Your Weekly Love Tarotscope: August 5-11

Whether you've found your soulmate, are looking for love, or are going through a separation, this weekly love Tarotscope is here to support you in your romantic endeavors. Tarot is an excellent tool for working with the cosmic energy influencing your life rather than against it.

Read on for your weekly love, Tarotscope, for August 5 to August 11, 2024. Read for your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs for the most accurate insight.

Your Weekly Tarotscope for Love and Dating: August 5, 2024

Aries: The Hanged Man Reversed

It's time to stop waiting for the perfect moment, Aries. Aries Suns, Moons, and Risings are ready to go after who and what they want in love. The Hanged Man reversed is tired of feeling suspended in mid-air. Rather than remaining passive or idle, it's time to strike while the irons are hot. Seek movement and decision-making. This weekly Tarotscope shows Aries finding resolutions and answers they've been restlessly waiting for in love.

Taurus: Seven of Cups

Your romantic life may feel hazy and confusing this week, Taurus. Taurus Suns, Moons, and Risings feel indecisive in matters of the heart. The Seven of Cups showcases the blessings and shortcomings of having too many options or ideas. You may feel torn between a few potential lovers or unsure of how to develop your current relationship. Try to wait for the smoke to pass before making any promises in love.

Gemini: Five of Wands

Gemini, this week's Tarotscope warns you to avoid power trips or ego games. Gemini Suns, Moons, and Risings will need to focus on compromise. There's a tug-of-war of opinions, proposed resolutions, or ideas with lovers. Bickering or arguments may arise. Remember, it's less about who's right and more about what answer suits all parties. If you can prevent reacting greatly to frustrations, teamwork and forgiveness are possible.

Cancer: Ace of Pentacles

Love is all about commitment this week. Cancers are reparing for a new practical chapter in their love life. Building a solid foundation in their romantic endeavors becomes a priority to Cancer Suns, Moons, and Risings. A steady, loyal, and lasting love finds you. In existing partnerships, new chapters that deepen your devotion arise. You're on the same page about sensible matters. For single Cancers, mature suitors or stabilizing dating prospects materialize.

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Leo: Two of Wands Reversed

Leo, be open-minded about swapping agendas, timelines, and other planned elements in love. Failed romantic ideas may bring disappointment. This is a week to re-strategize your goals and aims. To evolve together, you must become deliberate as a team. Delays are opportunities to think about the future in a new light. Single Leo Suns, Moons, and Risings may find that their crushes fall short of their ideal partnership. Coupled Lions will need to openly discuss altered intents and directions.

Virgo: Ace of Cups

This week's love Tarot reading is ideal for Virgo. Virgo Suns, Moons, and Risings are set up for romantic evolution. Reaching more profound intimacy and closeness in love brings fulfillment. Single Virgos find renewed hope and healing. Recovery for the heartbroken, new crushes for singles, and resonant connections for couples abound. Enjoy the positivity coming your way.

Libra: Ten of Cups

Romance is alive and well for Libra this week. The Ten of Cups speaks of romantic ideals, lasting connection, and celebrated love. Its imagery is full of literal sunshine and rainbows. Single Libra Sun, Moons, and Risings can expect genuine fulfillment in heart matters. Couples resonate over meaningful milestones. Even those steering away from dating now encounter excitement in community and shared friendship.

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Scorpio: Six of Cups Reversed

Scorpio Suns, Moons, and Risings must be mindful not to fall into outdated patterns in love. Old habits die hard. Scorpio, just because you have a history with someone doesn't mean you should ignore a lack of fulfillment. Reconnecting with old lovers may not be in your best interest. However, revisiting past psychological wounds in your romantic life can promote healing and empowerment.

Sagittarius: The Fool

Sagittarius is ready to take the leap of faith for love. Sagittarius Sun, Moons, and Risings can expect a week of free-spirited romance. This isn't the time to play things safe. Wear your heart on your sleeve. Singles find lighthearted fun, while couples take calculated risks as a team. Others may not understand your logic right now. That's okay if you remain authentic and act in your best interests.

Capricorn: Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords signifies that you may feel stagnant or stuck in romantic matters this week. Capricorn Suns, Moons, and Risings need to check in within. You may feel stuck behind a rock and a hard place. It's important to accept your feelings. However, don't lose sight of your autonomy and ability to break free. Couples will need to address relationship wounds to evolve together. Singles are leaning more toward their introspective healing journey.

Aquarius: Temperance Reversed

Moderation is key. Aquarius Suns, Moons, and Risings must maintain their composure this week. Too much of a good thing can quickly become sour in matters of the heart. It's important to remain balanced and give all areas of your life the proper attention they deserve. Singles may need to step back from dating to reconnect with themselves. Couples must practice autonomy and focus on individual interests and endeavors to give the connection a breather.

Pisces: Seven of Pentacles

Pisces Suns, Moons, and Risings may feel disappointed in romantic circumstances sometime this week. The Seven of Pentacles speaks to your hard work and efforts leading to unsatisfactory results. Some Pisces may need to walk away from an unfulfilling situation rather than trying to repair it. However, for coupled Pisces, otherwise happy, open communication, boundaries, and redefined expectations can prevent resentment.

Related: Your August Tarotscope for Each Zodiac Sign