What's the Deal With That Pain Under My Right Ribcage? Experts Explain

No one is immune to aches and pains, especially when it comes to stomach aches. Yet, pain under the right rib cage may feel mysterious, alarming, and downright uncomfortable, especially if it's uncommon for you.

Then, if the issue becomes ongoing—or if the dull pain under the right rib cage comes and goes—you may start wondering if your new normal is actually normal. Perhaps it's just gas, or maybe it's a medical emergency?

Flagging pains, such as an uncomfortable feeling under the right rib cage, with your healthcare provider can feel silly and embarrassing (especially if gas is the culprit). However, that's what they're there for.

"Understanding the causes of pain is important because it helps you take the right steps to treat the issue and prevent it from getting worse," says Dr. Raj Dasgupta, MD, a quadruple board-certified physician and medical reviewer for NCOA. "Pain under the right ribs can involve several organs, so knowing what's causing it can help you get the right treatment."

It also might not involve your organs at all. "Pain under the right ribcage can be a confusing symptom because there are so many possible causes," says Dr. David Cutler, MD, a board-certified family medicine physician at Providence Saint John’s Health Center. "The intensity, duration and quality of the pain can often be a clue to the cause, but it is important to keep an open mind to all the possibilities before reaching a diagnosis and pursuing treatment."

Read on to find out about the possible reasons for pain under the right rib cage and what to do about it.

Related: Is It Normal to Get Sharp Pains In Your Stomach? Here's What a GI Doc Says

What Organ Is Underneath The Right Ribs?

The ribs are like a bone wall, and you have 12 total—six on each side. They combine to make up the thorax, the body region between your neck and abdomen. Their purpose is to protect numerous organs. "Several important organs are located on the right side of the body under the ribs," explains Dr. Douglas M. Weine, MD, a gastroenterologist with Hackensack Meridian Riverview Medical Center.

Dr. Weine says these organs include the following:

  • The liver, which is vital for metabolism, digestion, immunity and detoxification

  • The gallbladder, which aids in digestion

  • The right kidney, which helps with waste removal and blood/fluid filtration

  • The right lung, which is vital for helping the body remove carbon dioxide and take in oxygen

  • Parts of the large and small intestines, which play a role in the digestive system

If you have an uncomfortable feeling under the right rib cage that persists, your doctor can investigate whether any of these organs are affected (or causing the pain).

The National Library of Medicine also notes that you have intercostal muscles between the muscles. These muscles help the chest move.

Long story short? That pain under the right rib cage could be related to organs, muscles or even the ribs themselves.

When Should I Be Concerned About Pain Under the Right Rib Cage?

Ultimately, you should always feel comfortable calling your doctor about health concerns, including dull pain under the right rib cage that comes and goes or sudden and severe throbbing. Yes, even if it turns out it was gas pain under your ribs on the right side.

"You should call a doctor about pain under your right ribs if it’s severe, doesn’t go away, or if you have other worrying symptoms like fever, yellow skin or trouble breathing," Dr. Dasgupta says. "These could be signs of more serious issues that need quick treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent complications."

Possible Reasons For Pain Under Your Right Rib Cage

1. Gas

One issue may make you blush but is not usually cause for concern: Gas pain under the ribs on the right side isn't fun either.

"Gas pain in the chest can feel like sharp jabs or tightness in the chest or under the ribs," Dr. Dasgupta says. "Other signs include belching and indigestion. This pain can be caused by digestive problems or swallowing air, and changing your diet can help."

2. Digestive woes

The right rib cage surrounds critical parts of the digestive system, including the gallbladder and portions of both intestines. As such, discomfort around the right rib cage could be caused by digestion. A doctor or registered dietitian can work you through foods

Dr. Cutler says that sometimes excessive gas can be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or a disorder affecting the large intestine. Frequent gas and indigestion could also be a flag for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the clinical term for acid reflux. Peptic ulcers are another potential issue.

"Peptic ulcers are sores on the lining of the stomach or upper small intestine," Dr. Cutler says.

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3. Liver issues

The liver is part of the digestive system, too, but it warrants a separate double tap. The football-shaped organ also helps detoxify the body of substances, and pain around the right rib cage could mean this internal organ isn't functioning properly.

"Liver inflammation, or hepatitis, can have symptoms ranging from mild to severe,"  Dr. Dasgupta says. "These can include pain or bloating in the belly, especially on the upper right side under the ribs where the liver is."

Dr. Weine explains that liver abscess may also be to blame.

"Liver abscess can cause pain and fever from swelling of the liver," Dr. Weine says.

Related: "I Almost Died of Liver Failure—This is the First Sign I Wish I'd Paid Attention to"

4. Gallbladder problems

The gallbladder, which is set above the liver, is another internal organ associated with the digestive system that experts want to hone in on separately. Your gallbladder stashes and releases bile, or a fluid produced by the liver to help the body digest fats that you consume.

"Gallbladder issues, like inflammation or cholecystitis, can cause sharp pain in the upper right abdomen that can spread to the right shoulder, especially after eating fatty foods," Dr. Dasgupta says. "Treatment might include surgery to remove the gallbladder."

Gallstones can sometimes trigger inflammation. Dr. Cutler explains that gallstones are "hardened deposits in the gallbladder that can block bile flow."

Related: This Is the Early Sign of Gallstones People Miss the Most Often, According to a Gastroenterologist

5. Kidney conditions

Kidney pain can have various triggers, including dehydration. In that case, ample hydration can help. However, other issues related to the right kidney could cause pain underneath the ribs on that side of the body.

"Kidney stones or infections can cause severe, cramping pain that spreads to the lower abdomen and groin," Dr. Dasgupta says. "You might also have trouble urinating and a fever. Drinking lots of fluids can help, but you need a doctor's evaluation for proper treatment."

Dr. Cutler adds that a kidney infection, pyelonephritis, could also be the issue. Severe issues like kidney failure or tumors require a work-up and prompt medical attention.

5. Pancreatitis

The pancreas is near the small intestine, which is crucial to blood sugar management. When it becomes inflamed, a doctor may diagnose a person with pancreatitis. This issue could be causing right rib cage pain if it's happening in a specific location.

"Pancreatitis...can cause intense, constant pain under the ribs, usually in the middle of the upper abdomen, and this pain often spreads to the back," Dr. Dasgupta says. "It’s often accompanied by nausea and vomiting and needs medical attention."

6. Lung concerns

The right lung is a vital internal organ protected by the rib cage. However, even sturdy ribs cannot keep the lungs free from all harm.

"Pleurisy, or inflammation of the lining around the lungs, can cause sharp pain under the ribs, especially when you breathe deeply or cough," Dr. Dasgupta says. "This is usually due to infections or lung diseases, and it’s important to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis."

7. Appendicitis

The appendix is attached to the large intestine and helps adults maintain good gut health. Of course, it can also become inflamed and cause appendicitis, in which case you may experience quite the opposite—severe stomach pain, including by the right rib cage.

"Although appendicitis most often causes pain in the right lower quadrant, it can sometimes present with pain higher up in the abdomen on the right side," Dr. Weine says.

8. Musculoskeletal problems

Sometimes, the issue is with the ribs themselves rather than the body parts they keep as safe as possible.

"Rib injury or fracture—trauma to the ribs causing pain—or costochondritis, which is inflammation of the cartilage connecting ribs to the breastbone, can cause pain," Dr. Cutler says.

Next up: Ooh, My Right Side Hurts—Here's What the Pain Might Mean
