Virgo Daily Horoscope – 02 April 2024

Mercury is now going retrograde again – here’s what this current Mercury retrograde cycle means for you …

Note: Do read your Rising Sign aka your Ascendant if you know it for a much more accurate prediction and PS find out your Rising Sign for free here if you don’t know it!

For you Mercury retrograde this time around is taking place in your Sex and Money Zone. Over the next few weeks, try not to sigh too deeply and change the subject if and when someone asks you “What are you thinking?” Ditto if someone seems intent on having a Very Serious Conversation with you about Where This Whole Thing Is Going. Right now, Mercury is reversing through your intimacy zone. In some ways you have the choice – drop at least one emotional barrier now or call the whole thing off. OK that’s over dramatic, not to mention too black and white, but over the next few weeks, you really are being challenged by the Universe to allow someone else to get under your skin – especially if you’ve been trying to keep them at a distance just because you’re scared of letting anyone too close. At the same time, this part of your chart is about your shared finances – that’s where your cash is involved with someone else. It could be re your mortgage, your pay, your debts, credit cards and/or loans. Or it could be where you’re in a financial partnership with someone. At worst there could be confusion, missing payments and misunderstandings. At best you now get a chance to pay off an old debt, someone pays you back and/or you have a real chance to renegotiate at least one important financial agreement. Find out more about this famous cycle

The post Virgo Daily Horoscope – 02 April 2024 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.