How to understand the Nodes in your birth chart

When it comes to astrology, there are physical objects, like the different planets, the Sun, and the Moon. And then there are important points in the sky that aren't physical objects —like your Rising sign, which is the zodiac sign that was on the horizon when you were born. Two v. important nonphysical points are the lunar nodes (aka the Nodes of Destiny or the Nodes of Fate). Whether you're reading your birth chart or looking at astrology's current transits, it's important to understand these points.

What are the Nodes of Destiny?

The Nodes of Destiny are the two points in the sky where the Moon and Sun cross paths. The Sun and The Moon cross paths a few times a year, during which we experience the astrological phenomenon known as eclipses. In astrology, the nodes denote the spiritual paths that we should move toward and let go of, as well as the type of energy we are currently working with. Over the course of a year and a half, the nodes move through each axis. The nodes are always in two opposite signs — for example, if the North Node is in Leo, the South Node will be in Aquarius at the same time.

The nodes are divided into two: the North Node and the South Node. Both tell a story of fate and destiny, in this life (the North Node) and your past lives (the South Node). Every year and a half, the lunar nodes change signs. In our birth charts, the different placements and signs show us our past and current destiny. (The past dictates the future — if we embrace our karmic lessons. Goose bumps!)


The nodes are also how we know what will happen to us during the eclipses, based on both our personal birth charts’ nodes and the transiting nodes that affect the collective as a whole.

In Vedic astrology, the North Node is called Ratu (Dragon’s Head) and the South Node is called Ketu (Dragon’s Tail). To make a long mythological story short, a demon wanted immortality and tricked the gods into getting it — which angered them because he was not in line to receive such powers. Their punishment was to grant him immortality with both parts of the past (Ketu) and future (Rahu) always being a part of him. Basically, he couldn’t escape himself or anything he’d done.

All about the North Node

The North Node of Destiny dictates what we are moving into — which may be scary since it’s a place that we have never been before. Think of this like the first day of university. You’re attending an unfamiliar place, and you have to start fresh. It’s a moment in which you can reinvent yourself and be the person you want. The same theory applies to the North Node of Destiny. You can use this energy to create and transform your world. Now, the way that you use it is up to you. That’s why it’s important to manifest these powers for good and to know the best way to conquer the vibes — which is what we are assisting you with in this article. So you’re one step ahead of the game already. Yay.

All about the South Node

The South Node of Destiny depicts the place, energy, emotions, and relationships that we have been a part of in our past lives. It’s the karmic energy that we are trying to move out of, release, and leave behind in this lifetime. It gives us a sense of déjà vu, as we have been there, done that, and are trying to move out of that way of thinking. This shows the patterns and ways of thinking or feeling that we are bringing into our current life path — which may not be even happening IRL at the moment but that we are holding on to. Therefore, it’s important to move out of these sentiments. And that’s not easy because slipping back into old habits is super simple if we aren’t consciously aware of what we are doing.


Currently, the North Node of Destiny is in Aries and the South Node of Destiny is in Libra. This began on 17th July, 2023, and will continue for 18 months until 28th January, 2025.

The Nodes in your birth chart

You can find your destiny by looking at your birth chart and circling your True Node, or North Node. The South Node will always be the opposite sign and degree of the True Node. Circle both of them in your chart and use the interpretations below.

Wanna graduate to the advanced class? Take it one step further to find out how the nodes will affect you directly. Put your natal nodes and the transiting nodes together, and presto, you have found out your eclipse story. You can do this trick to interpret your chart with all the other eclipses too!

The North and South Node through the signs

North Node in Aries/South Node in Libra

There’s a need to be more self-reliant here, as there is a tendency to focus on relationships. You need to learn not to let your partnerships define you, and moving on from toxic situations and relationships will require a lot of work on your part. But it’s totally doable over time.

North Node in Taurus/South Node in Scorpio

You tend to be too giving *and* hedonistic. It is suggested you are in charge of the finances, rather than your partner. Being consistent in the flow of emotions and keeping promises is essential, as you tend to be too focused on personal evolution. Don’t put up too many walls to ensure you can let others in.

North Node in Gemini/South Node in Sagittarius

You’re an independent thinker with great communication skills. You're probably fluent in a few languages. Saying what you mean and relying on facts is essential.

North Node in Cancer/South Node in Capricorn

You can be too ambitious and harsh. Sorry, but you know it’s true. Learning to be emotionally sensitive to the needs of others can take your relationships to a new level. Also, give yourself some TLC.

North Node in Leo/South Node in Aquarius

Artistic and creative endeavours are favourable for you. You have a tendency to be a dreamer. Being a leader is hard for you, as you’re a team player. Learning to take the reins will elevate you to great heights.

North Node in Virgo/South Node in Pisces

You need to be more critical and assertive. Also, you have a tendency to disappear into the ~spiritual world~, which means you’re often lost in your feels. And you ghost others frequently. Be more communicative.

North Node in Libra/South Node in Aries

Think before you speak! You have a tendency to act or say things impulsively. Learning to work cooperatively and love others freely will be challenging, as you’re used to putting your needs first. Now, you have to focus on others.

North Node in Scorpio/South Node in Taurus

Ooh! You gain through inheritance or spouses, although your personality can be a bit obsessive/addictive. This is a great aspect for managing the affairs of others though! Be patient and use your intuition to navigate you in all your endeavours.

North Node in Sagittarius/South Node in Gemini

Okay, you are *very* talkative and lack focus. But! You’re hella generous. A natural teacher and philosopher too. Don’t just talk about it, do it! Put your words in action.

North Node in Capricorn/South Node in Cancer

You love personal histories. Sentimentality and feels are hard to let go of — there’s a need for some emotional discipline here. Be open to sharing and reflecting with others.

North Node in Aquarius/South Node in Leo

You use motivations/goals solely for personal fulfilment, never for fame. You’re an idealist and humanitarian. However, you can be a tad selfish and needy at times.

North Node in Pisces/South Node in Virgo

You lack boundaries and you’re a perfectionist. But hey, you have healing abilities, so not so bad. Use your powers to help those in need.


The Nodes in the Houses

If you look at your birth chart, you will find a glyph (an astrological symbol) that looks like a horseshoe. That is the symbol for the North Node. The glyph for the South Node is an upside-down horseshoe. Once you find those symbols in your chart, then you can circle them. They will always appear in opposite houses, opposite signs, and at the same degrees. Now that you’ve found the houses they reside in, you’ll be able to understand the karma and energy you’re working with. The houses depict the overall vibe and story, while the signs show the flavour.

North Node in the 1st House/South Node in the 7th House

You’ll make up for any karmic debts in marriage/partnership, so good luck with that! Your confidence is popping, which can make you feel larger than life. The caveat is that you may not be giving relationships the attention that they deserve.

North Node in the 2nd House/South Node in the 8th House

Sex can be your undoing. Just sayin’. Be cognisant of the amount of time that you’re giving to others to avoid feeling taken for granted and burnt out. Put yourself first at all times.

North Node in the 3rd House/South Node in the 9th House

You’ve got so much love for your crew, not so much for spiritual stuff. You have the ability to self-educate and communicate well. Consider working with others to help them become mindful of the ways they communicate — maybe teach or take an online writing class for fun or work.

North Node in the 4th House/South Node in the 10th House

You focus a lot on your “image” and reputation as well as your career. Spend more time in spiritual practices and the home. Balance is key here. Don’t give too much time to work that you forget about your home life and familial responsibilities.

North Node in the 5th House/South Node in the 11th House

Your karmic debts are paid through humanitarian efforts — find a volunteer sign-up sheet and put your name down. You should also be careful in how you work with your peers. Make sure that you are the one who is taking charge in the group situation and managing the time effectively.

North Node in the 6th House/South Node in the 12th House

You’re the effin’ best at working together with people at the office. Bonus: You’ve got strong health too. Allow yourself to believe in things that cannot be explained by practical measures. Give yourself a chance to connect with your spirituality and to tap in with that part of yourself.

North Node in the 7th House/South Node in the 1st House

You dominate partners and lack boundaries in relationships. Maybe it’s because you have insecurities around self and relationships. Being in a healthy partnership can be scary, but it’s what you desperately crave and want. Give people the chance to prove their love before self-sabotaging the relationship.

North Node in the 8th House/South Node in the 2nd House

Watch out for overspending and using your sexuality to your advantage. Keeping a budget will help you be aware of your money and cash flow. Also, beware of FOMO.

North Node in the 9th House/South Node in the 3rd House

You feel a need for higher learning and travel. And you’re probs interested in publishing. If you’ve ever wanted to publish a book or take a trip around the world, this energy in your chart is giving you the confidence to do so. Be adventurous in order to attain your soul’s purpose.

North Node in the 10th House/South Node in the 4th House

You’ve got a strong need for a career — which makes sense, since you find more happiness at work than at home. But this doesn’t mean that you don’t long for a happy home and family life. Contrarily, you desperately desire that.

North Node in the 11th House/South Node in the 5th House

You’re super generous (especially to kids and partners). You find creativity and happiness in helping others. Try to be a part of the local community and dedicate your time to helping others attain greatness. Translation: Be less selfish and more selfless.

North Node in the 12th House/South Node in the 6th House

Your karmic debts are paid through your relationships with the people around you in the office, like your coworkers and employees. Oh, and be on the lookout for health issues/concerns. Give yourself a few moments in the day to decompress in order to avoid mental and emotional burnout.


Planets on the Nodes

It’s common to have planets align with the Nodes of Destiny in your birth chart. It’s also common not to — so if you don’t have any, then don’t stress it. In astrology, anything and everything is common! If your birth chart includes a personal planet within five degrees and in the same zodiac sign of either of the nodes, then we can say the energy is karmic. If the planet is a little further away, say between five and 15 degrees, then we can still apply the energy — it just won’t be quite as powerful.

Planets on the North Node dictate present life energy, and planets on the South Node depict past life energy; they also represent what we are bringing in (North Node) and what we are leaving behind (South Node). Let’s say your Sun is on the South Node — this means you’re working your way out of old insecurities in this lifetime. Conversely, having your Sun on the North Node means that you’re learning how to be more assertive in this lifetime. Got it?

If you have planets on the North Node:


We’re talking big ego. Popularity. Karmic lessons bring you into the spotlight.


It’s a mixed bag. It's a protective energy, but it also indicates mental troubles. Hey, it also signals popularity and success in marriage, with women, and with your mum.


When Mercury makes an appearance on the North Node, it is a very delightful time: clear thinking. Great communication. Good travel luck.


So many goodies here: magnetism, wealth, beauty, self-confidence, sex appeal, musical talents….


Assertive nature with a bit of an insensitivity and selfishness toward others.


All signs point to success and career advancement. However, there’s a tendency to take success for granted.


Hard work pays off for you, but you’re harsh with yourself and others.


Fanaticism — eep! But also, creativity and sudden fame — yay!


Some dramz here: Expect artistic, psychic tendencies and a sexy, glamorous life. But also, um, manipulation.


You’ve got the power to change or destroy the world or others — and the ability to heal. See also: Fame. Wealth. Obsession.

If you have planets on the South Node:


Selflessness. Charitable. Lacks self-confidence.


Deep in your feels and pretty sensitive. Also, you’re spiritually and musically inclined.


Great memory but sometimes irrational.


You are running low on self-esteem and have a tendency to find comfort through vices.


Two words: temper tantrums.


A very fortunate aspect! Informed. Smart. Generous. Just watch out for losses in stock market.


You’ve got an understanding and appreciation for the ups and downs in life.


You help inspire others.


You’ve got a heightened imagination and trouble concentrating. Inclination toward the arts and spirituality.


Transformative nature. Prepare to rise to fame — for better or for worse.

Nodal Events in your lifetime

Throughout your life, there are times when the current nodes make a special connection to the nodes in your birth chart. You know how your Saturn Return happens when Saturn returns to where it was when you were born? Yeah, it’s the same idea. Here are some events to be aware of:

Nodal Return

Your Nodal Return occurs when the Nodes of Destiny return to the degree and signs they were in when you were born birth. This happens every 18 years. During this time, major changes and occurrences can happen that will rock your world for the better. Pay attention to what transcends and begins.

Nodal Square

This event happens every four and a half years, when the nodes form an angle called a square with the nodes in your birth chart. The nodal square is a release of the past, and it keeps you in check with your soul’s purpose. Think of this as a check-in point from the cosmos in order to make sure you’re living your best life and on the righteous path.

Nodal Opposition

Your Nodal Opposition occurs every nine years. Basically, it occurs when your natal North Node (aka the North Node in your birth chart) aligns with the transiting South Node (aka where the South Node is now), and vice versa — for example, if your natal North Node is in Scorpio and your natal South Node is in Taurus, the transiting North Node will be in Taurus and the transiting South Node will be in Scorpio. This is a magical time in which you are compensating for the past and the present, which is allowing you to fulfil your destiny. A lot of the times when this happens, we are pushed into our destiny with ease.

The North and South Nodes in 2024

Currently, the North Node of Destiny is in Aries and the South Node of Destiny is in Libra. This began on 17th July, 2023, and will continue for 18 months until 28th January, 2025.

North Node in Aries

The North Node in Aries represents our most carnal desires. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and it is known for tantrums and emotional outbursts (love you, Aries!). This is due to the fact that this sign represents our most humanistic passions. Competition is fierce and strong with this placement, and someone born with the North Node in Aries fights to be number one at all costs and at all times. When the North Node is in this sign, there can be selfishness and aggression that can lead to tempestuous behaviour and situations. Learning to coexist with others can be a lifelong journey!

South Node in Libra

The South Node in Libra is coming out of a cycle in which others are put first. This energy is often met with self-motivation, which can consume people who have this placement or people who are going through this transit. Patience and understanding is a lesson here, as well as not using emotional manipulation to get what we want. As long as we can be honest, then relationships can thrive and survive. However, shady tactics might bring us the temporary wins but aren’t sustainable.

