If You Were Born in the Year of the Snake, You Should Avoid These Enemy Signs
The Year of the Snake began on Jan. 29, marking the start of the Lunar New Year and the end of the Year of the Dragon
Consider this a warning.
Chinese New Year began on Jan. 29 this year, marking the end of the Year of the Dragon and the beginning of the Year of the Snake.
In Chinese astrology, zodiac signs are represented by 12 animals in comparison to Western astrology which uses constellations based on their alignment with the sun's orbit. A Snake year occurs once every 12 years — but this year will be a Wood Snake, which hasn't happened since 1965.
A person’s Chinese zodiac sign is determined by his or her date of birth, so consider yourself a Snake sign if you were born in the following years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 and 2025. Regardless of your birth year, however, everyone will feel the effects of the Snake this year.
Similar to Western astrology, Chinese zodiacs are compatible with certain signs and non-compatible with others. The latter is recognized as enemy signs, or the zodiac sign that may cause conflict (however, this doesn't necessarily mean that they have opposing characteristics or traits).
In an exclusive reading shared with PEOPLE, astrologer Lisa Stardust breaks down the best matches (most compatible) and worst matches (enemy signs) for each Chinese zodiac sign — read on to find out yours!
Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)
The Rat is "logical and pragmatic" for the most part, says Stardust, though notes they "do make rash decisions on occasion." Stardust explains, "The Rat seeks our intelligent company, which is why they align best with other cerebral animals. They do not get along well with those who aren't compassionate and are impulsive."
Rat's Best Match: Dragon
The Rat is most compatible with the Dragon. Stardust says the fire breather's energy "adds vigor" to the rat, who Stardust notes "can get caught up in a routine." Stardust adds, "Together they can be a power couple because they lend passion to each other that spices up their mundane lives."
Rat's Worst Match: Horse
The Rat is least compatible with the Horse. "Rats are meticulous with how they spend their energy and thrifty with their money. Horses are impulsive," Stardust makes known. "They clash due to their juxtaposing approaches to life and money."
Ox (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)
The Ox enjoys "getting to know others" and "express themselves through physical touch," says Stardust. "They are reliable and strong, which is why they are geared towards connecting with honest and trustworthy people," Stardust adds. "They don't get along with animals or humans that are duplicitous."
Ox's Best Match: Rooster
The Ox is most compatible with the Rooster, despite Stardust calling them both "self-serving" at times. Stardust says they are both " hard workers who appreciate the extra attention they give to details, their career and the relationship."
Ox's Worst Match: Dog
The Ox is least compatible with the Dog, which Stardust says "likes to be free to do whatever they choose." On the other hand, Stardust says the Ox "likes rigidity and plans... so together they can argue due to the Ox’s domineering personality."
Tiger (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)
"Tigers are great lovers, but can be territorial at times," says Stardust. "Since they require loyalty from those they partner with, it’s hard for them to get along with signs that are more social because it can lead to jealousy and emotional outbursts, as the tiger is sensitive."
Tiger's Best Match: Pig
The Tiger is most compatible with the Pig. "The pig can be a calming presence for the aggressive Tiger," says Stardust. "The Tiger needs someone to soothe their pain and encourage them to succeed at all times."
Tiger's Worst Match: Snake
The Tiger is least compatible with the Snake. "The snake finds the tiger to be too cunning and sly," says Stardust. "It's hard for the tiger to understand the motivations of the snake. Conversely, the snake finds the tiger to be too sensitive."
Rabbit (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)
"Rabbits are super easy-going and chill," says Stardust. "They like to hang out with signs that are amiable and fun. They don't like a big show and tend to avoid the signs that are dramatic, since it juxtaposes their calm demeanor." Stardust adds, "Rabbits like to go with the flow in relationships and life."
Rabbit's Best Match: Sheep
The Rabbit is most compatible with Sheep. "The sheep doesn't make a big scene and does what it’s tołd, making it easy for them to get along with each other because the rabbit is super relaxed and fun," explains Stardust.
Rabbit's Worst Match: Rooster
The Rabbit is is least compatible with the Rooster. "The Rooster demands too much attention from the Rabbit, and can be extra messy at times, making it hard for them to have a chill and drama free relationship," says Stardust.
Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)
"Dragons are go-getters who make things happen," says Stardust. "As initiators, they tend to vibe well with other vivacious signs... Since they're leaders, they like other thought provoking signs and tend to not get along with those who follow and don't forge their own path."
Dragon's Best Match: Monkey
The Dragon is most compatible with the Monkey. "The monkey is cerebral and optimistic, helping the dragon find its positivity and confidence," says Stardust. "The Monkey and the Dragon both share a love of life and are curious about adventure."
Dragon's Worst Match: Dog
The Dragon is least compatible with the Dog. "The Dragon is a unique being who marches to the beat of its own drum," explains Stardust. "The dog is super controlling, which is hard for the Dragon to be their truest and most authentic self."
Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025)
"Snakes enjoy the company of those who have shared interests," Stardust puts forth. "Also, those who are excitable and enthusiastic, since they stay away from negativity." Stardust adds, "They will cut out those who deceive or play games, since honesty is extremely important to them."
Snake's Best Match: Ox
The Snake is most compatible with the Ox. "The Snake is a deep feeler and thinker, while the Ox is mature enough to handle their emotions," says Stardust. "The Ox can easily prove its loyalty to the snake by always being there in times of need."
Snake's Worst Match: Pig
The Snake is least compatible with the Pig. "The pig is a procrastinator and the snake has more vitality," says Stardust. "Together they frustrate one another. One is sluggish and emotional, while the other is intentional and full of movement."
Horse (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)
"Horses are incredibly stubborn, which is why they like signs that push them out of their comfort zone," explains Stardust. "At times, the horse can be independent in thought, which means they identify as freedom seekers, so being around other signs that support their ideology and autonomy is vital."
Horse's Best Match: Tiger
The Tiger is most compatible with the Tiger. "Their dreams are built on mutual respect with a desire to grow and evolve together," says Stardust. "They are each other’s biggest cheerleaders and inspire the other."
Horse's Worst Match: Rat
The Tiger is least compatible with the Rat. "They have to be patient with the other," says Stardust, adding, "Which might be hard since the horse likes to forge its own path, while the rat likes to honor the regiment they know and follow."
Sheep (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)
"The sheep is the most romantic and sensual sign," Stardust puts forth. "Due to its tender nature, the sheep prefers other signs that align with their soulful and kind demeanor... They don't do well around dogmatic and controlling signs, since the sheep is peaceful and serene."
Sheep's Best Match: Rabbit
The Sheep is most compatible with the Rabbit. "Their love of peace and art brings them together," says Stardust. "They care for each other in a spiritual way that deepens over time, allowing them to achieve pure and true intimacy."
Sheep's Worst Match: Tiger
The Sheep is least compatible with the Tiger. "Arguments can arise, making the rabbit want to run away from the intensity the tiger brings to the relationship," explains Stardust. "The rabbit is soft-spoken and the aggressiveness of the tiger can be too much."
Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)
"The Monkey is extremely bright and versatile, so being near other creative and calm signs supports its Mercurial nature," says Stardust. "Monkeys don't live in their emotions and are very active, which is why they aren't known to get along well with the signs that do that."
Monkey's Best Match: Rabbit
The Monkey is most compatible with the Rabbit. "The Monkey and Rabbit live on the edge of their seats, focusing more on the present than the future," says Stardust. "Together, they can be great friends who seek excitement on a whim."
Monkey's Worst Match: Pig
The Monkey is least compatible with the Pig. "Being that the monkey is always active and thinking, it can be hard to relate to the indulgent pig who doesn't really ponder the mysteries of life on the regular," says Stardust.
Rooster (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)
"Roosters are confident, strong and proud they can be inflexible at times," says Stardust. "This is why they like to surround themselves with people and other animals that share their bravado... They like to take charge and argue with the signs that fight for first prize like them."
Rooster's Best Match: Ox
The Rooster is most compatible with the Ox. "Both are focused on success and will help the other advance in all areas of life. They can take charge and rule the world if they put their energy in trying to," says Stardust.
Rooster's Worst Match: Rat
The Rooster is least compatible with the Rat. "The Rooster doesn't trust the Rat and thinks the Rat is a potter and schemer. On the flip side, the Rat thinks the rooster is too pompous and stands on ceremony," says Stardust.
Dog (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)
The Dog can be highly loyal, however, Stardust says "they do have a hard time expressing their emotions," too. "Therefore, they tend to get along with other zodiac signs that can easily exhibit their sentiments so that they can feel in line with that part of their heart via surrogate connection."
Dog's Best Match: Rabbit
The Dog is most compatible with the Rabbit. "The rabbit can temper the dog’s authority since the rabbit likes someone to take charge of situations so that they can just be without any responsibilities," says Stardust.
Dog's Worst Match: Dragon
The Dog is least compatible with the Dragon. "The Dragon is a unique being who marches to the beat of its own drum," says Stardust. "The Dog is super controlling, which makes it hard for the Dragon to be their truest and most authentic self."
Pig (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)
"The Pig is a dreamer who fantasizes about their future rather than making moves to attain it," says Stardust. "They don't get along with bold personalities that overshadow them and prefer those with a calming presence that doesn't threaten them in any capacity."
Pig's Best Match: Sheep
The Pig is most compatible with the Sheep. "The Sheep and pig are docile creatures who like to be on amicable terms with others," says Stardust. "They hate conflict and like to be in a safe and secure relationship."
Pig's Worst Match: Monkey
The Pig is least compatible with the Monkey. "Being that the monkey is always active and thinking, it can be hard to relate to the indulgent pig who doesn't really ponder the mysteries of life on the regular," says Stardust.
Read the original article on People