Virgo Daily Horoscope – 28 April 2023

How are you feeling? As we move towards the Full Moon, you can bet that feelings are going to be running higher and higher. It’s going to be in the sign of Scorpio – so it’s a time to rise up from the ashes!

Get ready for the eclipse

There’s One Week To The Full Moon In Your 3rd House

If you’re feeling trapped and dreaming of busting out from wherever you are, that’s normal. Right now the sun is in your 9th house come at the part of your chart which is all about the big wide world. It’s where you plan all your adventures, and it’s also where you study, teach, and explore your life philosophies. However, in about ten days from now, we going to get the full moon in the opposite part of your chart. That’s actually quite good news because as much as you might be dreaming of getting away from it all, you do need to take care of all the details in order to make a trip happen. The full moon will help you find a balance between it dreaming the big dream of escape, and taking care of the details that need to be taken care of for you to actually get away.

About that Full Moon…

If you need some practices that can help you get through these tough times and come out stronger, Grab your free Phoenix Full Moon Eclipse guide here!

The post Virgo Daily Horoscope – 28 April 2023 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.