tom hanks at a screening of 'captain phillips.'
tom hanks at a screening of 'captain phillips.'

Credit: Getty Images

Hanks introduced himself on the AMA in a humble fashion, telling users "I'm that guy in movies that sometimes can be seen more than once. In that I abhor self-promotion, I'll leave it to you guys to figure out what movies those are (hint: my next movie comes out October 11 )."

PHOTOS: Tom Hanks wasted pizza photos go viral

The movie Hanks is referring to is 'Captain Phillips,' a chilling tale of high seas piracy that opened in the US on Friday. Despite Hanks's humility, it's already garnering talks of a Best Actor Oscar nomination for his turn in the titular role.

Hanks... gone viral. Credit: Reddit

So, without further ado, we bring you Hanks' best AMA responses (alongside the questions submitted from users).I have always wanted to know, how many tries did it take to play heart and soul/chopsticks on that huge piano?

HANKS: That took all afternoon...

My question, how is Hooch doing?

HANKS: All the dogs who played hooch -- all four of them -- went to dog heaven.

If you can only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be ?'''

HANKS: The Japanese food seems good for you...

So, do you ever get emotional about yours or others' performances, or the [Forrest Gump] script? And I'm not talking about fake crying or anything.

HANKS: When LT. Dan introduced Forrest to his wife, with his titanium legs, i burst into tears...

I still have a polaroid of you and me from 1993/4 when you were filming "that thing you do" on my street and randomly asked the 11 year old kid on the set if you could use the bathroom in his house.

HANKS: Did you find my secret message?

If you were a Friends character, which would you be and why?

HANKS: The naked guy out the window across the back alley.

If you could go back in time to send one message to yourself at age 30, what would you say?

HANKS: Floss more often.

Were you ever rejected by a woman? How did that make you feel?

HANKS: Crummy. Very crummy.

Mr. Hanks, I think what we all need to know is this: What is your perfect sandwich?

HANKS: Ham and swiss on spelt. Mustard only and a bit of lettuce. No tomato!

How long do you think, would you really survive on an deserted island?

HANKS: Id make it a week and a half.

WATCH: the 'Captain Phillips' trailer

'Captain Phillips' opens locally on October 24.