was no second date."
28."Someone I dated once told me, upon my rejection, 'You are ruled by your masculine. If you embraced your feminine, you'd be irresistible to men.' 🤮🤮"
29."This 36-year-old male asked how old I was. I responded with 26 and he responded with, 'Oh, you are way too old for me. I prefer 22 or younger.' Cringe."
30."My date suggested we go for a drive. It was nighttime and out in the country. He confided that he was impotent, but he thought I could cure his condition! I declined the 'opportunity,' got home safely, and never went out with him again!"
31."He asked if I had plastic surgery. When I said no, he said he asked because he had a friend who had a botched job on her lips, and they looked like mine."
32."'Beautiful people can get away with anything. But ugly people need to compensate. For example, you're smart.'"
33."I'm a lawyer with kids. He told me that he lied in court about his income to lower his child support for his three kids. His ex was attending med school full-time, and she and the kids lived in a two-bedroom apartment with her mom, who watched them for free. He complained that she used 'his money' to get her nails done."
34.And: "Unfortunately, I'm probably not the only one who has been asked this before, but I met this guy through a friend of a friend. It was probably the fourth date we went on. He was awesome. Very good looking, polite, good career, and all that stuff. Anyway, he leaned in and kissed me when dropping me off. I went with it. It went on for a few seconds, and then wham!! He subtly whispered to me, 'What's the biggest D you've ever had?' OMG. Call me a prude, but that was the most unattractive, out-of-left-field thing anyone has ever said to me. Who says that?! Needless to say, I chose not to see him again."
AGGGHHHH. What's the most heinous thing a man has ever said to you on a date??? Let's commiserate.
Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.