What's Officially Not Worth Your Hard-Earned Cash Anymore Because It's Gotten Too Expensive?

If there is one thing everyone seems to agree on, it's that everything has just gotten way too expensive.

Seth Meyers on a late-night talk show set, wearing a suit and tie, with the caption "ELEVEN GAZILLION DOLLARS."
Late Night with Seth Meyers / Via giphy.com

Now, at some point, it really starts hitting the wallet, and then suddenly, paying for certain things becomes not worth it. Which makes me want to know: What is something no longer worth paying for to you because of how expensive it has become?

A woman with a skeptical expression says,
A woman with a skeptical expression says,
A woman in a light robe with pink trim looks upset with the text
A woman in a light robe with pink trim looks upset with the text

Martin / Via giphy.com

Maybe you stopped going to concerts because, between the price of tickets, service fees, and the cost of parking, you just feel like it's way too expensive and not worth it.

Audience members with raised hands enjoy a live concert. Bright lights illuminate the stage
9parusnikov / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Perhaps you stopped buying your favorite snacks, not only because the price has gone up but also because you noticed the packaging has gotten smaller.

A supermarket aisle filled with various packaged snacks on the shelves, under bright fluorescent lights and arranged neatly
Hitra / Getty Images

Or, maybe you no longer buy fast food because it's almost as expensive as going to a casual sit-down restaurant.

A hand reaches out from a drive-through window to hand a brown paper bag to another hand extending from a car. The surrounding is dimly lit
Kmatija / Getty Images

Or, perhaps you got rid of some of the streaming services you used to subscribe to because the prices keep going up every year, and their content isn't even that good.

A hand holding a remote control is pointed at a TV screen displaying a video-on-demand menu showing various media options
Simpson33 / Getty Images

So, tell us what is no longer worth paying for because of how expensive it has gotten. Also, do you ever see yourself paying for it again in the future? Please leave it in the comments below or submit it anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.