A Tribal Council Fight and a Huge Blindside! Who Went Home on 'Survivor 48' Tonight?

Survivor 48 truly hit the ground running, with people playing hard right out of the gate. And that attitude continued into the season's second episode. In less than five days, all three idols had been found, and two people came out of the first journey with advantages. And the gameplay continued to ramp up, with one player going from the power position to blindsided by their own alliance.

Check out spoilers about the premiere below and find out who was voted out.

Related: Everything to Know About Survivor 48

Who got voted off on Survivor 48 tonight?

Kevin LeungRobert Voets/CBS
Kevin LeungRobert Voets/CBS

Kevin Leung

When Kevin stepped foot on the Fijian beaches, it came as a culmination of decades of hard work. Unfortunately, his experience immediately subverted expectations when he dislocated his shoulder in the opening challenge, mere minutes into the game. Luckily, he was able to recover both physically and socially, earning his tribe supplies and a key middle man position on his tribe. While Kevin was locked in with Sai and the men, he was instantly leery of the danger she presented, especially in having an idol. When Vula lost yet another challenge, Kevin wanted to keep his ally Mary around, so he proposed to the men that they try to take out Sai while she's vulnerable. Little did he know, however, that in doing so, he himself came across as dangerous and untrustworthy, someone to put his own individual alliances above their group. Tribal Council was a dramatic back-and-forth with Sai and Mary, with either woman seemingly primed to go. But Kevin had no idea that his own court had deposed the self-proclaimed "King of Vula," bankrupting the financial analyst's plans of winning.

Related: What Really Happened in Survivor 48 Medical Emergency That Cameras Didn't Show (Exclusive)

Were any advantages found or played on Survivor 48 tonight?

Yes! First off, Star found the Beware Advantage for Lagi. While she chose to let nearly the entire tribe in on the hunt to help her crack the code, at this moment, she still has yet to unlock the codex containing the idol. Meanwhile, on Civa, Kyle found the Beware Advantage and, with his close ally Kamilla's help, he acquired his own idol. On the journey, both Thomas and Mitch were able to successfully complete their puzzle in the allotted time. Thomas received a "Steal-a-Vote" advantage, allowing him to steal the vote of any other player. Mitch, on the other hand, got a "Block-a-Vote" advantage, allowing him to prevent a player from voting at all.

Related: Meet the Full Cast of Survivor 48

Who is left in the game on Survivor 48?

Bianca Roses

Cedrek McFadden

Charity Nelms

Chrissy Sarnowsky

David Kinne

Eva Erickson

Joe Hunter

Justin Pioppi

Kamilla Karthigesu

Kyle Fraser

Mary Zheng

Mitch Guerra

Saiounia "Sai" Hughley

Shauhin Davari

Star Toomey

Thomas Krottinger

Related: 'Survivor 48's Stephanie Berger Reveals Who She Called Out in an Unseen Moment at Tribal Council (Exclusive)