Stephen Colbert Has Stinging 3-Word ‘Answer’ To Chilling New Trump Report

Stephen Colbert spotted a frightening new Time magazine interview with Donald Trump in which the former president reveals what he would do with a second shot at the presidency in a cover story with the headline “If He Wins.”

“Answer: We are screwed,” Colbert fired back.

In the new interview, Trump said he’d be fine with states tracking pregnant women to ensure they don’t get abortions and that he would use local police and even the military in his immigration crackdown.

Trump also vowed to make better hiring decisions if he returns to the White House, saying he knows “everybody” now.

“I know the good, the bad, the stupid, the smart,” Trump told the magazine.

“You can just say ‘good’ and ‘smart.’ We already know you’re pretty tight with the ‘bad’ and the ‘stupid,’” Colbert said. “They’re your sons.”

See more in his Wednesday night monologue:
