Watch Jessica Biel chop her long tresses into an edgy blunt bob haircut

Here on the Cosmo beauty team, we love a good hair transformation more than POD, Gok, Trinny and Susanna combined. Today, our hunger has been fed by one Ms Jessica Biel, who not only has undergone a major hair transformation but who has given the chop the reveal it drastically commands. The post is even captioned: "Brought back the f*ck ass bob".

Taking to Instagram reels, Jessica created a flawless transition video showing her tugging on two pigtail-sized chunks of her long wavy hair until the third tug pulls them off completely, revealing her smart new bob. The clip is accompanied by gun noises that we would hazard a guess to say were reloading followed by a shot on the chop tug? But the only shots we're experts in are paparazzi shots.

The polished new bob sees her lose inches and inches of her multi-tonal blonde hair, bringing it all the way up to just below the jaw, framing her face with considerable volume and bounce. It's quite the hair transformation.

While we've seen faux bobs and bob wigs flooding in over the last month from everyone from Katy Perry and JLo to Sydney Sweeney and Megan Fox, it's clear to see that this snip is the real deal.

Watching her Met Gala 'Get-ready-with-me' from earlier in the month you can really see just how much hair she's taken off in the chop.

Her silky golden waves were gorgeous before but we're loving this chic new bob, too. When we started 'Bob Watch' back in late 2022, we had no idea it would be going strong for this long. Yep, it seems it's being renewed for yet another season 💇🏻♀️.

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