Tell Us The Wildest Thing You Found Out About Your Family During A Deathbed Confession
There really is no weirder feeling than thinking you know everything about your family, and then all of a sudden, a family member shares some information with you and/or your family that completely changes all that.
And sometimes, that family member only shares that information because they're close to death and feel like they need to clear their chest. So, what I want to know is: What's a wild or life-changing thing that you learned about your family or a family member when someone was on their deathbed?
Maybe your grandma was always frugal and lived very modestly, but confessed that she had lots, lots, and lots of money in different savings accounts and bonds.
Perhaps your dad — who had raised you your entire life — told you that he was not your biological father.
Or, maybe your grandfather revealed that his "boring government job" was actually working for the C.I.A. and he did some not great things.
Or, perhaps your mom dropped the fact that she had actually been married to someone else before your dad, and that she had left that man because she was having an affair with your dad.
So, tell us what unexpected thing you found out during a deathbed confession in the comments below or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.