The Nodes Calendar

North Node in Aries/South Node in Libra

  • 8th July, 1930 - 28th December, 1931

  • 27th January, 1949 – 26th July, 1950

  • 20th August, 1967 – 19th April, 1969

  • 7th April, 1986 – 2nd December, 1987

  • 27th December, 2004 – 22nd June, 2006

  • 17th July, 2023 – 11th January, 2025

North Node in Taurus/South Node in Scorpio

  • 29th December, 1928 - 7th July, 1930

  • 3rd August, 1947– 26th January, 1949

  • 20th February, 1966 – 19th August, 1967

  • 12th September, 1984– 6th April, 1986

  • 15th April, 2003– 26th December, 2004

  • 19th January, 2022 – 17th July, 2023

North Node in Gemini/South Node in Sagittarius

  • 17th April, 1927– 28th December, 1928

  • 4th December, 1945– 2nd August, 1947

  • 26th August, 1964– 19th February, 1966

  • 17th March, 1983– 11th September, 1984

  • 14th October, 2001– 14th April, 2003

  • 6th May, 2020– 18th January, 2022

North Node in Cancer/South Node in Capricorn

  • 27th October, 1925 – 16th April, 1927

  • 12th May, 1944 – 3rd December, 1945

  • 24th December, 1962 – 25th August, 1964

  • 25th September, 1981 – 16th March, 1983

  • 10th April, 2000 – 13th October, 2001

  • 7th November, 2018 – 5th May, 2020

North Node in Leo/South Node in Aquarius

  • 23rd April, 1924 – 26th October, 1925

  • 22nd November, 1942 – 11th May, 1944

  • 11th June, 1961 – 23rd December, 1962

  • 6th January, 1980 – 24th September, 1981

  • 21st October, 1998 – 10th April, 2000

  • 10th May, 2017 – 6th November, 2018

North Node in Virgo/South Node in Pisces

  • 23rd August, 1922 – 22nd April, 1924

  • 25th May, 1941 – 21st November, 1942

  • 16th December, 1959 – 10th June, 1961

  • 6th July, 1978 – 5th January, 1980

  • 26th January, 1997 – 20th October, 1998

  • 12th November, 2015 – 9th May, 2017

North Node in Libra/South Node in Aries

  • 8th February, 1921 – 22nd August, 1922

  • 1st January, 1940 – 24th May, 1941

  • 17th June, 1958 – 15th December, 1959

  • 8th January, 1977 – 5th July, 1978

  • 1st August, 1995 – 25th January, 1997

  • 19th February, 2014 – 11th November, 2015

  • 15th October, 2032 – 22nd May, 2032

North Node in Scorpio/South Node in Taurus

  • 16th August, 1919 – 7th February, 1921

  • 4th March, 1938 – 11th September, 1939

  • 5th October, 1956 – 16th June, 1958

  • 10th July, 1975 – 7th January, 1977

  • 2nd February, 1994 – 31st July, 1995

  • 30th August, 2012 – 18th February, 2014

  • 21st March, 2031 – 14th October, 2032

North Node in Sagittarius/South Node in Gemini

  • 14th February, 1918 – 15th August, 1919

  • 14th September, 1936 – 3rd March, 1938

  • 3rd April, 1955 – 4th October, 1956

  • 28th October, 1973 – 9th July, 1975

  • 2nd August, 1992 – 1st February, 1994

  • 4th March, 2011 – 29th August, 2012

  • 24th September, 2029 – 20th March, 2031

North Node in Capricorn/South Node in Cancer

  • 31st May, 1916 – 13th February, 1918

  • 9th Mar, 1935 – 13th September, 1936

  • 10th October, 1953 – 2nd April, 1955

  • 28th April, 1972 – 27th October, 1973

  • 19th November, 1990 – 1st August, 1992

  • 22nd August, 2009 – 3rd March, 2011

  • 27th March, 2028 – 3rd September, 2029

North Node in Aquarius/South Node in Leo

  • 25th June, 1933 – 8th March, 1935

  • 29th March, 1952 – 9th October, 1953

  • 3rd November, 1970 – 27th April, 1972

  • 23rd May, 1989 – 8th November, 1990

  • 19th December, 2007 – 21st August, 2009

  • 27th July, 2026 – 26th March, 2028

North Node in Pisces/South Node in Virgo

  • 29th December, 1931 – 24th June 24, 1933

  • 27th July, 1950 – 29th March 28, 1952

  • 20th April, 1969 – 2nd November 2, 1970

  • 3rd December, 1987 – 22nd May 22, 1989

  • 23rd June, 2006 – 18th December 18, 2007

  • 12th January, 2025 – 26th July 26, 2026

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