19 People Who Just Straight Up Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Day Than You
1.The person whose truck is going to be a major factory at the LA Olympics in 2028:
2.The person who will henceforth be known as "Suburban Hulk":
3.The person who left a fun trail back to the grocery store:
4.The person whose car is for the birds:
5.The person who got the inside of their car detailed for FREE:
6.The person whose oven has transcended space and time:
7.The person who made this year's hottest and trendiest food:
8.The person whose fan fell ferociously from up high:
9.The person whose rear-end I am currently lighting a candle for:
10.The person who did not, in fact, scooch by:
11.The person whose toilet perished tragically:
12.The person whose car got a fresh, nice coat of paint:
13.The person whose dinner just got extra cronchy:
14.The person who's trapped in some sort of evil-Ratatouille situation:
15.The person who experienced an Italian nightmare:
16.The person who will now always be listening to music:
17.The person who got a little extra treat with their pastry:
18.The person who will never, ever trust a caterpillar again:
19.The person whose shake went boom: