Tell Me About A Family Recipe "Secret" That The Whole World Needs To Know About

There are so many ways to learn how to cook, whether it's by reading cookbooks, taking classes, watching YouTube videos, or scouring tips here on BuzzFeed. But some of our most fundamental cooking skills — the recipes and techniques we covet most — are the ones that have been passed down by family.

Seth Rogen, dressed in a casual suit, sits at a dining table filled with various foods, including chicken, macaroni, and cupcakes, looking surprised
Columbia Pictures

So I want to know: What's a great cooking tip or family recipe "secret" that you use in your own kitchen and think the whole world should know about?

Eric Stonestreet and Jesse Tyler Ferguson are in a kitchen cooking. Eric holds a pan while Jesse stirs a pot. Various ingredients are on the counter

Maybe your Italian grandmother makes the most amazing seafood linguine you've ever tasted. Turns out the "secret" to her craft is the recipe from the back of a can of whole baby clams.

A close-up of a dish featuring linguine pasta with clams, garnished with herbs and what appears to be breadcrumbs
San Francisco Chronicle / San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images

Or perhaps your dad's homemade macaroni 'n' cheese might as well be world-famous. But most people who try it and gush over it don't realize his key ingredient is actually Velveeta.

Baked mac and cheese cooling on a countertop in a metal pan, with a golden, crispy breadcrumb topping
Scott Sawbuck / Getty Images

Or perhaps your aunt taught you the trick for her amazing biscuits that taste bakery-quality: All you need are Bisquick biscuits rolled in Karo syrup. You've never attempted to make them any other way.

Four freshly baked biscuits are on a wooden cutting board with a rolling pin in the background
Rudisill / Getty Images

Or your family has passed down a special trick for caramelizing onions for generations: It's a splash of vermouth, which gives them even more flavor and speeds up the caramelization process.

A wooden spoon stirring caramelized onions in a cast iron pan on a wooden table
Mindstyle / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Whatever your favorite family cooking tip is, I want to hear about it. Tell us in the comments or drop it into this anonymous form. Your response could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post so that others can try out these coveted tricks and techniques.