Your Weekly Tarot Horoscope Is Here

three tarot cards face down
Your Weekly Tarot Horoscope Is Here Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread, to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


seven of pentacles tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Venus in Aries this week, which livens up our relationship realm like a shot in the arm! Expect instant attractions, immediate kinship, love at first sight moments, and rapid escalations of alliances and energies. Follow your instincts when it comes to who you’re drawn towards. The Seven of Pentacles reveals these instincts might be leading us away from the usual pack, away from the circle we’ve created. Maybe you’re ready to branch out, make new friends, seek a new lover, find a different tribe to run with. Change is life’s main ingredient, including change amongst our favored people and faces. Be open-minded. You are evolving, let your circle evolve too.



ace of swords
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Venus is in your sign this week which gives you permission to be authentically and wholly yourself in your relationships, and if they don’t like it then maybe it’s not the right place for you. Stop shape-shifting and people pleasing. Be who you really are and you will attract those on the same wavelength with whom you can relax and settle in good company. The Ace of Swords is all about truth, honesty and authenticity and pleads with you to embrace your true nature and let it show. You will still be loved. You are lovable.


seven of cups tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider/Waite

You’ve always had an active fantasy life, a powerful collection of visions and daydreams, many of which relate to your love life. With Venus in Aries, pretty much anything goes, so let them out the bag and share them with the person you can make them a reality with! They will be all ears, I promise! Why keep such goodies to yourself? Why deny yourself the sex life or romantic escapade you truly daydream about? Life is for living, get busy making it a Venus-ruled pleasure fest!



king of pentacles tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Geminis love money. It’s a thing that not many people talk about regarding our sign (yes, I’m a Gemmy). We love making money, spending money and, especially, sharing money. We are generous to a fault. The King of Pentacles reminds us of this trait this week and asks us to do a little audit of our finances. Make sure things are running smoothly, ship-shape, up to date, under control, and working for you. Continue being generous. When you share what you have, the Universe brings you even more. The purpose of life is to share, not collect.


four of cups tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

January felt long and a little bleak, TBH. You got kinda fixated on the things you don’t have, wish weren’t true, envy in others, and miss from the past—it was all about what’s NOT there. Now the Four of Cups arrives, gratitude journal in hand, and asks you to consciously force yourself to focus on what’s right in front of you NOW. What gifts, friends, opportunities, wealth, luxury, advantage, work, responsibilities, and talents are already in your back yard. Feel appreciation for them, and use them even more wisely. Work with what you’ve got and, very quickly, you will feel like a million bucks.



seven of swords tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider/Waite

Leos always attract haters and jealous folks who start out by flattering you, then cozying up to you, and then secretly hating on you and undermining you from within the inner circle. It’s a repeat performance and, Leo, it’s happening again! The Seven of Swords shows someone has unkind and unwholesome intentions towards you. Spot it and oust it. Don’t tolerate those who don’t mean you well. Get them out of your realm; be cautious and prudent. Don’t be vulnerable around people you don’t wholly trust. Shutters up!


two of cup tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Venus in Aries is a very romantic astro event and helps Cupid find his targets much easier as love is in the air, particularly physical and lustful love. Expect your fair share of that this week, Virgo, as the Two of Cups brings you the opportunity to fall (deeper) in love. A true soul mate is in your life. Maybe they are a Water sign: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. They love and adore you, are there for you always, and could be "the one" you live a happy ever after with. Be alert!



Don’t try to plan too much this week or schedule yourself into a corner, leave plenty of empty time and opportunity in the calendar because unseen forces are at work and striving to bring you new invitations and options. The Three of Wands is resolutely spontaneous—sometimes you have to work with what’s in front of you, not what you planned to do. So pay attention to the cosmic opportunities at play and lean in. Be alert and present. Don’t try to control events, it won’t work.


six of swords tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

When it’s done, it’s done, right? Right. You have had your fill of something, or someone, and you’re really, really ready to move onwards and upwards, really hopeful about what lies ahead for you now. The Six of Swords reveals this shift has been brewing for at least six months, so you’ve done all of your grieving and doubting and preparing. This final leap will actually feel liberating and empowering, rather than sad or hard. Get to it, get moving, look ahead not back.


Judgment brings a dose of clarity and self awareness that opens your eyes as to how special, unique, interesting, and full of potential you truly are! Know yourself and know your opportunity. Know who you really are and know what you therefore want and need. Everything starts with clear self awareness. It’s refreshing to focus on yourself, rather than comparisons or envy amongst others. It’s important to understand your true nature and how that aligns with your environment, work, friendship circle, family, and community. You are seeing it all very clearly. It’s amazing.


eight of wands tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Time to thrust yourself into the thick of it, Capricorn! The Eight of Wands is all about communication, networking, socializing, and mingling with people with influence and clout. You know the value of a strong, positive, ambitious network; you appreciate the importance of nurturing good contacts who can help out in all areas of life. We are most improved and accelerated by those we know. It’s through other folk that most opportunities emerge and are presented to us. So, spend the week polishing up the shine on your social network, across the board, top to bottom. Who knows what will come of this!


ace of cups tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

A beautiful week lies in store for you, Aquarius. Something will arrive in your realm that you absolutely fall in love with, immediately and deeply. It could be a new friend or lover (possibly a Water sign: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio), a new baby, pet, family member, or even a new role, creative idea, or project. Something heartfelt, deeply meaningful, and meant just for you is coming. Welcome it with open arms, let the love flow, show true gratitude, and you will always look back on this time as a week to remember!


wheel of fortune tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

So many new opportunities are flying around you this week! You might get dizzy trying to follow them. The Wheel of Fortune is all about transformation, but it can be a little choppy and chaotic. So, you might want to just try and focus on one thing at a time…and let the unseen forces do the rest. Don’t spread yourself too thin or try to analyze every event unfolding. Give in, surrender, go limp, follow the flow without trying to control things. You will be in a different place this time next week to where you currently stand.

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