Your Ultimate 2024 Taurus Horoscope, as Predicted by a Celebrity Astrologer

Here's how celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas predicts the love lives, careers and intellectual pursuits for a Taurus will be impacted in 2024

Taurus 2024 Horoscope
Taurus 2024 Horoscope

Embrace the magic of 2024, Taurus!

Marking the second sign of the zodiac, falling after Aries and before Gemini, Taurus season spans from April 20 to May 20 each year.

Celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas tells PEOPLE exclusively that 2024 "brings many opportunities for all zodiac signs" in various facets of their lives — but for Taurus signs specifically, he says "you’re becoming more connected to synchronicities and the cosmic flow of the universe."


This is because "you’ve come through quite a period of rebirth," says Thomas — who's known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — noting that the change is especially evident "since the eclipses that began at the end of 2021."

Related: The Ultimate 2024 Horoscope Prediction Guide, According to Celebrity Astrologer Kyle Thomas

Thomas says "you likely have noticed that your life now looks very different since then," as you are "stepping into a bright, brilliant, and bold new era." Thanks to Jupiter, the planet of luck, he says Tauruses are in a "tremendously expansive and joyous phase of life" filled with fresh starts in 2024.

Among the areas he predicts will be impacted the most in 2024 include "true love and romance, creativity and passion, hobbies or sports, or even children and pregnancy."

Thomas' predictions derive from patterns based on "planetary movement," plus the stars' alignment with the sun and the moon. He says we will continue experiencing eclipses on the axis of Aries-Libra, so its corresponding themes "will be thrust center stage" regardless of your sign.


Read on for the ultimate 2024 Taurus horoscope, according to Kyle Thomas' predictions!

Taurus Love and Relationship Horoscope for 2024


While Jupiter is considered the planet of luck, Thomas says it's also known as the planet of miracles and expansion. It entered your zodiac sign in May 2023, which is why he says you’ve likely "enjoyed many new beginnings" ever since.

Until the end of May 2024, Thomas says you are the “crowned favorite” of the zodiac. Therefore, it's important to take advantage of what you want to build toward personally and professionally. "You must also seize the day and carve out your path," he says.

When Jupiter visits one’s zodiac sign, Thomas says people "tend to meet at least one soulmate." He adds that they may also "begin a whole new chapter" or "get engaged or married." The sky is the limit now, but Thomas says "you must be confident that you are ready to proceed."


Thomas predicts "one of the most significant periods of your entire life" is likely going to occur in the spring around April 20, when Jupiter unites with Uranus in your zodiac sign. This once-in-a-lifetime event "could bring radical and shocking events" that he says will be "more likely for the better."

The energy of this cosmic event "will be radiating throughout the entire weeks around this time," Thomas adds, so "keep your hopes high, take a few calculated risks and let your heart guide you!"

Related: All About January's Full Moon and What It Means for Your Zodiac Sign

Taurus' Family and Friendship Horoscope for 2024

Thomas says Saturn, the planet of strength and permanence, will "energize your sector of fulfillment" this year. This can "further help you buckle down to achieve a major lifelong goal," he adds.


While it might feel like your social circle is "thinning out," Thomas says you’re still likely "to be attracting powerful, deep, and mature friendships or forging deeper bonds with those who you choose to surround yourself with."

Taurus' Career and Productivity Horoscope for 2024


Thomas says 2024 "will bring a lot of momentum consistently throughout the year" on a professional level. The beginning may feel like a true grind, but he notes you could see "karmic shifts of fate around your employment, day job, or work projects" — especially in the spring and autumn, he adds.

"Some of you may leave one job to pursue another or polish off a major project that becomes a jewel in your crown," predicts Thomas.

As Pluto, the planet of intensity, moves further into your career sector, Thomas says it's "just the beginning of the powerhouse you are being groomed to become." He predicts many Tauruses could find they are "stepping up as a leader."

If you find that you're "not in the right industry" or your ambitions "are not aligning with your destiny," Thomas says "you may fully be reborn around your goals and go in an entirely new direction."

As for your finances, Thomas predicts you could have the touch "to attract wealth, income and luxury for the rest of the year" once Jupiter moves into your money sector in June. This could mean "more lucrative job offers and clients" for those who are employed or "more demand for their business" if self-employed.

"A milestone event could also put your name in lights in the middle or end of summer," adds Thomas. "So keep that on your timeline!"

Related: All About January's New Moon and What It Means for Your Zodiac Sign

Taurus' Health and Wellness Horoscope for 2024

Thomas says 2024 could see a focus on your diet, fitness goals, medications or physical and mental health "which encourages you to cut out anything that is ultimately not making you stronger."

"Your emotional energy could be quite intense at the end of the year," he adds, "So try to get everything done before the holiday season so you can lie low and just live in the moment."

Thomas' greatest suggestion? "Dream big this year, have fun and let your heart radiate like the sun!"

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Read the original article on People.