Still Don't Feel the New Year? Here's When It'll Hit, Astrologically

According to our modern Gregorian calendar, the new year hit on January 1, 2025. However, astrology begs to differ.

When most life hibernates, lies dormant, or seeks rest, the middle of Winter is undeniably a time when we feel tired, burned out, or resist motivated pushes. We hear the cheers and jeers of a celebration, yet our spirit is weary, unsure how to muster the strength to dream and implement new goals.

If we work with astrological cycles, we're more likely to find successful timelines to align our New Year's intentions and desires. Until the Astrological New Year, sustaining or manifesting wildly determined energy is nearly impossible.

Read on to learn when the astrological new year is, what it means, and when you'll feel the 2025 energy, according to expert astrologers.


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When is the Astrological New Year 2025?

The astrological new year always aligns with the arrival of the Spring Equinox or when the Sun enters Aries. This year's Aries season arrives on March 20, 2025.

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According to Astrologers, Why Doesn't It Feel Like 2025 or The New Year?

The astrological new year begins on March 20, 2025. As soon as the Aries season arrives, you'll feel the magic renewal of this date—spring has sprung! Aligning with the cycles of nature, we're more likely to feel motivated, ambitious, and inspired. The Ram charges headfirst towards its instinctual yearnings, bringing courage and charisma and breaking out of stagnancy. We find this much-needed blank slate moment marked by the Spring Equinox.


Aries energy represents birth, youthfulness, and new beginnings. As the first zodiac sign, the Sun entering this Fire sign starts the journey through the 12 astrological seasons. Therefore, our new year's intentions, goals, aims, and strategic plans are more likely to pick up speed and swiftly manifest our ideals.

Given this insight, we won't likely feel aligned with the Gregorian calendar's demands to push harder and faster until then. Throughout February and mid-March, we're in the thick of introspective Winter and soul-searching, spiritually-gifted Pisces season. Until March 20 hits, do yourself a favor. Align with the wiser cosmos. Recover spiritually, heal emotionally, and release to make room for the upcoming blessings in the Astro New Year.

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