Stephen Colbert Reveals How He Really Feels About All His Endless Trump Jokes

Stephen Colbert said he gets the same comment from a lot of viewers given how many jokes he makes about Donald Trump.

“As a late night host, people often say to me, ‘C’mon, part of you has got to want Trump to win because he gives you so much material to work with,’” Colbert said.

The “Late Show” host was pretty emphatic with his answer.

“No,” he said. “No. No one tells the guy who cleans the bathroom, ‘Wow, you must love it when someone has explosive diarrhea. There’s so much material for you to work with!’”

Colbert dislikes the “material” so much that at one point he tried not to even mention Trump by name. That started in 2020, after Trump falsely claimed he won the election. Colbert went some eight months without uttering it, instead using a series of snarky nicknames submitted by viewers.


Colbert said on Wednesday that Trump winning the election this week has put the “DUH” into “democracy.”

“In this democracy, the majority has spoken,” he noted. “And they said they don’t care that much about democracy.”

See more in his Wednesday night monologue: