I'm An Extremely Dumb Man, So My Mind Was Completely Blown After Seeing These 27 Absolutely Fascinating Pictures For The Very First Time Last Week
1.This is what Netflix's homepage looked like in 1999, one year after it launched:
What do you say we get the popcorn going, pour a little wine, and wait 3-5 business days for Patch Adams to arrive.
2.Plastic surgery has been around for a long time—here are some examples from the 1920s:
Great Cyrano de Bergerac reference there, 1920s plastic surgeon.
3.Here's another example of a facelift from the 1920s:
4.This is what the Korean penisula — North Korea on top, South Korea on bottom – looks like from space:
That arrow is pointing to Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea.
5.This is what a young Joseph Stalin looked like:
His friends called him Joe. Not actually sure of that. Probably not true.
6.Some chickens lay eggs with white yolks:
It just doesn't seem right.
7.Elephant seals are absolutely gigantic:
And I love them.
8.Speaking of big giant animals, here's Hiram (center), the world's largest horse as of 1907:
Folks, do we stan Hiram, aka the largest horse in the world?
9.This is what a kidney stone looks like under an electron microscope:
(Cartoon cat getting its finger stuck in a mousetrap voice) YEEEEEEEOOOOOWWWWCH!
10.This is what the United Kingdom looked like from space during the winter of 2010:
Likes like one of those Games of Thrones.
11.This is a rubber beauty mask designed to eliminate wrinkles, massage the face, and promote skin health from the 1920s:
It's definitely not a parasitic, terrifying alien life form.
12.Here's another terrifying rubber beauty mask designed to eliminate wrinkles from the 1920s:
13.There is a set of intact, neatly stacked plates inside the wreckage of the Titanic:
This is after sinking over 12,000 feet to the bottom of the ocean.
14.Some Australian beaches have "emergency vinegar" to treat jellyfish stings:
You get some emergency olive oil and we got ourselves an Italian feast.
15.This is a picture of the spectators, including alleged mobsters, covering their faces with hats to avoid recognition during Al Capone's trial in October 1931:
Poor form by the guy in the front row to the right. You hate to see it.
16.Smoking does a doozy to your walls:
Not great... unless you're a big fan of beige.
17.This is what Stonehenge looks like from the road leading to it:
18.This is what an indented penny looks like:
Feels like Abe is in the room with us!
19.This is what the inside of a bowling ball looks like:
Nature is beautiful.
20.Some Canadian coffee shops are renaming Americanos to "Canadianos" in response to, you know, everything happening everywhere right now:
They should rename it "Dave's Drink" after me, Dave.
21.Sugargliders have tiny little sugarglider fingerprints:
Just in case a sugarglider tries to frame you for something.
22.This is the exact gun John Wilkes Booth used to kill Abraham Lincoln:
RIP Abe.
23.This is what a French beach looked like in 1925:
Imagine getting home from the beach and finding sand in your dang suit lapels. What a time.
24.This is what a frozen cobweb looks like:
25.Garlic cloves... well, they can be huge:
Incredible stuff.
26.This monument marks the location of the first ever nuclear bomb explosion:
No, you will not get superpowers from touching the stone.
27.And, finally, this is what happens to your knee replacement if you're cremated:
A comforting thought. Have a nice day!