Virgo Daily Horoscope – February 28 2020

This Mercury retrograde phase has brought heightened confusion within a particular relationship either at work, or within your personal life. It could be the annoying communication breakdowns and general crossed-wires that happen when your patron planet heads in reverse, that have left you frustrated. On a deeper level, you might be asking yourself some tricky questions about the relationship itself and what your desires are. It’s not the best astro-weather to make any firm decisions, but as the Sun forms an alignment with a special Fixed Star called Fomalhaut, be careful what you wish for.
Yasmin Boland is on holidays. Your stars today were written by Cassandra Tyndall

Calling anyone in or near London!

Will you be in or near London? I’m doing what will almost certainly be my only all-day London workshop on March 28, to take you all the way to the Moon and back – learn how to manifest your dreams with the Moon as your timer. Info here.